Friday, May 24, 2019

Amba 604

prime residence Improvement de Mexico, SA de CV advise mean Team Four Folasade Bamidele Alibaloye flush toilet C Caputo Garner Frederick Hixson Hector G Rosado AMBA 604, Section 9093 Professor Stewart February 6, 2004 altitude invent forge Table of Contents Section I. II. III. Executive Summary Introduction view Organization Organization chart advise Responsibilities Staffing jut outs IV. wariness Process Management Objectives Priorities Monitoring/Controlling Mechanisms V.Technical Process Plan Computing System cast Plan Modification Process estimator Usage Policies tress Guideline Support Project Acceptance Process Lessons Learned Documentation VI. Work Packages, Dependencies, Schedules & Budgets Work Packages Dependencies Project Budget Summary Tasks on the Critical data track Assignment Matrix 3 4 5 5 6 7 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 17 20 23 24 25 2 foliate VII. Appendix A Appendix B crest Project Plan I. Executive Summary altitude theme Improvemen ts has determined it essential that expansion into transnational markets pass endue immediately. circus tent Home Improvements has initiated a joint venture with local partners in Mexico urban center to form Acme Home Improvements SA de CV. The intent of this partnership is to gift Acmes first of all Do It Yourself (DIY) home improvement caudex outside of the United States, to meet the contest head on and establish a foothold in internationalistic markets. This document spells out our scheme for the take ins achievement. The throw aways admirer is the Acme chief executive officer, Alex R. Fitzgerald. This digest is the first step in his strategic initiative to expand Acme into international markets.Based on valuatements, it is exact that Acme SA de CV gross(a) the opening of this store in 12 months or less with a reckon of up to $7. 5 million. A key peril is Acmes lack of experience in international markets. As a result, we pass on rely heavily on our partner s to help us mitigate soft cultural issues and navigate local nuances of business. Because of the soft issues, remaining on order of business is a key device driver of pouch success. To mitigate risks to the ejections critical form, we take aim built sustenance buffers into the schedule, and added a project buffer to the project end.Our plan outlines staff responsibilities and a staffing plan for project execution. This staff has powerful support from integrated headquarters, a defined scope, budget, timeline, and 3 makees by which to execute the plan. Included in these processes is a structured change control process that mark offs changes atomic number 18 relevant, followed through and through, and controlled. In addition, this document, and the consequent project plan clearly identify dependencies that can impact project execution. We have separated these dependencies into mandatory, external, and discretionary dependencies (Schwalbe, 2004).Doing this has changed us to maximize scheduling efficiency. Acme SA de CV has an established technology infrastructure to draw upon. Our plan will leverage this technology through wireless local argona net engagements, corporate servers, and use of project management software. Fin all in ally, we will apply a feedback process to capture lessons learned for our future expansion into international markets. Acme Project Plan II. Introduction Acme Home Improvements de Mexico, SA de CV intends to build a 100,000 sq ft sell 4 facility in Mexico Distrito Federal (DF).This effort is part of Acmes strategy to expand into the international home improvement markets. Our Mexico City store will be the initial push into Mexico to meet our competitors head-on outside the United States. This project is critical to Acmes semipermanent strategy to expand beyond the US borders. Headquarters has allocated $7. 5 million to bang this task. Strategic alignment with Acmes long-term goals, experience with similar projects, and a n assessment of the competition dictates that we complete this project within 12 months. Our project is a joint venture with local entertains.The project will be challenging for Acme, with inherent risk laying in our inexperience in international joint ventures. Soft issues, cultural human resource issues will be as much of a driver of appeal and schedule as the hard issues worry planning and execution. It is critical to the success of this project, and perhaps the organizations international growth strategy, that this project be completed on time, and on budget. The organization anticipates possible schedule delays and cost all overruns due to cultural boldnesss and misunderstandings.Knowing that schedule delays will affect costs and international expansion strategy, we pay particular trouble to the projects critical path (see