Friday, September 20, 2019

Analysing Person Centred Planning

Analysing Person Centred Planning The articles used in this annotated bibliography focus on person-centred planning and they explain the steps involved in devising the plan and ensuring that it is carried out. It describes all of the significant topics necessary to a plan; a few examples are wills and estate planning, the Henson Trust and individualized funding. The articles focus on the fact that people with developmental disabilities should have the same rights and same choices as the rest of the population and be a causal member of their community and society as a whole. Person-centred planning places complete control of the planning process and on the person with the disability. However, it offers assistance and pertinent information to the person, so that he or she is able to make informed decisions independently. Individualized Funding: Vision, Rights and Principles. (1997, June 8,9). Retrieved January 18, 2011,from Individualized Funding Information Resources: bsalisbury/IF%20%20Visions,%20 Rights%20%20Princi ples.htm This article represents and defines the goal of individualized funding (IF). It inspires people who need support to become dynamic and full participators of society, to having individual access to the services elected by them. This empowers them to live independent lives, as set out by the individualized funding. Individualized funding offers resources which persons consider significant in order to contribute as a citizen of society. Individualized funding is payable solely to the individual who needs support or trusted representative and focuses on the needs of the person. IF is also transferable in and across regional borders, ministries and departments of government.Advantages of IF are that it is not based on privilege or assessment, nor does it regulate funding limits by classifications or categories. Individualized funding is also concentrated on the funds an individual needs for community living. However, the needs do include well-being, safety, mobility and citizenship. This article is extremely encouraging to people who need support, as it delivers the message of community living through choices, and strives to develop a community, which is inclusive of all people. Planning Tools and Techniques. (2003). Retrieved January 21, 2010, from The Special Needs Planning Group: http://www.specialneedsplanning .ca/tools.html##h The Henson Trust originated in Guelph, Ontario in the early 1980à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s by a man named Leonard Henson who had a daughter with a developmental disability. It is also referred to as Absolute Trust and Discretionary Trust. This article covers the explanation and the history of the Henson Trust. It was begun so that people with developmental disabilities could retain their assets as well as preserving their ODSP benefits when they become the beneficiary of a will. Keeping their assets allows more financial freedom to choose where and how they would like to live. The article does not refer to whether or not the Henson Trust is limited to the parents of a person with a disability. However, it does offer an irreplaceable description of the Henson Trust and the story of how it became. Through perseverance and love for his daughter, one man created the Henson Trust, which today benefits all people with disabilities by preserving their right to keep their assets whi le receiving ODSP benefits. Wills for people with an intellectual disability. (2004, September). Retrieved February 13, 2011, from Intellectual Disability Rights Service: /pubs/for-pwid.html This article contains information on wills, and the fact that everyone has the right to choose if they want one, including people with an intellectual disability. There are a lot of choices and decisions to be made when an individual desires a will. The article addresses all people, and contains additional information for persons with an intellectual disability who would like a will. The article describes the steps that lead to the writing of a will, explains additional steps, which a person with an intellectual disability needs to take, such as having a formal assessment of capacity performed on them, to decrease the possibility of the will being contested once the will maker is deceased. A formal assessment of capacity would prove that the will maker fully understood what he or she was doing at the time the will was drawn up and signed. Due to the abundance of information just mentioned, I do not feel as though this article is missing any pertinent information regarding wills and e state choices. Daegher, L. (2007). Planning for the Future: People with a disability. Retrieved January 20, 2011, from Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs: /sa/carers/pubs/Documents/ PeopleWithDisability /Planning_for_the_Future.pdf This article contains invaluable education on Future Planning for a people with developmental disabilities. While planning for a family member with a developmental disabilitysà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ future, it is imperative to realize the aspirations and dreams of the person, along with the hopes of the family in this matter. This helps to create a view of how her or his future may be, and develop a scheme to carry it out. Locating information to support them in making choices may be restricted to lawyers and financial planners, who lack experience and knowledge in future planning for a person with a developmental disability. The planning should be inclusive of all the family membersà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ needs, presently and in the future, while