Monday, September 30, 2019

Camp Bow Wow

Camp Bow Wow The three broad management skills used by Camp Bow Wow managers are conceptual skills, human skills, and technical skill. Both managers at Camp Bow Wow use all three management skills. They both use conceptual skills and try to figure out tough situations that are not manageable and turn it in to manageable and also make sure that their new hires are trained the right way by promoting and mentoring new staff.Both of managers also use human skills. The managers make sure they motivate their employees. Sue the owner of the camp expectations are that her customers are happy with everything they did and want them to know that they have done everything to make their customer happy with their. Both managers try to make sure that the customers are happy and also that do everything to make the dogs safe and happy as well.Sue the owner has her camp counselor’s do a bit of everything at Camp Bow Wow. She makes sure the counselors can balance the dogs, answering phones, book ing reservations and working the front desk properly. To keep Camp Bow wow efficiently the counselors and the managers make sure keep and follow a daily schedule plane for the dogs. This includes activities like grooming, outdoor exercise, food, baths, and medical support.The managers try to make sure to balance customer service as effective and efficient, by trying to satisfy their customers with their service and also try to get the job done without any grey spots, because it’s important to the counselors and managers that their customers know that the counselors care about their dogs. The counselors and the managers do not want their customers to think that they only care about their efficient at Camp Bow Wow.They want them to feel that it’s more than that and want the customers to come back in the future. Two activities that leaders at Camp Bow Wow perform daily are making sure that the Pooches get a lot of personal attention, they both managers make sure that the dogs are groomed right, that they get their outdoor exercise and also get the medical support they need. This is very important to them because they want their customers to be satisfied and that they care about the dogs and also come back in the future for more service.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Oh Mary Don’t You Cry Any More Essay

The short story by Fay Weldon is about a small family of three, the mother Shirley and her daughters Gracey and Lisa, their life on the small island Tasmania and it is about their attempt to achieve happiness. * In the beginning of the story we learn, that the girls Gracey and Lisa doesn’t wear shoes or even new clothes, because their mother believes, that their feet will grow better without shoes confining them, and that they shouldn’t spend their money on new clothes, as the well-worn clothes show it of the girls’ pretty bodies. We learn that Gracey is the prettier and elder one of the two girls. The family doesn’t have a lot of money, as the girls’ father has left them to start a new life on the mainland. He finally had finally had enough when Shirley cheated on him. He had been the family’s main income, as Shirley doesn’t work. The father, having started a new family on the mainland, doesn’t visit much nor is he generous in paying alimony. When the girls don’t have a father figure, it is Shirley’s responsibility to raise the girls. Shirley wants to raise them to be optimistic and she tries to make sure, that they don’t suffer from her mistakes, in regard to their ‘dad’. Shirley feels that Tasmania is paradise and that it will always protect her and the girls, but Gracey is skeptic; she’s seen how hard and inhumane the pretty island can be. Gracey’s guitar and dance lessons, is something Shirley can scrape money together for, but the family doesn’t have a freezer or a car, and their house was full of gabs and holes being left unfixed. As time goes on, Shirley gets older and so does her friends, while they have rich husbands and sophisticated lives, Shirley keeps on being free-spirited and sort of stranded in her glory days, where everyone was free. Shirley is and will always be a hippie. Money from the girls’ estranged father comes few and far in between, Shirley still doesn’t have a job, so the state steps in. Shirley then tells the girls, that the universe is kind and helpful, she tells them to work hard, so that they can have the opportunity to help others in the future. So Lisa starts studying hard and Gracey works hard with her dance and guitar, so that time and money isn’t wasted. Shirley has a one night stand with her best friend’s husband, and is, after all the awkwardness has subsided, shut out of the society. Shirley tells her girls, that they should see life as love, touching and closeness, and that sex is a part of life and nothing to be ashamed of. Gracey is a good singer and Shirley makes it a point to show her of, to everyone in Hobart, by hosting a simple Sunday brunch, which means vegetable soup, bacon and beans. Gracey suspects a pattern or maybe more of a schedule, which the community seems to have made, so that they know when to show up. And only the wives came, as the men are busy people. Gracey gets a lot of praise, but her younger sister Lisa doesn’t seem jealous, she just keeps on struggling with piano lessons, so that she will be able to fit in with Shirley’s guitar and Gracey’s voice. The folk song they play fit Gracey’s voice, as they are pure, full of hope, life and love, but with an underlying hint of melancholy. Gracey is suddenly on the edge between childhood and adolescence, she is in a vulnerable state and Shirley suddenly worries about boys and whether there is anyone good enough for her daughter. Shirley also feels, that she’s taught her girls to be self-reliant – to go after what they want. As autumn comes, so does a growth spurt Gracey’s feet and they go from a size 5 to a 7. Autumns golden leaves are expected to blow around the island, with the force of the Roaring Forties, soon. There is an end-of-term cabaret on the school, and an official from the mainland is going to there. Shirley sees it as the perfect chance for Gracey to show her talent. The four different costumes wouldn’t be difficult; Shirley can just make them herself. The four different shoes, however is another story entirely because of Gracey’s very new size means new shoes and new shoes mean spending money, which Shirley doesn’t have. Shirley and Lisa cries, but once again it is Gracey, who is brave and realistic, as she tries to comfort her mother and sister. Shirley gets the idea that they should work for the money, at the Hobart Marked. Shirley plays her guitar, Gracey sings and Lisa held the sheets. They play the song: â€Å"Oh, Mary Don’t You Cry Any More†. Gracey’s young voice doesn’t have any power against the wind; just as charming and miraculous as it was I the family room, just as shrill and noiseless is it on the street. Nobody can hear her, but even if they could they just walk on by, embarrassed or appalled by their weak performance. The cold hard winter winds arrives and shoots down their already weak performance, but doing so saves Gracey by forcing the words of their sad song back into her mouth, and she finally gets to cry. Shirley being the optimistic person she is tells the girls, that they could have done it if not for the wind, but Gracey is fully aware of how wrong her mother is. * As we read Shirley was a hippie and her way of looking at things was a bit too optimistic, like she’s being too happy so that she won’t have to face things. And that’s where I think we should find the theme of this story; around Shirley, as she is what this story revolves around – her and her daughters, not her daughters and her. I think the theme is ‘Broken Dreams’ and I think that because of Shirley’s entire view on the world is a dream, a dream she tries to get her daughters to see too. And I think, that maybe what is really important in this story is, that if Shirley had stopped trying to find the ‘perfect’ happiness, then maybe she could have ended the story being happy with her girls.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cause and Effect Essay - Moving to a Large City Cause Effect Essays

Whoosh! That is the precise sound I heard as the crazed flock of travelers headed for the train terminal. My best friend, Stacy, and I were left disoriented and understandably confused once the crowd thinned. We were at Madison Square Garden at the train terminal awaiting our train back to the hotel; it was our first trip to New York City. As one may imagine, it was a fascinating and surreal voyage into extreme urban life. It was so enthralling and exciting that afterward I felt compelled to make a permanent trek to a large city. Due to my experiences in cities like Atlanta and New York, I have an increasing desire to live in a large city because of the various forms of entertainment, myriad of transportation, and the never-ending excitement typical of such a fast-paced lifestyle. My main reason for having such a strong urge to move to a city like New York is the variety of entertainment such a city offers, such as shopping, unique eateries, and shows like concerts and musicals. During my stay in New York, I was s...