Appendix A, and the accompanying MS Project files network diagram view). To deal with these risks, the team up has built several feeding time-buffer s into the work disruption schedule, at cons evolvets along the critical path (Goldratt, 1998). A large project buffer has also been added to protect the end of the project. Attention to the safety buffers along the critical path will contribute to the teams successful execution of the project.This plan presents an overview of the project organization, including the teams organization chart, project responsibilities, and staffing plans. Next, the plan addresses the organizations management process related to this project. Managements objectives, priorities, Acme Project Plan and monitoring and control mechanisms are covered in this piece. The projects technical process plan is covered next, reviewing such things as the IT support and signposts for the project, processes for modification, and acceptance of the plan, and the process for documenting lessons learned on the project.Lastly, this plan discusses the work packages, dependencies, schedules and project budget. We aim with a look at the project organization plan. III. Project Organization Organizational map 5 Acme Home Improvements de Mexico Site Construction & Opening Project Organization Chart Prepared by jakes Tarea, Project four-in-hand buttocks Tarea Acme Projects Project Manager Sade Venda Acme Store Manager Anita Socio Acme Mexico HR Manager Donna Promueva Acme Mexico Marketing Fred Conde Acme pay Joe Martillo Construction Manager Maria Diseno Architectural affirmerThis organizational chart shows the authority and communications organization for the project. Every genius of the team members reports to the Project Manager. Team members are from distinguishable knowledge areas and each will contribute with their knowledge and skills to the project. Acme Project Plan Project Responsibilities Project Sponsor, Alex R. Fitzgerald, CEO Acme Home Improvements. Mr. Fitzgerald 6 has been CEO of Acme Home Improvements for 10 years. He passed with the company 25 years ago, working in one of the fi rst Acme Stores. He get under ones skined as a traditional department manager and worked his way up through Acmes chain.He attended business school at the University of Maryland University College. Mr. Fitzgerald has unsurpassed expertise in the DIY Home Improvement business and has lead Acme through an unprecedented period of growth. Mr. Fitzgerald has a strategic vision that mandates Acmes expansion into international markets. His high level of interest in this project cannot be overemphasized. His role as project sponsor is to take ultimate responsibility for the project. He moldiness sign off on the project charter, confirm successful closedown of project milestones, and provide leadership and support to the project manager.At a recent executive retreat, Mr. Fitzgerald commented, With the growth of technology, and productivity, the world has neer experienced the level of wealth and opportunity for homeownership that it is experiencing now. Our ability to remain competitive an d grow is completely dependent on our ability to expand into international markets. John Tarea, Project Manager John is in charge of managing the whole project, and the members that are in charge of the project activities. Also, he is in charge of working with the sponsor and any general people involved with the project.His role is important since he should be able to manage the problem in an effective manner for the project to meet its goal. Joe Martillo, Construction Manager Joe is in charge of managing the construction activities of the project. As a heavily tasked team member, project planners will watch for cons needts associated with this project resource. To enable Joe meet the construction project schedule, he has been allocated the necessary budget to contract discordant local trades-people and construction specialty firms. Acme Project PlanMaria Diseno, Architectural contractor Maria is the architect that researched 7 competitive stores in Mexico, became familiar with A cme store designs in the U. S. , and designed the store to be constructed in this project. Fred Conde, Acme Finance Fred is in charge of financial oversight of the project. He will assist team members in analyzing bids, projecting costs, and controlling expenditures. Sade Venda, Acme Store Manager Sade will be in charge of managing the store when it is operational. She will also collaborate with H. R. anager, Anita Socio, and Anitas staff in the recruitment, interviewing, and training of new employees. Anita Socio, Acme Mexico HR Manager Anita will be in charge of the recruitment effort and training of the personnel hired to work in the store. She will work nearly with the Store Manager. Donna