Friday, May 31, 2019

Mad Magazine: Its Success :: essays research papers

MAD Magazine Its SuccessMAD Magazine is a counter conclusion publication that was founded in the1960s by William M. Gaines. The magazine satirizes everything from populartelevision and entertainment, to important political issues and governmentleaders. Despite the fact that MAD contains no advertisements, it has flourishedfor more than triad decades and is still widely read today.     In todays media advertisement has become a necessary part of thebusiness, Ads fill the pages of newspapers, magazines, even comic books. In thisclip daybook project, I am attempting to determine why MAD Magazine has survivedover the years without the aid of advertisement.I have come up with three main(prenominal) factors that could explain MADs success.     The first factor that has made Mads survival over the years possible isits foundations. Its creation was during the sixties, when counter culture wasat its peak, a time when rebelling against "the dod ge" and not "selling out"were the ideals of popular culture. The fact that the magazine held within itscovers no advertisements catered to the ideal of not selling out, which drew afaithful audience.     The minute of arc factor is tradition. As is true with about MAD readers of mygeneration, My first encounter with the magazine was when I was a kid, goingthrough some old things of my fathers in the attic. I came across an old issueof MAD and became interested in it although I only understood a few of thesatires that it contained. It is a fact that most young people who read themagazine have parents who have read or still read it.

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