Friday, September 27, 2019

Proposal for the Renfrey Memorial Hospital Board of Directors Essay

Proposal for the Renfrey Memorial Hospital Board of Directors - Essay Example Quality of service is impacted because the nurse response time to patients increases. The patients also feel that they are not being cared for appropriately. With reduced nursing staff, the workload of the physicians increases further. The hospital’s capacity is impacted because with reduced nursing staff, there is delay is discharge of patients leading to reduction in number of beds available. Many patient care programs also need to be closed down (Buerhaus, 2007). Hospital’s response to nursing staff shortages Most of the hospitals have been implementing two types of solutions for nursing staff shortages – long term and short term solutions. Short-term solutions include increasing their salaries, increasing the bonuses of the nursing staff or filling the vacant positions with temporary staff (May, Bazzoli and Gerland, 2006). Long-term strategies of hospitals include creating favorable working environment and providing opportunities for them to enhance the ir skills (May, Bazzoli and Gerland, 2006). We will discuss both these strategies used by hospitals in greater detail in the ensuing sections. Short-term strategies These include using temporary staffing which involves recruiting nurses on a per day basis on short contracts. These also include using nurses on the move to cover a particular shift (May, Bazzoli and Gerland, 2006). The major problem with these types of recruiting solutions is that they turn out to be very expensive. It also encourages the normal staff to take up more assignments of this type rather than for the permanent job as the former pays better. Another problem with this kind of recruitment practice is the lack of staff quality. This kind of temporary staff cannot be relied for good service quality. Using â€Å"Internal staffing† or â€Å"float pool† is another way of fulfilling temporary staffing needs (May, Bazzoli and Gerland, 2006). Internal staffing solutions are less expensive than staffing th rough external agencies despite the fact that some premium needs to be paid even for recruitment through internal channels. However, this premium is far less than what needs to be paid to external agencies for recruitment. Spartanburg Regional Medical Centre in South Carolina has utilized internal staffing channel very effectively (May, Bazzoli and Gerland, 2006). They allow the internal nursing staff who wish to apply for vacant shifts (to increase their earnings) to apply online at bid rates that are set below the external agency rates but at a premium to the general rates prevailing within the hospital. This helps them to utilize staff that is willing to work extra without compromising on quality as they are all trained and tested employees. At the same time the hospital does not have to force the employees to work extra and then deal with repercussions of overstressed staff. Technology is used very effectively to create an online internet based platform where the employees can a pply and get immediate response. Another short term strategy for fulfilling temporary staffing is by providing higher salaries. This is done not only for the new workforce but also for all previous employees by providing competent increment at all current levels. This has a retaining impact in the short run as external employers may not immediately adjust their

Thursday, September 26, 2019

New Virtual Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New Virtual Society - Essay Example in Brown 30). In this respect, for example, while terminating relationships or turning down a candidate for open job position, a lot of individuals prefer to substitute face-to-face conversations for virtual methods of communication in order to avoid any embarrassment and try to prevent oneself from any negative emotions. 2. Cyberspace helps to widen communication and diversify person’s social ties, which, despite all advantages of virtual life, can stay quite unstable and weak. For instance, Brown states that â€Å"someone with more than 3,000 Facebook friends probably has more than 2,000 shallow friendships† (31). Even though, being a former classmate, coworker or merely an acquaintance from exhibition, each so-called â€Å"friend† from such a long list may have different relation to the owner of profile, not many social networks admit this disparity and provide relevant additional options for their users. â€Å"In the new Virtual Society, we will see an increasing transition from basic matchmaking sites to sites that enable people to actually go out on online â€Å"dates† without ever leaving their desks. While face-to-face dating will never entirely disappear, the process - and even relationships themselves - will happen more and more in virtual space† (Brown 30) According to the latest forecasts, in the future, dating sites will be more advanced implementing technological option that ensures virtuality of face-to-face dates. Hence, users will not be forced to leave their houses in case they wish to meet someone. Therefore, along with existence of traditional dating, virtual relationships and meetings will be widely popularized (Brown 30). â€Å"More and more people regard the virtual world as a place where they can establish and maintain safer, less demanding relationships on their own time. Ease, flexibility, and relative anonymity will continue to be three key components on

What are the benefits and drawbacks to using medications in treating Research Proposal

What are the benefits and drawbacks to using medications in treating psychological disorders - Research Proposal Example t of very superior inroads into the ‘psyche’ of human beings with the aid of modern diagnostic techniques & equipment, and the understanding of the physiological functioning of the brain, attempts to influence any aberration in normal behavior by medical and other means have been made, both successfully and otherwise. Psychological disorders can have a biological origin where the imbalance of hormones and other biochemicals in the body can precipitate them. In other cases they could be purely the result of any emotional event or incidence which influences a person to react in an abnormal way. Such disorders are also dependant on and peculiar for different ages, sexes and cultures. Certain psychological disorders are secondary to purely infectious or immunological disorders such as diseases involving the brain [Examples: Brain tumors, Epilepsy, cerebral malaria, neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinsonism and some liver diseases causing hepatic en cephalopathy (pathological changes in brain)]. Such disorders definitely require medical interventions. Other disorders which are purely emotional can be treated by a trained psycho therapist, with or without the aid of drugs. The benefits and drawbacks of treating psychological disorders with drugs has always been the subject of debate where proponents of both methods of therapy (pharmacotherapy & counseling) have supported their views in the long history of psychotherapy. Plain psychotherapy without drugs has been classified by the Mayo Clinic ( on the basis of either ‘ changing the current behavior patterns’ of a patient or by ‘ understanding past issue’ in the patients’ history. The website lists the different approaches in psychotherapy as â€Å"Art Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Cognitive therapy, Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, Dialectical behavior Therapy, Exposure Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Play Therapy, Psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

General Managemnet Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

General Managemnet - Research Paper Example Functions of Management Planning Planning in management is the manner through which a group of people, mainly the directors and other officials get together and make decisions on what should happen in future. Moreover, these officials take up the task of providing a plan for action (Kochan 165). Organizing This is the function of management where the managers and directors implement the plans set up. This involves understanding the relationships that the workers have with each other and trying to maximize the usage of available resources in an effort to attain the objectives set. Staffing Staffing is the process of analyzing job prospects for the incorporation of the best people to complete various tasks in an organization. The incorporation of these people is through recruitment and hiring of personnel. Directing The upper management of an organization looks through the various practices an organization goes through and offers the best ideas on what should be done and assigns the mo st favorable people to do so (Griffin 92). Controlling The authority in a given organization goes through the work carried out by various people in an effort to understand their progress with regard to the set goals. Motivation Motivation is important in an organization as through this, personnel get encouraged on the best way forward and work in an enthusiastic manner with a goal in mind (Lutz 24). The chart below is an illustration of all the functions of management Levels of Management There are different types of managers in a given organization and this depends on the power that each of them bears. Top Level Managers This is the highest group of managers and it consists of the board of directors and the Chief Executive Officer of the organization. This group of people has the task of controlling all the activities that take place in an organization. It is their responsibility to develop strategies for the company and mobilization of outsourced resources (Dale 125). Middle Level Managers Middle level management is the level of management in an organization that consists of department managers and branch managers. Most of the work carried out by these people is the directing of the various processes within an organization. They also serve as the link between the top and lower management. This is from the fact that when the lower management wishes to pass some information to the top management, the middle level managers have the task of going through the information and passing it on (Peter 11). Accordingly, when there is the establishment of new policies in the organization, the middle level managers have the responsibility of passing the information to the lower level managers. First Level Managers This level consists of supervisors mostly whose work is observing the manner in which the lower personnel work with the basic function of coordinating their activities and offering advice on the most appropriate way to carry out functions for the optimal success of an organization. According to Lawrence Kleiman, these managers are imperative to a company as they offer the basis for motivation and performance feedback that are vital for the success of any institution (Kleiman 78). How Management is Relative to my Dream As I was growing up, I always admired the manner in which power ran down from the top position all the way down to the lower leve