Promueva, Acme Mexico Marketing Donna will collaborate with Maria Diseno and Sade Venda on the design and layout of the store interior, displays, and descent. She is to condition the store reflects the marketing strategy for the Mexico City market.She is in charge of performing local market analyses, selecting products, and invention merchandising, advertising and promotional efforts for the store. An assignment matrix can be seen in appendix B. Staffing Plan The following charts illustrate the projects staffing and training plans from three perspectives. The first graph presents baseline staffing plans, not taking into consideration feeding buffers that will in all probability push the material dates closer to the store-opening deadline of March 1, 2006. The second chart depicts preliminary training targets, and the third illustrates contractor staffing needs.Acme Project Plan 8 Acme Staffing Plan 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jan Mar May Jul Sept Nov Project Managers Acme- Accts, IT, Supt Lead Contractor Sub-Contractors Sub-Contractor Laborers Training Team in operation(p) Leads Department Heads Store Employees 1 Dec as opening goal Acme SA de CV Training 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jan Mar May Jul Sept Nov Training Team Functional Leads Department Heads Store Employees Acme Project Plan 9 Acme SA de CV Construction Team 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Jan Mar May Jul Sept Nov Lead Contractor Sub-Contractors Sub-Contractor LaborersNow that we have discussed the project staffing and responsibilities, we turn to the project management processes, including the objectives, priorities, and monitoring and controlling mechanisms of the project. Acme Project Plan IV. Managerial Processes This section of the project plan provides an overview of Acmes perspective of this 10 project from the point of view of the top managers. Included in this section will be a discussion of top managements objectives, priorities, Management Objectives The Acme de Mexico project has three primary objectives 1) Complete the six localise component education activities on time and at/below cost. ) Execute the Acme Mexico FD site opening with a staff fully trained and integrated into the company. 3) Leverage success in Mexico FD to expand and compete across the greater Mexic o. Priorities The first priority is completing the construction site on schedule. Operations must quickly assess the impact of unknown and unexpected circumstances as they occur. Delays to the schedule drive up our costs. The second priority, which becomes the first priority as the site nears completion, is the hiring and training of a store staff. The staff must be fully knowledgeable and fluent in Acmes processes and procedures.Monitoring/ Controlling Mechanisms Acme is new to Mexico and thus requires some very specific tools and techniques to ensure that we remain in control of the project. Given the add of variables that we whitethorn come up against in this project we will have a very strong change control process. This change control process will meet three main goals (Schwalbe, 2004) 1. Influence the factors that create change ensure that the change is beneficial and impact to time, scope, and budget is understood. 2. Determine that the desired change has occurred.Acme Pr oject Plan 3. Manage the changes as they occur trying to minimize the number of changes the project is subjected to. (p. 122). 11 There are specific criteria that will drive changes. Specifically, we have a management reserve pot set aside. The reserve will be called upon if our SPI move below 90%. The additional capital spent will be tightly focused upon the current problem and prevention of reoccurrence. Should both our SPI and CPI drib below 90% senior management will become involved to assess status and affect needed changes. V.Technical Process Plan Having now seen the projects organization plans and managerial process plans, we turn now to a few technical aspects of the project. This section describes the technical approaches to control and support this project. In it, we describe the technical processes and approaches relating to this projects reckoning system, computer usage policies, plan modification processes, construction guidelines, acceptance process, and documentat ion process of lessons learned. We begin with an overview of the computing system used to support the project.Computing System This project will utilize Acmes wide area network, via wireless access at the construction site, temporary office locations, and residences. Utilizing portable personal computers, the project manager and team will access the various project tools using MS Project, synchronizing local copies with the master file on the company server. Acme will