Thursday, May 16, 2019

Remembering the Alamo Essay

This article is of course about the Alamo. It gives a in truth brief score of the battle at the Alamo and the characters that participated there. It momentarily mentions that there are now facts and history of the Alamo creation disputed among more(prenominal) historians today. This article also makes comments concerning the great influence The Alamo has had in todays culture, referring to the some(prenominal) productions based off this historic happening. Each time I remember the Alamo inspiration fills my chest. I mania to remember the great heroes that fought so brave and valiantly in the face of the opposition a untamed dictator (Santa Anna) and the oppression he could inflict. Many of the people that inhabited 2nd Chance Texas migrated there for to begin with one reason and one reason only a second chance.Most of them, having endured hard lives and relocating to a new country, terrain and lifestyle were not about to give up their God-given rights to a Mexican dictator. W hile many had the chance and opportunity to get the heck out of Dodge, they chose to stay and defend what was rightfully theirs and so they did. These brave men, guide by Travis, Bowie and Crockett, took a stand at the Alamo that will be remembered forever. They gave their lives not for greatness, though they earned that and more in the end, they gave their lives for what they lived for and that was to be free. We shouldnt argue or dispute over the noble and honorable history of these great men, doing so we taint there story with our ignorance. Not all of these men may pay back lived great, but all of them died great in the sight of ALL AMERICANS. REMEMBER THE ALAMO.

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