Monday, September 23, 2019

One area of my business that I would like to change. The necessities Essay

One area of my business that I would like to change. The necessities of staff change - Essay Example In order to stay in a competitive market, fine tuning of business strategies or implementation of changes are necessary. I am running a Honda cars sales outlet at present and I would like to change the sales staff completely to promote more sales. My existing sales staffs are not competent enough to capture more business in this ever changing competitive market. Majority of them are more than 45 years of age. This paper describes why I want to implement a staff change in the sales department. The necessities of staff change Traditional Sales Mind-set always delivers a strong sales pitch. New Sales Mind-set stops the sales pitch -- and start a conversation. Traditional Sales Mind-set always looks for closing the sale. New Sales Mind-set is always to discover whether you and your potential client are a good fit (Galper, 2011). Relationship building is accepted as the core of every business activity at present. In other words, building strong relations with the customers is necessary fo r the benefit of a company. In this extremely competitive world, the value of customers is increasing rapidly. No organization can sustain its operations if it fails to attract a substantial volume of customers. My sales staffs are following the traditional patters of sales management. They are more interested only in capturing business than servicing the customers after the sales. In their opinion, their duty is over once they bring enough sales to the company. I got many complaints from different customers about the reluctance of my sales staff in servicing them after the closing of sales. The mind-set of my existing staffs needs to be changed completely. Even though I tried to empower them with the help of modern training methods, it is difficult for them to change their traditional methods and attitudes. A new sales team with ample knowledge in modern sales management techniques may serve better than my existing sales team. With superior knowledge in modern communication channel s and technologies, a new sales team would

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Misconceptions Among Muslim Essay Example for Free

Misconceptions Among Muslim Essay This is the biggest misconception about Islam, no doubt resulting from the constant stereotyping and bashing the media gives Islam. When a gunman attacks a mosque in the name of Judaism, a Catholic IRA guerrilla sets off a bomb in an urban area, or Serbian Orthodox militiamen rape and kill innocent Muslim civilians, these acts are not used to stereotype an entire faith. Never are these acts attributed to the religion of the perpetrators. Yet how many times have we heard the words Islamic, Muslim fundamentalist, etc. linked with violence. Many people use the name of religions for their own purposes. One should consult the source of Islam and separate what the true religion of Islam says from what is portrayed in the media. Islam literally means submission to Allah and is derived from a root word meaning peace. Islam may seem exotic or even extreme in the modern world. Perhaps this is because religion doesnt dominate everyday life in the West, whereas Islam is considered a way of life for Muslims and they make no division between secular and sacred in their lives. Like Christianity, Islam permits fighting in self-defence, in defence of religion, or on the part of those who have been expelled forcibly from their homes. It lays down strict rules of combat, which include prohibitions against harming civilians and against destroying crops, trees and livestock. Nowhere does Islam enjoin the killing of innocents. The Quran says: {Fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. Allah does not love transgressors} (Quran 2:190), {If they seek peace, then seek you peace. And trust in Allah for He is the One that heareth and knoweth all things} (Quran 8:61) War, therefore, is the last resort, and is subject to the rigorous conditions laid down by the sacred law. The term jihad literally means struggle. Muslims believe that there are two kinds of jihad. The other jihad is the inner struggle of the soul, which everyone wages against egotistic desires for the sake of attaining inner peace.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Analysing Person Centred Planning