utilize MS Project Server and MS Project Web Access features to allow project team members to view, collaborate, and update project information from various aloof locations and connections. All project plan outputs will be date and time stamped.Modifications to the plan will be tracked electronically, logging a record of who changed what, and when the changes were made. Acme Project Plan Project Plan Modification Process Only the Project Manager will be able to modify the schedule, budget, and the work 12 breakdown st ructure (WBS) portions of the work plan. Changes resulting in delays greater than five workdays or adding more than $5,000 to the budget estimate must be approved first by the project sponsor. All other changes may be made at the discretion of the project manager. Individual team members will be able to update task completion progress in the work plan.All changes must be requested on the following Change bespeak Form Change Request Form Project Name Date Request Submitted Title of Change Request Change Order Number Submitted by (name & contact information) Change folk Scope Schedule Description of change requested Events that made this change necessary or desirable. Justification for the change/why it is needed/desired to move/complete the project Impact of the proposed change on Scope Schedule Cost Staffing Risk Other Suggested implementation if the change request is approved requisite approvals Name/TitleCost Technology Other Date Approve/Reject (Schwalbe, 2004, p. 630) Comput er Usage Computer use will comply with Acme Home Improvement, Inc. s corporate computing policies, available online to employees on the company intranet. Employees can access the corporate intranet through the company server WAN, or over the Internet. Acme Project Plan Construction Guideline Support Standards for implementing the site construction will comply with Acme Home Improvement, Inc. s Construction Guidelines. Since the guidelines were developed for use in U. S. onstruction projects, however, the project team will consult Mexico City found law firm, 13 Goodrich, Riquelme y Asociados (anonymous, n. d. ). The team will coordinate activities related to zoning, environmental practices, and accord with other local and federal regulations with the law firm. Project Acceptance Process The project manager is responsible for obtaining sign-off from the project sponsor and project manager at each milestone, and at project completion. The following form will be used to document accep tance of the projectClient Acceptance/Project expiration Form Project Name Project Manager I (We), the undersigned, acknowledge and accept delivery of the work completed for this project on behalf of our organization. My (Our) signature(s) attest to my (our) arrangement that this project has been completed. No further work should be done on this project. Name Title Signature Date 1. Was this project completed to your satisfaction? Yes No 2. Please provide the main reason for your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with this project. 3. Please provide suggestion on how our organization could improve its project delivery capableness in the future. Schwalbe, 2004, p. 633) Lessons Learned Documentation Acme Project Plan The project manager is responsible for completing a summary of lessons learned throughout the project. The lessons will be documented on the form below, added to Acme Home Improvements repository of project lessons learned, accessible through the company intranet. Lesson s Learned Report Prepared by Project Name Project Sponsor Project Manager Project Dates Final Budget 1. Did the project meet scope, time, and cost goals? 2. What was the success criteria listed in the project scope statement? . Reflect on whether or not you met the project success criteria. 4. In terms of managing the project, what were the main lessons your team learned? 5. Describe one example of what went right on this project. 6. Describe one example of what went wrong on this project. 14 7. What will you do differently on the next project, based on your experience working on this project? (Schwalbe, 2004, p. 624) VI. Work Packages, Dependencies, Schedules and Budgets Work Packages The seven major activities of which Acmes construction project consists, involve various work packages.By definition, work packages are tasks at the lowest level of the work breakdown structure or WBS (Schwalbe, 2004). The preparation of the site and laying of the world is the first course in the con struction process. The foundation is the most important part of construction and requires a substantial amount within the apportioned budget for construct materials, as well as time. This stage involves the preparation of the site, which may involve some weeding, smoothing and sectioning, before