Tuesday, September 24, 2019

General Managemnet Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

General Managemnet - Research Paper Example Functions of Management Planning Planning in management is the manner through which a group of people, mainly the directors and other officials get together and make decisions on what should happen in future. Moreover, these officials take up the task of providing a plan for action (Kochan 165). Organizing This is the function of management where the managers and directors implement the plans set up. This involves understanding the relationships that the workers have with each other and trying to maximize the usage of available resources in an effort to attain the objectives set. Staffing Staffing is the process of analyzing job prospects for the incorporation of the best people to complete various tasks in an organization. The incorporation of these people is through recruitment and hiring of personnel. Directing The upper management of an organization looks through the various practices an organization goes through and offers the best ideas on what should be done and assigns the mo st favorable people to do so (Griffin 92). Controlling The authority in a given organization goes through the work carried out by various people in an effort to understand their progress with regard to the set goals. Motivation Motivation is important in an organization as through this, personnel get encouraged on the best way forward and work in an enthusiastic manner with a goal in mind (Lutz 24). The chart below is an illustration of all the functions of management Levels of Management There are different types of managers in a given organization and this depends on the power that each of them bears. Top Level Managers This is the highest group of managers and it consists of the board of directors and the Chief Executive Officer of the organization. This group of people has the task of controlling all the activities that take place in an organization. It is their responsibility to develop strategies for the company and mobilization of outsourced resources (Dale 125). Middle Level Managers Middle level management is the level of management in an organization that consists of department managers and branch managers. Most of the work carried out by these people is the directing of the various processes within an organization. They also serve as the link between the top and lower management. This is from the fact that when the lower management wishes to pass some information to the top management, the middle level managers have the task of going through the information and passing it on (Peter 11). Accordingly, when there is the establishment of new policies in the organization, the middle level managers have the responsibility of passing the information to the lower level managers. First Level Managers This level consists of supervisors mostly whose work is observing the manner in which the lower personnel work with the basic function of coordinating their activities and offering advice on the most appropriate way to carry out functions for the optimal success of an organization. According to Lawrence Kleiman, these managers are imperative to a company as they offer the basis for motivation and performance feedback that are vital for the success of any institution (Kleiman 78). How Management is Relative to my Dream As I was growing up, I always admired the manner in which power ran down from the top position all the way down to the lower leve

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