Analysing Person Centred Planning The articles used in this annotated bibliography focus on person-centred planning and they explain the steps involved in devising the plan and ensuring that it is carried out. It describes all of the significant topics necessary to a plan; a few examples are wills and estate planning, the Henson Trust and individualized funding. The articles focus on the fact that people with developmental disabilities should have the same rights and same choices as the rest of the population and be a causal member of their community and society as a whole. Person-centred planning places complete control of the planning process and on the person with the disability. However, it offers assistance and pertinent information to the person, so that he or she is able to make informed decisions independently. Individualized Funding: Vision, Rights and Principles. (1997, June 8,9). Retrieved January 18, 2011,from Individualized Funding Information Resources: bsalisbury/IF%20%20Visions,%20 Rights%20%20Princi ples.htm This article represents and defines the goal of individualized funding (IF). It inspires people who need support to become dynamic and full participators of society, to having individual access to the services elected by them. This empowers them to live independent lives, as set out by the individualized funding. Individualized funding offers resources which persons consider significant in order to contribute as a citizen of society. Individualized funding is payable solely to the individual who needs support or trusted representative and focuses on the needs of the person. IF is also transferable in and across regional borders, ministries and departments of government.Advantages of IF are that it is not based on privilege or assessment, nor does it regulate funding limits by classifications or categories. Individualized funding is also concentrated on the funds an individual needs for community living. However, the needs do include well-being, safety, mobility and citizenship. This article is extremely encouraging to people who need support, as it delivers the message of community living through choices, and strives to develop a community, which is inclusive of all people. Planning Tools and Techniques. (2003). Retrieved January 21, 2010, from The Special Needs Planning Group: http://www.specialneedsplanning .ca/tools.html##h The Henson Trust originated in Guelph, Ontario in the early 1980à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s by a man named Leonard Henson who had a daughter with a developmental disability. It is also referred to as Absolute Trust and Discretionary Trust. This article covers the explanation and the history of the Henson Trust. It was begun so that people with developmental disabilities could retain their assets as well as preserving their ODSP benefits when they become the beneficiary of a will. Keeping their assets allows more financial freedom to choose where and how they would like to live. The article does not refer to whether or not the Henson Trust is limited to the parents of a person with a disability. However, it does offer an irreplaceable description of the Henson Trust and the story of how it became. Through perseverance and love for his daughter, one man created the Henson Trust, which today benefits all people with disabilities by preserving their right to keep their assets whi le receiving ODSP benefits. Wills for people with an intellectual disability. (2004, September). Retrieved February 13, 2011, from Intellectual Disability Rights Service: /pubs/for-pwid.html This article contains information on wills, and the fact that everyone has the right to choose if they want one, including people with an intellectual disability. There are a lot of choices and decisions to be made when an individual desires a will. The article addresses all people, and contains additional information for persons with an intellectual disability who would like a will. The article describes the steps that lead to the writing of a will, explains additional steps, which a person with an intellectual disability needs to take, such as having a formal assessment of capacity performed on them, to decrease the possibility of the will being contested once the will maker is deceased. A formal assessment of capacity would prove that the will maker fully understood what he or she was doing at the time the will was drawn up and signed. Due to the abundance of information just mentioned, I do not feel as though this article is missing any pertinent information regarding wills and e state choices. Daegher, L. (2007). Planning for the Future: People with a disability. Retrieved January 20, 2011, from Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs: /sa/carers/pubs/Documents/ PeopleWithDisability /Planning_for_the_Future.pdf This article contains invaluable education on Future Planning for a people with developmental disabilities. While planning for a family member with a developmental disabilitysà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ future, it is imperative to realize the aspirations and dreams of the person, along with the hopes of the family in this matter. This helps to create a view of how her or his future may be, and develop a scheme to carry it out. Locating information to support them in making choices may be restricted to lawyers and financial planners, who lack experience and knowledge in future planning for a person with a developmental disability. The planning should be inclusive of all the family membersà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ needs, presently and in the future, while staying focused on the needs of the individual with the developmental disability, and including and valuing their insight and opinions. The article is very informative and offers a lot of advice and freedom of choice t o the person with the disability as well as his or her family. OBrien, J., Pearpoint, J. (1946). Person Centered Planning With Maps and Path: A Workbook for Facilitators. Toronto: Inclusion Press. This article explains what maps and paths are and how they relate to person centred planning. Maps and Paths are a means of recuperating lost dreams and providing hope and choices by bringing people together to envision and act upon having meaningful and productive futures. Maps and Paths is spiritual, which is why it cannot be bureaucratized, and is used to help all persons. Person centred planning requires facilitators to sincerely listen to individuals hopes and fears. Maps and Paths places control on the individual, as long as it is ethical. The article is simple to understand very descriptive of what Maps and Paths is, when we use it, (an example is when we experience challenges in life and need support), and the fact that it has more than one definition to it. It focuses on the facilitators sharing power with people rather than trying to exhibit power over them. Maps and Paths vision addresses the individuals. Byrnes, F. (2011). Philosophy of Developmental Disabilities Services. Retrieved February 11, 2011, from Article Doctor Health and Fitness Articles: developmental-disabilities/philosophy-of- developmental -disabilities-services-1679 This article portrays Competence and the importance of it in regards to persons with developmental disabilities. Developmental disabilities services follow a certain viewpoint, which helps an affected person to live a better life. Broadly speaking, the attitude of Developmental disabilities services is generally constant with a set of governing principles and the guiding principles of service. Among the governing principles of most such services is one, which says that persons with developmental disabilities will be able to communicate to their families, friends and communities according to their choice. Affected persons should be as independent as possible and be in a position to regulate the course of their own lives. People with developmental disabilities must be provided the chance to make choices in life that do not undermine their health and safety, and such choices must always be valued and respected. These foremost principles form the basis of philosophy of most development d isabilities services. The guiding principles that are followed for serving affected persons also play a key role in determining the philosophy of developmental disabilities services. Individualization highlights on an affected persons self-esteem, which can be developed by safeguarding respect, by making them contribute expressively to their living and community environment. The basic philosophy followed by Developmental disabilities services also includes the following ideas that people with developmental disabilities must have the same rights, privileges, opportunities and responsibilities as other members of the community. A Person Centered Organization. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2011, from Compass Coordination Inc.: /index.html This story of leadership is about Compass Coordination Inc. Their person-centered initiative is an international effort to support organizations in having better outcomes for the people they support. Through contribution in the creativity, organizations learn how to apply person centered thinking skills to the lives of people supported and in the practices of the organization, using coaches groups and leadership groups to classify barriers and facilitate changes within system. Compass participates in the initiative in a number of ways. Compass is working with stakeholders and within organizations to design and implement practices that grip person-centered thinking and planning and practice across the service delivery system. Members of their leadership team are working with other leaders to become skilful at using person-centered tools. Since their inception, Compass has held certain person-centered practices as central to our core values. Mount, B. (2011). What is a Circle of Support. Retrieved February 26, 2011, from Child- Autism-Parent-Cafe: http://www.child-autism-parent This article contains specific information on what a Circle of Support is. A circle of support is a group of people interested in getting together to assist a focal person enhance and expand his or her life by helping to reach key personal goals. Persons with limitations have traditionally been excluded from meaningful relationships and experiences in the community that encompasses them. However, everyone learns and expands their worlds through family, friends and experiences. Circle members provide new and creative trails and networks to increasing experiences in the community, like suitable and stable employment, a safe and healthy place to live, transportation, recreation and exercise and opportunities to communicate with a caring person, etc. The point to remember is that persons with developmental disabilities miss out on the simple daily human contacts and pleasure we all enjoy. Consider the following to help select members for our individuals: Think about all the people involv ed in their life and who are the people that are closest, these are the people you should invite to the planning meeting. Each member determines his or her own interest and commitment. What is SIS. (2011). Retrieved February 16, 2011, from American Association On Intellectual and Developmental Disibilities: /cs/product_info This article defines the Supports Intensity Scale and levels of support for individuals with a developmental disability. The Supports Intensity Scale is a calculation tool that evaluates practical support requirements of a person with an intellectual disability. Available in print and electronic formats, SIS contains of an interview and profile form that tests support needs in multiple areas. SIS is wide-ranging and employs the consumer in a positive interview process. The assessment is done through an interview with the individual, and those who know the person well. SIS measures support needs in the areas of home living, community living, lifelong learning, employment, health and safety, social activities, and protection and advocacy. The Scale ranks each activity according to frequency. Traditionally, a persons level of developmental disability has been measured by the skills the individual lacks. SIS shifts the focus from lacks to needs. The Scale assesses practical supports peop le with developmental disabilities need to lead independent lives. The SIS should be administered by a professional in the human services field. An overview of the Passport Initiative. (2008). Retrieved February 13, 2011, from Developmental Services Toronto: /Passport_Initiative_brochure.pdf This article promotes the Passport to Community Living. Passport to Community Living is funded by the Ministry of Community and Social Services to support adults who have a developmental disability, who have left school, and require supports to partake in community activities. Through this initiative, the participants who are accepted for funding can purchase services and supports that will enable their community participation according to their interests and strong points. Participants can choose to make their own provisions to purchase supports and/or to access services through community-based agencies. The passport initiative is designed for adults who have a developmental disability, have left school, and require supports to participate in their communities. Salzer, M., Baron, R. C. (2006, November). Promoting Community Integration:Increasing the Presence and Participation of People with Psychiatric and Developmental Disabilities in Community Life. Retrieved January 28, 2011, from UPENN Collaborative on Community Integration: Toolkits_Monographs_Guidebooks /community_inclu sion/Increa sing_the_Presence_and_Participation _of_People_with_Psychiatric_Disabilities.pdf This article is reflective of the importance of Community Presence and Participation. To help people with disabilities play a more robust role in the civic life of their communities, programs could provide educational programming to clients to familiarize them with local, and regional, issues. Forums in which political candidates or civic groups could discuss both sides of controversial issues. Particularly those in which groups of clients may have a special interest. Create and use practice voting booths before local and national elections to help familiarize clients with the procedures of voting Also to spur their interest in participating in the election process . Support clients as they volunteer in civic groups that address public issues, helping clients to determine their personal interests and matching clients to local interest and advocacy groups in the community. Education is to help people DD problems resume and complete their educations and to better prepare them for bette r-paid employment, programs could. Work with local schools, community colleges, and universities to develop academic programs that provide supports people may require successfully applying to and completing certification and/or degree programs. Develop educational guides for consumers that both encourage them to continue their educations and provide them with helpful hints with regard to applications, scholarships, course work, and degree/certification completion. Identify existing scholarship funding for consumers who wish to continue their education, assist consumers in applying for those funds, and advocate for new funding to support these educational initiatives. Developmental Disabilities Division. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2011, from Liberity Resources: /programs/dd.cfm This article clearly emphasizes the importance of Respect of people with developmental disabilities. All residents create goals for themselves that are documented on a daily basis. Every six months a formal meeting is held to review their progress and/or make changes that will benefit each specific person. Staff work on goals with consumers as outlined in the individualized residential plans and assist the consumer in planning activities that meet their needs and desires. Success is measured by an improvement in the quality of life and is monitored through tracking goal progress. Opportunities exist to become a volunteer or an advocate for many of the individuals in these programs. Many of them do not have involved family member and would welcome meeting new people. The staff persons are an integral support system, but the benefits of a community advocate would be enriching. The commitment to become an advocate minimally involves attendance at a six month planning/review meetings. This annotated bibliography consists og an abundance of information which will be pertinent to anyone who would like to understand or carry out person directed planning. This bibliography is a perfect example of how much involvement is required by a Developmental Service Worker to ensure they a correctly supporting individuals with a developmental disability.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Stock Portfolio :: essays papers

Stock Portfolio When setting up a stock portfolio there are things one should look into. First off, one should know what is currently happening, not only in the stock market, but in the economy as well. Researching stock indexes such as â€Å"The Dow† and the â€Å"S&P 500† will give you general stock performance. The Dow Jones Industrial Average only tracks 30 large industrial firms in hopes of getting a sense of where the market is heading. The S&P 500, on the other hand, tracks 500 stocks which may give the investor a better overall picture of where the market is going. Which ever the investor may choose to use, the idea is to find out whether stock prices are going up or down. Also important to know is state of the economy. Certain stocks tend to perform better or worse depending on the state of the economy. Knowing which stocks tend to perform well at a given state will help the investor choose which type of stock is best for the given conditions. With that, it is time for the investor set a goal. Is the goal that of short or long term success? Is there a specific rate of return you wish to achieve? Or do you simply wish to come out ahead? Once the goals are put into place it is time for investment strategies. The investors goals will be key in helping plan the strategies for the investor. Now that there are goals in place, it is now time to look at the many investment strategies that will help accomplish the set goals. One of these strategies is known as the buy-and hold-strategy. This strategy involves the investor to purchase a stock and hold on to this stock for many years in hopes that over time the stock price will increase. This method doesn’t require much timing of the market therefore is much less stressful making it a very desirable method. The opposite strategy is known as short term trading. This requires much attention to be paid to the â€Å"Price† and â€Å"Volume† of the stock, also knowing whether the stock is on an upward or downward trend. Another common strategy is known as short selling. This involves borrowing a stock from a broker at a given price and selling it, in hopes that the stock price will drop from the original price.