the laying of the sewer pipes, concrete slabs and the sectioning of drainageAcme Project Plan 15 gutters. These different tasks are altogether estimated to take a conglomeration of about 50 days, a little over 5 weeks or over a month. Factored into the time is the acquisition of the necessary materials and labor. The next step is the structure of the walls, floor and roof of the structure. Once the foundation is underway, the next step is to kickoff building the actual store structure. This involves several work packages including the framing of the floor and walls, and the construction of the roof of the building.The carving out of the different sections of the store, such as the office s, break rooms, glasshouse and bathrooms also occur here. The estimated time here is about 45 days. The habituation here is of the Finish to Start type (Schwalbe, 2004), which necessitates that the construction of the walls, floors and so on will not take off before the completion of the foundation. Since these construction work packages are on the critical path, and the construction resources could become a constraint, we inserted a fifteen-day feeder buffer to ensure any delays in the critical path construction activities do not delay the rest of the project.Next is the installation of the electrical and plumbing fixtures. Pipes are run through the building at this point for water outlets at designated spots, including the break rooms and bathrooms. Plumbing fixtures such as water closets, toilets, sinks and drinking fountains are installed. Electrical work is being done at this point, with the installation of wiring, cabling, outlets, the installation of electrical generators, and subsequently the connection to service for both electricity and water. Work here is slated for a total of 45 days.Building construction wraps up with the finishing of the interior, and the stocking of inventory. Here, the necessary dry walling, painting and finishing is applied to the interior of the building, thereafter, the interior decorators take up the job of smoothing and designing to the specifications provided. Other work packages at this point are floor planning for product location and shelf arrangement. The last part of the interior is the stocking of the shelves with products after all interior fixtures have been tested for safety and durability. Acme Project Plan 16The building of the garage is not directly dependent on most of the forego processes up to this point, but does necessarily occur after the preparation for the site has taken place. So, this portion of the project starts after the foundation for the site has taken place and the adjacent wall has been er ected. The construction of this, like the main building, will involve installation of the garage foundation and the framing of its walls, which are then painted, and ending with the bulls eye of parking spaces. The schedule for finishing the store and the garage allows for 155 days, which includes another feeding buffer of twenty days.Acmes construction plan includes an outer garden, and landscaping for this is for 10,000 full-strength feet. This activity will involve the landscaping of the already sectioned area, which entails the layering with soil, rock and concrete slab placing as designed sidewalk installation and finally, the planting of selected plants and flowers. This is scheduled for a total of 40 days. This time takes into consideration the various needs of the selected plants and the time needed to ready the soil for planting. Throughout these activates, the marketing and promotion planning proceeds.Scheduled to fold as the store becomes ready for opening, the marketi ng work package begins with an analysis of the market, including a competitive analysis, a consumer analysis, and an analysis of Acmes strengths and opportunities in the market. Next, the project calls for the development of a product, pricing, and promotion plan. Last comes preparation of the merchandising, advertising, and grand opening promotion plan. These marketing activities are scheduled to take 180 days, but they do not reconcile on the critical path, nor do they require resources that appear at risk of being a project constraint.The last order of the project is to hire and train the employees for each of the departments. This process will involve the advertisement of vacancies. It will also involve a selection process of interviewing, checking of references and candidate consideration. The training may likely be done in groups and will entail customer service dynamics and necessary need-to-know information on products being sold. This takes time and has been scheduled to A cme Project Plan take 65 days, twenty of which are a feeding buffer at this potential constraint along the critical path for a timely