staying focused on the needs of the individual with the developmental disability, and including and valuing their insight and opinions. The article is very informative and offers a lot of advice and freedom of choice t o the person with the disability as well as his or her family. OBrien, J., Pearpoint, J. (1946). Person Centered Planning With Maps and Path: A Workbook for Facilitators. Toronto: Inclusion Press. This article explains what maps and paths are and how they relate to person centred planning. Maps and Paths are a means of recuperating lost dreams and providing hope and choices by bringing people together to envision and act upon having meaningful and productive futures. Maps and Paths is spiritual, which is why it cannot be bureaucratized, and is used to help all persons. Person centred planning requires facilitators to sincerely listen to individuals hopes and fears. Maps and Paths places control on the individual, as long as it is ethical. The article is simple to understand very descriptive of what Maps and Paths is, when we use it, (an example is when we experience challenges in life and need support), and the fact that it has more than one definition to it. It focuses on the facilitators sharing power with people rather than trying to exhibit power over them. Maps and Paths vision addresses the individuals. Byrnes, F. (2011). Philosophy of Developmental Disabilities Services. Retrieved February 11, 2011, from Article Doctor Health and Fitness Articles: developmental-disabilities/philosophy-of- developmental -disabilities-services-1679 This article portrays Competence and the importance of it in regards to persons with developmental disabilities. Developmental disabilities services follow a certain viewpoint, which helps an affected person to live a better life. Broadly speaking, the attitude of Developmental disabilities services is generally constant with a set of governing principles and the guiding principles of service. Among the governing principles of most such services is one, which says that persons with developmental disabilities will be able to communicate to their families, friends and communities according to their choice. Affected persons should be as independent as possible and be in a position to regulate the course of their own lives. People with developmental disabilities must be provided the chance to make choices in life that do not undermine their health and safety, and such choices must always be valued and respected. These foremost principles form the basis of philosophy of most development d isabilities services. The guiding principles that are followed for serving affected persons also play a key role in determining the philosophy of developmental disabilities services. Individualization highlights on an affected persons self-esteem, which can be developed by safeguarding respect, by making them contribute expressively to their living and community environment. The basic philosophy followed by Developmental disabilities services also includes the following ideas that people with developmental disabilities must have the same rights, privileges, opportunities and responsibilities as other members of the community. A Person Centered Organization. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2011, from Compass Coordination Inc.: /index.html This story of leadership is about Compass Coordination Inc. Their person-centered initiative is an international effort to support organizations in having better outcomes for the people they support. Through contribution in the creativity, organizations learn how to apply person centered thinking skills to the lives of people supported and in the practices of the organization, using coaches groups and leadership groups to classify barriers and facilitate changes within system. Compass participates in the initiative in a number of ways. Compass is working with stakeholders and within organizations to design and implement practices that grip person-centered thinking and planning and practice across the service delivery system. Members of their leadership team are working with other leaders to become skilful at using person-centered tools. Since their inception, Compass has held certain person-centered practices as central to our core values. Mount, B. (2011). What is a Circle of Support. Retrieved February 26, 2011, from Child- Autism-Parent-Cafe: http://www.child-autism-parent This article contains specific information on what a Circle of Support is. A circle of support is a group of people interested in getting together to assist a focal person enhance and expand his or her life by helping to reach key personal goals. Persons with limitations have traditionally been excluded from meaningful relationships and experiences in the community that encompasses them. However, everyone learns and expands their worlds through family, friends and experiences. Circle members provide new and creative trails and networks to increasing experiences in the community, like suitable and stable employment, a safe and healthy place to live, transportation, recreation and exercise and opportunities to communicate with a caring person, etc. The point to remember is that persons with developmental disabilities miss out on the simple daily human contacts and pleasure we all enjoy. Consider the following to help select members for our individuals: Think about all the people involv ed in their life and who are the people that are closest, these are the people you should invite to the planning meeting. Each member determines his or her own interest and commitment. What is SIS. (2011). Retrieved February 16, 2011, from American Association On Intellectual and Developmental