Are Illegal Police Quotas Still Affecting American Citizens? Essay

Are Illegal Police Quotas Still Affecting American Citizens? Just this past summer, one of my good friends was driving through Harrisonburg on his way home from work, when he noticed the one thing all drivers dread, flashing blue lights closing in on him fast. While pulling to the side of the road, he realized there was not one, but two police cars behind him. He knew he had only been going five miles per hour over the speed limit, so he was worried as to why two police cars had just pulled him over. After sitting in fear behind his wheel for several minutes, two cops walked to his car and informed him that he was getting a speeding ticket. Obviously even five miles per hour over the speed limit is still speeding, but what would bring two cops to pull over a car traveling at a speed that almost everyone drives? Statistics from New York City’s Police Department have shown that the number of tickets for miniscule offenses is on the rise, and even though it is illegal for a city to set a formal quota for police to meet, many people believe it is still a common practice to have â€Å"under the table† quotas. According to Compstat, a crime analysis and police management process developed by the New York City Police Department, officers wrote 912,414 parking tickets between January 1 and May 11 of this year, as compared to 877,443 parking tickets during the same period last year, which represents an increase of 3.9%. A spokesman for the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, Al O’Leary, said, â€Å"The apparent increase in summonses (in New York City) was fueled by quotas. You can call them goals or targets or management productivity levels, but in a practical world, those are quotas" (Mauldin). Police chiefs everywhere contend that there... ...ity to come up with new forms of revenue, so why bother when they can just keep the quota system bringing in the money. Police are supposed to give the citizens of a city a feeling of security, but these quota systems are slowly turning that once felt sense of security into a sense of paranoia. If this trend continues in America, how long will it be until the population as a whole not only has a distrust, but a flat out hatred of police? The chaos that would happen in this instance may not be as far off as you think. Works Cited Mauldin, William. â€Å"NYPD Is Charged With Setting Quotas?† New York Sun Online 13.5 (2003). 7 Sept. 2003 ( Saltonstall, David. â€Å"Quota’s? What quota’s?† New York Daily News 29.5 (2003). 7 Sept. 2003 (

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

World Literature Essay -- English Literature

World Literature Essay â€Å"The Jane Austen novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is basically concerned with the education of a young heroine† The statement â€Å"The Jane Austen novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is basically concerned with the education of a young heroine† raises many questions. The term education in this context means a journey of ones self rather than a formal schooling education. From the beginning pages of the book the idea of Elizabeth being the heroine is established. Since there are other themes of the novel, themes of love, reputation and class, it can be questioned as to whether the novel is centred on the education of Elizabeth. Darcy is also a major character to the plot of the novel and contains the same faults as Elizabeth so the book could be centred on his journey as well as hers. However, Elizabeth’s education in overcoming her obstacles is a very long one compared to that of Darcy’s In the first three pages of the novel the character of Elizabeth is depicted as a very intellectual character by her father. ‘ â€Å"..they are all silly and ignorant like other girls; but Lizzy has something more of a quickness than her sisters.† ’[1] It is clear that Austen introduces and forms such an impression of Elizabeth early in the novel in order to promptly get the reader into the plot and communicate the heroine of the novel. No other character commands the same interest as Elizabeth. Even though Elizabeth is depicted as the heroine, she possesses faults which are very set. The character’s biggest issues lie with pride and prejudice, each one in the way of her conquering the other. Whether the novel is basically concerned with the education with Elizabeth can be questioned as there are other major... ...enguin Books, London 1996. * Williams.M, Jane Austen: Six Novels and Their Methods. Macmillan, London 1986 * Lambert. J, A Text Response Guide to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Wizard Books, Ballarat 1993 * Curtis.T, Get Smart Study Guide: Pride and Prejudice. Science Press, Australia 1999 * Handley.G, Brodies Notes on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, London 1990. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Penguin Books, London 1996. pp 7 [2]Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Penguin Books, London 1996. pp 36 [3] ibid.,pp33 [4] ibid.,pp57 [5] ibid.,pp309 [6] Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Penguin Books, London 1996. pp21 [7] Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Penguin Books, London 1996. pp 89 [8] ibid.,pp94 [9] ibid., pp 202 [10] ibid., pp 295