store opening.Dependencies Work on the site is dependent upon several things and based on several assumptions. There is an assumption that we have a specific piece of commercially zoned real estate selected 17 and purchased. There is also the assumption that we have, in hand, the required permits to begin construction and open for business. Acme could not begin the joint venture with its local partners without these items in hand. We would rely heavily on our partners knowledge of local and regional governmental processes and procedures. Our 12-month timeline could not start until this initial hurdle was cleared.With permits in hand, construction could begin. The mandatory dependencies are such that a natural progression of events must occur for the completion of the structure. Each event is a unique task, however, many are highly dependant on other a ctivities. Certain tasks, like laying the foundation, have finish-to-start relationships with their predecessors. The foundation cannot be poured, obviously, until the site is cleared, leveled, and otherwise cultivated. Other activities, like establishing a mobile construction site office, can start simultaneously with another activity, such as beginning to prepare the site, but no sooner.This would be an example of a start-to-start relationship. Of course, other dependencies are also possible. Some tasks must finish along with other activities, while others must finish before another can start. Following is a look at dependencies in the project. As already mentioned, the site must be ready before the foundation can be laid. Similarly, construction of the walls and floors is dependant upon the foundation being established first. Another finish to start settlement involves building the roof. The walls must be absolute before a roof can be constructed.Any delay in completing the w all will push back the start of constructing the roof. A feeding buffer is inserted at this point on the critical path to guard Acme Project Plan against slippage on the project schedule by the construction resource, which is used heavily at this point of the project. Likewise, the walls must also be constructed before wires and plumbing can be run 18 throughout the building. Wiring is designated as having a start to start dependency with installing the generator and electrical circuit boxes. Installing the electrical fixtures, however, is dependant on three predecessors being completed first.Wires must be run, walls must be dry-walled, and electrical service must be established with the utility provider. Much like the electrical fixtures, plumbing fixtures cannot begin to be installed until the pipes have been run, drywall installed, and water service established with the utility provider. Finishing the interior presents another series of finish to start dependencies. Walls and roo f must be up before they can be dry-walled. The dry wall must also be installed before they can be painted. Painting is a necessary precedent to installing the shelves and display units.Since these activities fall on the critical path where resources are close to being overloaded, an additional feeding buffer is added here. If any of the string of finish to start dependant activities falls behind schedule, the feeding buffer will help maintain the project schedule. Stocking the inventory cannot begin until the interior is finished. We, therefore, have another finish to start dependency. The construction of the garage is a task that would drive how much inventory we can handle, take for granted it is used partly to store inventory.With the interior complete we could stock a certain amount of inventory but the garage would have to be complete before we could finish taking pass of our entire inventory. This would really be a both an external dependency and discretionary dependency. I t is a discretionary dependency in that we could stagger our inventory ordering to take receipt based on how the store is completed. If for, example the lights take the longest to receive, from an inventory perspective, we could stagger the completion of the Acme Project Plan 19 interior portion of the structure.We could order our lighting inventory while completing a different areas interior first and stock it, then come along and finish the interior of our lighting department in time to take receipt of the inventory. It is also an external dependency because we do not control the timetable that our suppliers deliver on. There is inherent risk in setting up a just-in-time approach to taking receipt of inventory. If, for example, our write out of wiring for electrical instillation is unstable or unpredictable, we may not be able to wire-up our lighting department in time to take receipt of our staggered inventory order.The extent of discretionary dependency