Disibilities: /cs/product_info This article defines the Supports Intensity Scale and levels of support for individuals with a developmental disability. The Supports Intensity Scale is a calculation tool that evaluates practical support requirements of a person with an intellectual disability. Available in print and electronic formats, SIS contains of an interview and profile form that tests support needs in multiple areas. SIS is wide-ranging and employs the consumer in a positive interview process. The assessment is done through an interview with the individual, and those who know the person well. SIS measures support needs in the areas of home living, community living, lifelong learning, employment, health and safety, social activities, and protection and advocacy. The Scale ranks each activity according to frequency. Traditionally, a persons level of developmental disability has been measured by the skills the individual lacks. SIS shifts the focus from lacks to needs. The Scale assesses practical supports peop le with developmental disabilities need to lead independent lives. The SIS should be administered by a professional in the human services field. An overview of the Passport Initiative. (2008). Retrieved February 13, 2011, from Developmental Services Toronto: /Passport_Initiative_brochure.pdf This article promotes the Passport to Community Living. Passport to Community Living is funded by the Ministry of Community and Social Services to support adults who have a developmental disability, who have left school, and require supports to partake in community activities. Through this initiative, the participants who are accepted for funding can purchase services and supports that will enable their community participation according to their interests and strong points. Participants can choose to make their own provisions to purchase supports and/or to access services through community-based agencies. The passport initiative is designed for adults who have a developmental disability, have left school, and require supports to participate in their communities. Salzer, M., Baron, R. C. (2006, November). Promoting Community Integration:Increasing the Presence and Participation of People with Psychiatric and Developmental Disabilities in Community Life. Retrieved January 28, 2011, from UPENN Collaborative on Community Integration: Toolkits_Monographs_Guidebooks /community_inclu sion/Increa sing_the_Presence_and_Participation _of_People_with_Psychiatric_Disabilities.pdf This article is reflective of the importance of Community Presence and Participation. To help people with disabilities play a more robust role in the civic life of their communities, programs could provide educational programming to clients to familiarize them with local, and regional, issues. Forums in which political candidates or civic groups could discuss both sides of controversial issues. Particularly those in which groups of clients may have a special interest. Create and use practice voting booths before local and national elections to help familiarize clients with the procedures of voting Also to spur their interest in participating in the election process . Support clients as they volunteer in civic groups that address public issues, helping clients to determine their personal interests and matching clients to local interest and advocacy groups in the community. Education is to help people DD problems resume and complete their educations and to better prepare them for bette r-paid employment, programs could. Work with local schools, community colleges, and universities to develop academic programs that provide supports people may require successfully applying to and completing certification and/or degree programs. Develop educational guides for consumers that both encourage them to continue their educations and provide them with helpful hints with regard to applications, scholarships, course work, and degree/certification completion. Identify existing scholarship funding for consumers who wish to continue their education, assist consumers in applying for those funds, and advocate for new funding to support these educational initiatives. Developmental Disabilities Division. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2011, from Liberity Resources: /programs/dd.cfm This article clearly emphasizes the importance of Respect of people with developmental disabilities. All residents create goals for themselves that are documented on a daily basis. Every six months a formal meeting is held to review their progress and/or make changes that will benefit each specific person. Staff work on goals with consumers as outlined in the individualized residential plans and assist the consumer in planning activities that meet their needs and desires. Success is measured by an improvement in the quality of life and is monitored through tracking goal progress. Opportunities exist to become a volunteer or an advocate for many of the individuals in these programs. Many of them do not have involved family member and would welcome meeting new people. The staff persons are an integral support system, but the benefits of a community advocate would be enriching. The commitment to become an advocate minimally involves attendance at a six month planning/review meetings. This annotated bibliography consists og an abundance of information which will be pertinent to anyone who would like to understand or carry out person directed planning. This bibliography is a perfect example of how much involvement is required by a Developmental Service Worker to ensure they a correctly supporting individuals with a developmental disability.

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