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Hospitality Sector Based

Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Hospitality Sector Based in Mumbai Region Oshma Rosette Pinto Assistant Professor, Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research, New Panvel Navi Mumbai E-mail: pinto. [email  protected] com ABSTRACT The Global financial crisis from 2005 to the present is considered by many economists to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It was triggered by a liquidity shortfall in the United States Banking system which resulted in the collapse of large financial institutions, the bailout of banks by national governments, and downturns in stock markets around the world.In India, the global financial crisis badly impacted the Indian tourism and hotel sector that resulted in decline in the number of foreign tourists, decline of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and affected the gross domestic product of India. The study is related with the Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Hospitality Sector based in Mumbai region, Mum bai region will include, Mumbai, Thane and Navi-Mumbai based Hospitality industries. The primary data is collected through interview method. The questionnaire is chosen as resource to collect the information.The secondary data is collected through various magazines, journals, scholarly articles, research papers and various authentic websites of various Hospitality industries. The paper attempts to analyse the impact of global recession on Hospitality sector in India especially Tourism and Hotel Industry in the country. Further the paper focuses on the challenges faced and opportunities that can be availed during and after global financial crisis. Keywords: Challenges, Opportunities, Foreign direct investment, Foreign tourist inflows, Gross domestic product.INTRODUCTION The Hotel industry is linked to the tourism industry which forms the most important support service that affects the Foreign Tourist Arrivals to any Country. In recent years many international hotel chains like Marrio tt International, Intercontinental Hotels Group are setting up hotels in India and many international tour operators are establishing operations VOLUME NO. 1, ISSUE NO. 2 ISSN 2277-1182 1 ABHINAV NATIONAL MONTHLY REFEREED JOURNAL OF REASEARCH IN ARTS & EDUCATION www. abhinavjournal. com rom India. A rapidly growing middle class, the advent of corporate incentive travel and the multinational companies into India has boosted prospects for tourism. The turmoil in global financial markets had generated new concerns for the hospitality industry. India had a biggest drop in corporate travel spending falling to 25% in year 2009 compared to year 2008. Growth rate of the aggregate sale of hotel companies fell down to 9. 1% during Dec. 2008 quarter from growth rate of 17. 4% during Dec. 2007 quarter.There was decline in India's average annual GDP Growth from historical high of 10. 10 percent in September of 2006 and a record low of 5. 50 percent in December of 2004. The financial year 2008-20 09 was an unforgettable one for the Indian tourism and Hotel industry, with the Mumbai terror attacks and global economic down turn affecting the industries performance. The Hotel industry also, observed an overall decline in occupancy and Revenue per Available Room in most cities. The adverse impact of economic downturn on India? s tourism was far less than global tourism industry.OBJECTIVES The objective of the study is To know how the Hospitality Sector of India was affected during recession. To know the current overall industry position and how can it be developed in future. To know the steps taken by the Government of India to curb the effect of recession on Hospitality Industry through its policies. REVIEW OF LITERATURE â€Å"The financial downturn that is impacting developed economies are likely to get worse as the European countries, the US and others go into a deeper depression due to the increase in Job losses which often follows recession.The slump in the market and incr eased job losses will have some important implications for the changing tasks of human resource professionals. As the unemployment continues to increase, HR professionals are likely to be dealing with more stressed employees who are the sole wage earners in their families†. [Mujtaba, 2008} â€Å"The global economic crisis has brought to the forefront of organizations the concepts of viability and survival which at these times can be desperate pursuit.There are three main reactions in organizations, namely the corporate reactions in organizations, namely the corporate reaction to remain viable, the employee reaction to survive the turbulence, and the human resources reaction including recruiting and hiring talent, corporate organization, training and institutional learning†. [Kathleen Patterson & Gray Oster, 2008] In emerging economies, growth is projected to slow down appreciably but still may reach 5. 0 percent in the year 2009. The overall recruitments are lower for t he industry this time as companies remain cautious amidst the global financial crisis. [Srivastav, 2009] METHODOLOGY The data is collected through various sources like secondary data from various magazines, journals, scholarly articles, research papers and various authentic websites of various Hospitality industries. The primary data is gathered by using Interview Method of various VOLUME NO. 1, ISSUE NO. 2 2 ISSN 2277-1182 ABHINAV NATIONAL MONTHLY REFEREED JOURNAL OF REASEARCH IN ARTS & EDUCATION www. abhinavjournal. com hospitality industries? authorities. The data will be analysed by using MS-EXCEL to find out various trends and to draw the graphs for the interpretation of data.The selected respondents will be representatives of the total population. Here the higher authorities of hospitality industries become the population. The questionnaire is chosen as resource to collect the information. Research will be conducted on clear assumptions that the respondents would give frank an d fair answers in a pragmatic way and without any bias. LIMITATIONS The study is limited to major Hospitality Industries of India and the data is limited to 7years. The major hospitality Industries includes Taj Hotel, Kamat Hotel and Leela Hotel.UTILITY The rationale of the study is that there are various factors that affect the Indian economy but the researcher through this study wants to find whether the impact of global recession has affected the Indian economy severely or gradually decreases with new initiative policies. The utility of the study is to know how are the Hospitality industries growing after global recession in terms foreign tourist arrivals, generation of foreign exchange reserves and how are they contributing to the Indian economy in terms of GDP, reduction in inflation, rising of stock markets. FINDINGS AND DATA ANALYSIS ?To know how the Hospitality industry of India was affected during recession. Table 1. Growth of the hospitality sector before the recession Nam e of the Hospitality industries Taj hotel Kamat Hotel Leela Hotel Growth of the hospitality sector before the recession Significantly negative Slightly negative No impact Slightly positive 4 4 Significantly positive 5 Interpretation: Before the global recession began, we can see that Taj hotel had significantly positive growth, Kamat and Leela hotel had slightly positive growth. Table 2. Effect on the operations of your company during recession.Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Operations of Hotels in Crores Taj Hotel Kamat Hotel Leela Hotel 699. 16 45. 86 123 873. 24 48. 04 154 1127. 57 56. 98 112. 34 1617. 31 124 158 1823. 16 152. 67 125 1534. 03 112. 68 133. 09 1520. 36 134. 08 145 ISSN 2277-1182 3 VOLUME NO. 1, ISSUE NO. 2 ABHINAV NATIONAL MONTHLY REFEREED JOURNAL OF REASEARCH IN ARTS & EDUCATION www. abhinavjournal. com Interpretation: The operations of the hotels from 2004-2010 vary mainly due to global recession and terror attack on Taj and Oberio hotels in 2009 which s ent threat waves to the world.Most of the customers and shareholders became unemployed due to cost cutting and there was huge downfall in the financial market. ? To know the current overall industry position and how can it be developed in future. Table 3. Changes in the number of employees during the recession. Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Number of Employees of in thousands Taj Hotel Kamat Hotel Leela Hotel 7609 4200 4500 8005 5000 6000 7500 6500 7500 6405 6700 8400 6700 7600 8600 4300 5000 5300 6500 6800 6700 Interpretation: The average number of employees during the recession in Taj Hotel is 6568, for Kamat Hotel is 5971. 429 and Leela Hotel is 6714. 86. As per the table, in the year 2009 the number employees in Taj, Kamat and Leela hotels are less compare to other years. The change in number of employees in the hospitality sector during the recession was due to sudden reduction in creation of employment; new appointees to the organisations were sent back home with adv ance 3months salary due to company policy of cutting costs and salary of many employees were reduced by 20% of their actual salary. Table 4. Taxes paid by the company during Global Recession Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Taxes paid by the hospitality sector in Crores Taj Hotel Kamat Hotel Leela Hotel 35. 2 4. 12 34. 33 88. 22 7. 40 33. 77 13. 35 8. 10 23. 04 12. 43 11. 03 34. 44 13. 45 67. 29 43. 35 15 31. 8 25. 89 25. 07 55. 55 30. 09 Interpretation: As per the data , the taxes paid by the hotels vary from 2004-2010 as the operations and sales slowed down due to global recession and terror attack on Taj and Oberio hotels in 2009 . In the year 2005 the taxes paid were very high as we had high tourists inflow from both inbound and outbound. VOLUME NO. 1, ISSUE NO. 2 4 ISSN 2277-1182 ABHINAV NATIONAL MONTHLY REFEREED JOURNAL OF REASEARCH IN ARTS & EDUCATION www. bhinavjournal. com Table 5. Net profit of the company during the Recession. Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 201 0 Net Profit of hotels in Crores Taj Hotel Kamat Hotel Leela Hotel 60. 65 0. 70 11. 78 105. 86 6. 97 21. 35 183. 78 4. 069 105. 98 322. 39 15. 57 110. 07 580. 47 27. 40 134. 08 107. 11 5. 66 50. 78 153. 10 7. 08 154 Interpretation: As per the data , the net profit earned by the hotels vary from 2004-2010 as the operations and sales slowed down due to global recession and terror attack on Taj and Oberio hotels in 2009 .In the year 2008 the profit earned by most of the hotels was very high as we had high tourist? s inflow from both inbound and outbound. Table 6. Investments made by the company during the recession Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Taj Hotel 600. 83 607. 01 656. 57 962. 81 977. 58 1182 1169 Investments in Crores Kamat Hotel Leela Hotel 0. 17 117 0. 164 124 0. 163 135 3. 98 156 15. 08 147 25. 07 126 74. 