that we establish is con tingent on our tolerance for risk. Completion of paving and landscaping is purely discretionary. We could build the parking dish out and landscaping almost entirely independent of the rest of the project but it would not make much sense. This task must simple be finished prior to opening the business. Most of our vendors would need the paving completed for access to the property. It would be a start-start for our inventory.It seems sensible to pave the parking lot simultaneously with paving the garage, making this a start-to-start dependency with pouring the garage concrete. Hiring and training employees is both a discretionary and external dependency. At a macro-level it is externally dependent upon the retail and construction job market in Mexico City, it we hire, rather than contract for, construction workers. If the construction market is soft in Mexico City in the window where we are to hire employees, it is likely we will have many applicants with construction expertise apply ing for work, in an effort to supplement their incomes.If the construction market is brisk when we are to hire, we may have a harder time finding experienced construction labor. Acme Project Plan 20 As a discretionary dependency, we can begin hiring and training when we deem best. While it is optimal to train most of the floor employees in a fully stocked facility that is nearly operational, we could train the plaza of the stores management/ department heads at one of our American stores.It would be desirable for these new managers to see how a fully functional store runs and meet with US counterparts to gain lessons learned. Acme SA de CV will groom promising managers at its Mexico City site to open new stores across Mexico, so it is to our advantage to train new managers as early as possible. Having discussed the work packages, and task dependencies in the project, we turn now to a breakdown of the $7. 5 million project budget. Project Budget Acme Home Improvements de Mexico, SA de CV 12 Month Construction Budget DIRECT COST DESCRIPTION 1.Construction Materials Temporary Utilities/Rentals Excavation / Blasting Footings / waste pipe Foundation/Waterproofing Retaining Walls Underground Utilities Trenching, Backfill, Rough Grading Concrete Slab City Water / Well & Pump City toilet / Septic System Sewer/Septic/Underground Connections City Water/Underground Connections Gutters and Downspouts Interior Masonry Rough Framing Materials Structural Steel Trusses Lumber &Other wood types Plumbing fixtures kindle System HVAC Electrical Lighting, Cabling, etc.Electrical Generators SUBTOTALED AMOUNT 1 Acme Project Plan Exterior Stairs Rough Framing Labor Roofing materials Windows & Exterior Doors garage Framing Garage Doors Exterior Stucco Exterior Siding/Masonry Exterior Painting Insulation Sheetrock/Taping Vanities Cabinets Interior Trim Interior Doors Hardware Bolts, screws, cords, etc. Carpentry Landscaping Soil Granite / Rocks Plants Walkway Slabs Interior Shelv ing units Equipment rental Safety Equipment Other Total Materials Cost 2.Overheads and Other Costs Personnel salaries Direct Project Workers Consultants / Professionals Administrative personnel Construction Laborers Accommodation Travel Utilities (Phone, electricity, water) Supplies (Stationery, postage, printing, etc. ) Insurance (Workers Compensation) Teachers / Trainers Other Total Overheads and Other Costs 3. Inventory & Labor Costs transferral Products Truck rentals Loading & Off loading Other Labor Duties (Customs & Excise) Total Inventory Costs 40% or USD 3. 0 million 3 20% or USD 1. 5 million 2 40% or USD 3. 0 million 21 Acme Project Plan 2 Considerations 1 The percentages and USD estimates are based on a USD 7. 5 million budget. Wages and Salaries may vary significantly, especially with the current exchange rate of 1USD = 11. 1345 MXN and the difference in the cost of living between both countries. This is cheaper in Mexico and since most labor used will be local, the cos t of it may be lower than estimated. 2 3 It is possible that the cost of inventory may vary from the above stated due to considerations such as delays and pressures of delivery, but with more of a leaning towards an increase.Assumptions The assumption of the total cost for construction materials is derived from the size of the facility to be built and all that will be required to build it, with a sizeable amount of the cost gong towards the materials for the foundation and walls. Mainly personnel wages and salaries rule the total budget amount for the overheads, with a majority of this going to the professionals or experts in charge of various sections of the project. The total number of people working on this project, aside from its management committee, is estimated to be in the neighborhood of 