Friday, May 17, 2019

Environmental Health Essay

What is Environmental Health? Environmental health is the branch of public health that is concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment that may affect human health. It also refers to the possibleness and practice of assessing and controlling factors in the environment that can potentially affect health. Environmental Health is the line of merchandise of science that studies how the environment influences human health and disease. Environment, in this context, means things in the natural environment interchangeable aura, water and soil, and also all the physical, chemical, biological and social features of our surroundings.The man-made, or built, environment includes physical structures where people brook and work such as homes, offices, schools, farms and factories, as well as community systems such as roadstead and transportation systems, land use practices and waste management. Consequences of human alteration to the natural environment, such as air polluti on, are also parts of the man-made environment. The social environment encompasses lifestyle factors like diet and exercise, socioeconomic status, and other societal influences that may affect health. The Media of Environmental Hazards Air, water and food are the major environmental media or vectors through which exposure to hazardous environmental agents occur.Environmental hazards The major environmental hazards and their relative importance in various environmental settings. Chemical agents pesticides, VOCS, and PCBS Physical agents ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, vibration, temperature, and noise. Biological agents infectious and allergic disorders fundamental interaction between hazardous exposures and humans Four characteristics critical to exposure assessment Route ( Inhalation, Ingestion, Dermal) Magnitude (Concentration or Dose) Duration ( Minutes, Hours, Days, Lifetime) Frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Seasonally) All of the environmental media are possibl e exposure routes, and should be considered in a risk assessment. Humans have access to environmental toxicants by contaminated food, drinking contaminated water, and vivacious contaminated air

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