70 112 Interpretation: As per the data, investments made by the hotels vary from 2004-2010 as the operations and sales slowed down due to global recession and terr or attack on Taj and Oberio hotels in 2009 .In the year 2007, 2009 and 2010 the hospitality sector had to investment more on assets in order to earn more customers and to generate employment Table 7: Number of tourist passengers in India during the recession Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Number of tourist arrivals in India Including Inbound and Outbound Taj Hotel Kamat Hotel Leela Hotel 1234153 967494 550000 297538 192061 290000 1710434 1594735 1650000 828695 488491 385000 156370 289915 158000 360971 590286 490000 2129544 1371613 1470000 ISSN 2277-1182 5VOLUME NO. 1, ISSUE NO. 2 ABHINAV NATIONAL MONTHLY REFEREED JOURNAL OF REASEARCH IN ARTS & EDUCATION www. abhinavjournal. com Interpretation: The number of tourist arrivals during the recession vary year wise. In the year 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2009 the number of tourists in India from both inbound and outbound are less compare to other years. This decrease was due to slow down of business in Indian and foreign Market, high a ttrition rate, unemployment, reduction in pay scale, no incentives and cost cutting.Due to these reasons tourists could not afford to travel either for business or for holidaying with family. Table 8. Effect on the remittances/ foreign currencies during global recession Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Remittances of foreign currencies from hospitality sector in Crores Taj Hotel Kamat Hotel Leela Hotel 245. 03 150. 22 200. 25 300. 50 225 245 315 275 215 275 300 225 345 285. 25 230 200. 02 110. 45 100. 03 445 250 300. 05 Interpretation: The remittances from foreign currencies during the recession vary year wise.In the year 2009 the number of tourists in India from other countries is less compare to other years. This decrease was due to slow down of business in Indian and foreign Market, high attrition rate, unemployment, reduction in pay scale, no incentives and cost cutting. Due to these reasons tourists could not afford to travel either for business or for holidaying with fa mily. Table 9. Affect on the Total assets of the company during Global Recession Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total Assets in Crores Taj Hotel Kamat Hotel Leela Hotel 2371. 11 16. 3 1145 1068. 85 14. 72 1234 4336. 59 11. 78 1156 5242. 55 15. 91 2116 6848. 77 17. 78 4234 9160. 22 13. 09 2349 8646. 01 15. 90 3450 Interpretation: The total assets during 2005 are less compared to 2004. There was increase in investment of assets during 2006-2008 but there was decrease in investments of assets as the operations and sales slowed down due to global recession and terror attack on Taj and Oberio hotels in 2009. In the year 2009 and 2010 the hospitality sector had to investment more on assets in order to earn more customers and to generate employment.VOLUME NO. 1, ISSUE NO. 2 6 ISSN 2277-1182 ABHINAV NATIONAL MONTHLY REFEREED JOURNAL OF REASEARCH IN ARTS & EDUCATION www. abhinavjournal. com ? To know the steps taken by the Government of India to curb the effect of recession on Hospi tality Industry through its policies. ? The hotels Taj, Kamat and Leela strongly agree for the importance of branding of their products during recession. 1. Importance of branding during recession 2. Policies undertaken by Government during the recession period. Looking at the slowdown in tourism sector seriously, the ministry announced Policy measure to promote tourism in the country and it declared year 2009 as Visit India year?. ? Further the Government tried to provide Complimentary services to foreign tourist, involving leading hotels, tour operators in its tourism promotion programs and stressed on providing security facilities for tourist arrivals. 3. Measures or future developments made by your company post global recession. TAJ HOTEL New Properties Opened- The Company? efforts of restoring the once resplendent Falaknuma Palace, Hyderabad eventually fructified with the grand opening of the Taj Falaknuma Palace in November 2010, with an exclusive get together of global connoi sseurs of luxury who came together in Hyderabad for this occasion. Expansion in Domestic and International Markets- The Company ventured into new geographies by entering into management contracts in Mexico and British Virgin Islands for development of high end Luxury Resorts.The Company continued its thrust on flagging properties under the â€Å"Gateway† brand in prominent economic, commercial and industrial centres of India by signing management contracts for hotels in Chandigarh, Ludhiana and Kolhapur. It has signed management contracts in leisure destinations such as Shimla and Rishikesh for a Gateway and Vivanta by Taj resort respectively. KAMAT HOTEL Expansion of projects: B W Highway Star Private Limited which is the subsidiary of Kamat hotel has presently two operational hotels at Pune under the brand name „The Orchid? and „VITS? esides restaurants and banquet halls. Management Contracts- the Company is having management contracts for managing hotel propert ies at Aurangabad, Karwar, Udaipur, Delhi and Pune. LEELA HOTEL Expansion of projects – The opening of Gurgaon hotel and residences heralded the arrival of the Company in the Delhi National Capital Region. This property, with 322 guest rooms and suites and 90 serviced residences, is operated under the â€Å"The Leela Kempinski† brand. This contemporary designed hotel with large banquet halls and state of the art facilities has been well received by the business clientele.VOLUME NO. 1, ISSUE NO. 2 7 ISSN 2277-1182 ABHINAV NATIONAL MONTHLY REFEREED JOURNAL OF REASEARCH IN ARTS & EDUCATION www. abhinavjournal. com Marketing Alliances- the Company has Sales and Marketing alliances with Kempinski Hotels, Europe? s oldest Hotel Group, established in 1897, and is also a member of The Global Hotel Alliance based in Geneva, Switzerland, which is an alliance of high profile independent hotels worldwide. The Company has entered into an alliance with Preferred Hotel Group whereby all our hotels from June 2008 have become members of this luxurious collection nder their most premier segment Preferred Hotels and Resorts. This will enable our hotels to acquire greater recognition of this brand in the USA as premium and luxury hotels and would give opportunity to leverage further 29 global sales offices in the USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Australia among others. This will also facilitate our relationship with four of the largest consortia – American Express, CWT, BCD and Hogg Robinson. SUGGESTIONS Need to rationalise the taxation on the hospitality industry.The hospitality sector has to adopt a single luxury tax across the country. To reduce procedural delays a provision of single-window clearances at the local, State and Central Government levels has to be formed. Tax holiday would encourage Foreign Direct Investment in this sector, more players to set up hotels and to bridge the shortage of rooms. Need to provide Capital Investment to the country – The India? s hospitality sector is expected to grow at 8. 8% between 2010-19 and India to get capital investment worth US $ 94. billion by 2019. Measures have to be taken to achieve the expected growth of Capital investment in India. Need for Economic generation to the country-The hospitality industry provides extreme opportunity to India in terms of contribution to its GDP and employment generation. The Government policies should focus at increasing tourist arrivals in the country and facilitate investments in tourism infrastructure, which will lead to significantly higher multiplier effect on the key economic parameters of the Indian economy.Need to generate Strong Sales and Marketing network- The hospitality industry lacks highly trained and motivated sales force in India excluding few hotels like Taj, Oberio and Leela. A Strong sales force always provides extensive reach and penetration in the market. Need to have Strong Food & Beverage Skills: There is a requirement o f strong Food beverage skills in Hospitality sector as it becomes a forte of any hotel or restaurant. This strengthens the hospitality sector to open number of Food and Beverage outlets, in partnership with celebrity chefs.Reduction of Geographical and economic risk. The hospitality sector has to reduce the Geographical and economic risk in order to increase its presence internationally in key gateway cities and resorts in South East Asia and other countries. VOLUME NO. 1, ISSUE NO. 2 8 ISSN 2277-1182 ABHINAV NATIONAL MONTHLY REFEREED JOURNAL OF REASEARCH IN ARTS & EDUCATION www. abhinavjournal. com CONCLUSION Service sector plays important role in Indian economy. Within the Service sector tourism and hospitality industry has more importance about generating employment, yielding foreign exchange.National income growth and providing base to other industries regarding tourism directly or indirectly The demand for travel and tourism in India is expected to grow by 8. 2% between 2011 an d 2019 placing India at the third position in the world. With its close ties to the tourism industry, the Indian hospitality sector is expected to see an estimated investment of USD 12. 17 billion during 2011, and in addition of over 20 new international hotel brands by 2011. Further capital investment in India's travel and tourism sector is expected to grow at 8. % between 2011 and 2019 while India is expected to get capital investment worth US$ 94. 5 billion in the travel and tourism sector in 2019. Foreign tourist arrivals are expected to grow to 10 million by 2012 and the domestic tourism is expected to increase by 15% to 20% by 2015 as per the Ministry of Tourism. Government of India is allowing 100% Foreign Direct Investment in Hotels and Tourism, through the automatic route. This forms as investment opportunity that helps the Indian hospitality sector to contribute Rs. 8,50,000 crores to the GDP by 2020 ( approx. 800 million USD). The Hospitality sector has to initiate a numb er of steps to further strengthen the sales and marketing network in the domestic as well as the international markets by conducting successful road shows in international fairs and. New Personal Relations agencies need to be appointed in international level to achieve step-up media visibility in foreign countries. Over the years the hospitality sector needs to build a large network of partners and associates to participate in its growth as they form an important part of the Hotel/restaurant strategy.To successfully counter the risk from growing competition and the new properties, The hotels and restaurants have to renovate and reposition all their key properties. It should improve its service levels by providing uniform and best service across all their subsidiary hotels. The hospitality sector has to aim for control its operating and financial leverage by expanding through management contracts and leveraging the strengths of their Associates. REFERENCES I. Journals and Magazines 1 . Batra G. S. , Tourism in the 21st century, (1996) Anmol publications Pvt. Ltd 2.Dirk William velde and Swapna Niar, (2005), Foreign Direct Investment, service trade negotiations and development -Federation of Hotels & Restaurants Association of India ltd, Govt. to review FDI in Tourism Sector, News and Features, New Delhi, February 13, (2007), Investment opportunities in Tourism Sector, Government of India portal Investment Commission. VOLUME NO. 1, ISSUE NO. 2 ISSN 2277-1182 9 ABHINAV NATIONAL MONTHLY REFEREED JOURNAL OF REASEARCH IN ARTS & EDUCATION www. abhinavjournal. com 3. Manpower recruitment in Hotel industry, A market plus report of Ministry of tourism, Government of India. . Meyer, D, Foreign Direct Investment in Tourism – The Development Dimension – Expert Advisory Committee (2005- 2006). Funded by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva, Switzerland. 5. Usha C. V. Haley, (2001), Tourism and FDI in Vietnam, Haworth Press, pp 67-90 6. Con ference on Tourism in India – Challenges Ahead, 15-17 May 2008, IIMK 109 II. Websites 1. www. fhrai. com, 2. http://www. investmentcommission. in/tourism. html 3. http://tourismindia. com 4. www. sarkaritel. com 5. www. ar-khil. com 6. www. Ihcl. com 7. www. theleela. com VOLUME NO. 1, ISSUE NO. 2 10 ISSN 2277-1182