78.The division is as follows approximately 60 for all construction activity and interior work. Among these, professionals are estimated to be five, with a distribution of 1 garage expert, 2 interior designers and 2 building experts. Approximately eight for landscaping duties, with one professional among them. Approximately 10 company professionals for the initial hiring and training of employees. The products to be for inventory will likely cost about as many dollars as the construction effort, if not more, due to shipping, handling and the payment of duties on them. Acme Project Plan VII.Summary Acme Home improvements international expansion strategy begins with this project. The 23 companys joint venture in Mexico City, will lead to the companys first store outside the United States. Within 12 months, and $7. 5 million, the project team is expected to plan, locate, construct, and open the companys first international home improvement store. This plan provided an overview of the project organization, management processes, technical processes, work packages, dependencies, schedules and project budget. Accompanying this document is a MS Project work plan, and Projec t Charter.We believe the information contained in these documents lay out a realistic plan to enable Acme Home Improvements to successfully open its first store outside the U. S. By executing the plan above, we believe Acme can complete this strategically critical project on time and on budget. Acme Project Plan Appendix A 24 Tasks on the Critical Path Task Prepare site Lay foundation Site & Foundation Ready Build walls Construct roof feeding Buffer Install floors ironical Wall Paint Feeding Buffer Stock Inventory Duration 40d 10d 0d 15d 5d 15d 10d 10d 10d 20d 10d Start Finish Dependncy 3 4 6 7 8 9 22 23 25 26 27FF 37 38 39 40 Resource Construction Concrete & Paving Joe Martillo Construction Construction John Tarea Concrete & Paving Drywall Painters John Tarea Stock Workers Joe Martillo Human Resources John Tarea Human Resources Anita Socio John Tarea Mon 2/28/05 Fri 4/22/05 Mon 4/25/05 Fri 5/6/05 Fri 5/6/05 Mon 5/9/05 Fri 5/6/05 Fri 5/27/05 Mon 5/30/05 Fri 6/3/05 Mon 6/6/05 Fri 6 /24/05 Mon 6/27/05 Fri 7/8/05 Mon 7/11/05 Fri 7/22/05 Mon 7/25/05 Fri 8/5/05 Mon 8/8/05 Mon 9/5/05 Fri 9/16/05 Mon 8/8/05 Fri 9/2/05 Fri 9/16/05 Fri 9/16/05 Fri 9/16/05Interior Finished & Inventory Stocked 0d Recruit, interview & hire employees 30d Feeding Buffer Train employees Employees Hired & Trained Project Buffer 20d 15d 0d 82d Mon 9/19/05 Fri 10/14/05 Mon 10/17/05 Fri 11/4/05 Fri 11/4/05 Fri 11/4/05 Mon 11/7/05 Tue 2/28/06 Note Feeding buffers have been inserted along the critical path where resource constraints exist, and a project buffer has been added to protect the end of the project. Acme Project Plan Appendix B Responsibility Assignment Matrix Responsibility Assignment Matrix for Acme Home Improvements de Mexico Site Construction and Opening Project 25Prepared by John Tarea, Project Manager Date 2/5/05 1. 1 Joe Martillo Donna Promueva Anita Socio Construction Concrete & Paving Electricians Plumbers Drywall Painters Stock Workers Landscapers Human Resources P R 1. 2 R 2. 1 R 2. 2 R 2. 3 R 3. 1 R 3. 2 R 3. 3 R 3. 4 R 3. 5 R 3. 6 R 3. 7 R 3. 8 R 4. 1 R 4. 2 R 4. 3 R 5. 1 6. 1 R 6. 2 R 6. 3 R 7. 1 R 7. 2 8. 1 8. 2 R R R P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P R P R = Responsible for task P = Performing task P Acme Project Plan Resources Anonymous. (No Date). Mexico business opportunities and legal framework. Retrieved February 4, 2005 from http//www. exico-trade. com/firm. htmlgra. Anonymous. (No Date). Mexico business opportunities and legal framework. Retrieved February 4, 2005 from http//www. mexico-trade. com/sense. htmlzon. Goldratt, E. (1998). Critical chain. Great Barrington, MA The North River Press. Hampton Group, The. (2001). PMTalk newsletter. The project management knowledgebase http//www4pm. com. Retrieved February 3, 2005 from http//www. 4pm. com/articles/PMTalk07-24-01. pdf. Rigby, Ken (2003). Technical Management a pragmatic approach. 2nd Edition. Retrieved February 3, 2005 from http//home. btconnect. om/managingstandard/techman. ht m. 26 Reed Construction Data. (2004). RSMeans preliminary cost estimate. Retrieved January 29, 2005 from http//www. firstsourceonl. com/Means/members/result. asp? prname=&project=300&gsf=100000&zip=&Calculate. x=24&Calculate. y=2&Calculate= submit. Schwalbe, K. (2004). Information technology project management (3rd ed. ). Boston Course Technology. State of Texas, Department of Information Resources. (2003, April 17). Planning guideline Template project development plan. Retrieved February 2, 2005 from http//www. dir. state. tx. us/eod/qa/planning/projplan. htmtechplan.

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