Saturday, September 7, 2019

Types of employee motivation Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Types of employee motivation - Dissertation Example Motivating the human resource works towards achieving higher efficiency in their services (Changing Minds, 2011). Research reveals that a highly motivated employee has a greater productivity than an employee who is not so motivated. Thus organisations implementing employee motivation strategies are deemed to perform better than those without such practices. This project aims to identify the different ways of motivating employees in organisations in Saudi Arabia. Its main focus is to identify the factors which help to motivate employees. The company chosen for the purpose of the project is Saudi Telecom Company (STC), which holds the top most position in the telecommunications sector in Saudi Arabia. The research conducted for the purpose is by using the questionnaire. The questions are aimed towards the employees of the organisation to find out their views about the motivational factors which would enhance their work productivity. The results following from the questionnaire have bee n presented as research findings in the project. Finally, it provides strategies which should be developed by the organisations which would motivate its staff towards enhancing their productivity. About the Company (Saudi Telecom Company- STC) The company was established in 1998 after being approved by the â€Å"Council of Ministers’ Decree No. 213† (STC, 2011) to establish under the name of STC. It is considered to be the leading telecommunication service provider in Saudi Arabia. It has been continuously working towards meeting its customer requirements, keeping up with the changing technologies and going with the market trends. The company underwent change in its strategy from that of a government system to standards of commercial business. This transition comprised of internal reorganisation, staff development, re-skilling, changing the company’s internal process, restudying its customer requirements and at the same time continuing to undertake its corporate responsibilities (STC, 2011). This company has been chosen for this study because it has been working towards changing its strategies which would necessarily involve restructuring its human resource practices, of which motivation is an important component. Research and Analysis Research Statement The research statement is as follows- What factors are used in organisations of Saudi Arabia for motivating its employees? STC or the Saudi Telecom Company has been chosen for the study and choice of this firm is done purely on the basis of judgement. The research question would allow for designing the most appropriate motivational mix by the management of the organisation. Aim of the Study The research aims to identify the different ways of motivation that are practiced in the firms of Saudi Arabia. It finds the different views proposed by employees of the company. This is done by conducting a primary research on the subject. A secondary research component would also be present to get a m ore comprehensive view on the subject. The literature review would be developed using secondary research techniques. It would include the use of books, journals and scholarly articles. The primary research techniques would be primarily based on the use of questionnaire. The questionnaire method would be followed. The responses following from the method would be collected,

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