Monday, September 16, 2019

Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients? Essay

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federally funded block grant which provides needy families assistance in finding and obtaining work opportunities. The funds are given to states to distribute. States are allowed some flexibility in how they chose to distribute these funds. There has been a recent movement among states to implement drug testing for applicants and recipients to receive this assistance. Many people see this as a violation of their 4th amendment rights. The ideology behind drug testing is to weed out misuse of funds by recipients, thus alleviating budgetary concerns in hard economic times. Are there other means of easing budgetary issues without potentially violating the 4th amendment rights of the poor? A common stereotype of people receiving public assistance is they are people who are drug addicts, alcoholics, lazy, and don’t want to work. Stereotypes are generalizations made about a certain group of people, good or bad. Stereotypes have a ne gative affect when they keep us from seeing a person for who they really are negating the individual (Iowa State University Study Abroad Center). According to an opinion poll on, seventy percent of people responded â€Å"yes† when answering the question, â€Å"Should someone receiving welfare be drug tested?† Respondents stated reasons such as â€Å"You can’t trust someone to use free money on things they need†, â€Å"Help should be given to those who really need it not to people who are too lazy to work†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , and â€Å"I don’t believe it is fair †¦ hard-working people have to pay taxes, and the money goes to lazy people who spend our hard earned money on drugs† ( These statements are indicative of stereotyping; stereotypes being pervasive within our society (Iowa State University Study Abroad Center). However, not all applicants or recipients needing public assistance fall within the stereotype. Luis Le bron is a 35-year-old Navy veteran, father of a 4-year-old, the sole caregiver for his disabled mother and a student at the University of Central Florida. He just needs some help after having served his country and while trying to finish school and take care of his son and disabled mother (Bloom). The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in Florida has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Lebron due to his refusal to submit to a drug test and relinquish his 4th Amendment rights. Lebron feels that, â€Å"It’s insulting and degrading that people think I’m using drugs just because I need a little help to take care of my family while I finish up my education.† The 4th Amendment of the United States Constitution states: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized (Cornell University Law School Legal Information Institute). The concept of the 4th amendment is to protect two basic freedoms – the right to privacy and freedom from random search and seizure. (Cornell University Law School Legal Information Institute). Twenty-eight states have proposed drug testing public assistance, according the National Conference of State Legislature. Utah has passed legislation requiring applicants to complete a written questionnaire screening for drug use. Georgia passed legislation requiring drug tests for all applicants. The Louisiana House endorsed random drug-testing of 20 percent of the state’s welfare recipients. Ohio is considering a pilot program to test welfare recipients. Florida’s drug testing law required applicants to pay for their tests and then would be reimbursed if the results proved negative (Prah). Federal or state laws that require suspicionless drug testing for eligibility to receive public assistance may be subject to constitutional challenge. Constitutional challenges are aimed towards privacy and unreasonable search. For searches to be reasonable, they generally must be based on suspicion, unless a â€Å"special need† can be shown that may allow for an exception. Public assistance programs do not necessarily create these special needs grounded in public safety that the Supreme Court has recognized in the past (Carpenter). There has only been litigation initiated in two states where the laws require suspicionless drug testing – Florida where the U.S. District Court issued an injunction to stop testing and Michigan where several individuals were granted a temporary injunction. A number of other applicants in Florida chose not to submit to drug testing. Because applicants are not required to explain why they chose not to submit to the tests, there is no statistical data as to the reasons why. Proponents for testing believe it is because applicants knew they would fail the test. However, opponents state that the reasoning could be because applicants may not have been able to afford the tests or because testing sites were not easily accessible (The Assoicated Press). It has been suggested that drug abuse is a major cause of welfare. However , there is only evidence, based on secondhand information, to support this. If drug use among welfare participants were reduced to the levels of non-participants, welfare participation would decline by approximately one percent (Kaestner). A report from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states, â€Å"Proportions of welfare recipients using, abusing or dependent on alcohol or illicit drugs are consistent with proportions of both the adult U.S. population and adults who do not receive welfare† (National Institute of Health). The researchers found the rate of drug abuse and/or dependency among welfare recipients to fall between 1.3 and 3.6 percent, as opposed to a rate of 1.5 percent within the general population. Data from the National Household Survey of Drug Abuse roughly coincides with these findings, with the rate of drug dependency among welfare recipients being approximately 4 percent. Further, the data suggests that no more than one in five welfare r ecipients used illegal drugs in any given year; half of those having used only marijuana (Budd). The evidence from these three studies shows that although drug use is tied to homeless and welfare participation, proportionally to the general population there is not a significant difference. Finally, in the study by Kaestner, he suggests that for purposes of reducing welfare, public programs should focus their efforts on something besides drug use (Kaestner). There is the belief that testing welfare applicants and recipients will reduce the payment of benefits to people who are mishandling the funds. In a 2011 article from the Tampa Tribune, Whittenburg reports, with the average cost of test being approximately $30, the state would owe $28,000 – $43,000 in reimbursements for applicants who passed tests monthly. The state would save approximately $32,000 to $48,000 for rejected applicants, assuming 20 to 30 people failed the test monthly. Welfare recipients receive an average of $134 per month, so the state would save approximately $2600 to $3300 which the rejected applicants wouldn’t receive. Over a one year period, which is the disqualification period for one failed test, the state could save $32,000 to $48,000 annually on the applicants rejected in a single month. The net savings would be $3,400 to $8,200 annually on one month’s worth of rejected applicants. Over 12 months, the money saved on all rejected applicants would add up to $40,800-$98,400 for the cash assistance program that state analysts have predicted will cost $178 million this fiscal year (Whittenburg). In a 2012 article from the New York Times, Alvarez reports that during the period that the Florida state law was in effect that required drug tests for welfare applicants, there was no direct savings. It found only a few drug users and didn’t affect the number of applications. According to the law, applicants who passed the drug test were reimbursed, an average of $30 for the cost of testing. Negative testing thus cost the state a little more than $118,000. This alone is more than the cost of benefits to those who failed the test. Ultimately, this turns out to be a cost to the state of an extra $45,780 (Alvarez). In order to avert any further court proceedings initiated by plaintiffs who believe their 4th amendment rights have been violated and avert costly testing programs, it would be prudent for the Federal government to exact language that explicitly prohibits the use of suspicionless drug testing in order to receive money from federally funded programs. Rather, government officials should refocus their efforts in the fight against drugs to the recovery from substance abuse of the general public rather than targeting a specific group of people, namely welfare recipients. Citizens should petition their states representatives to vote against proposed laws that support drug testing. Further, those representatives should seek to supplement existing or fund new treatment programs with the dollars saved by eliminating drug testing programs for welfare applicants and recipi ents. Another step to solidify a stance against suspicionless testing would be an amendment to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) to include language that explicitly prohibits suspicionless testing. Given that the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that substance abuse is no more prevalent in welfare applicants and recipients than the general population (National Institute of Health) then there is no basis for testing as a condition for receiving benefits. Alleviation of budgetary concerns is not guaranteed by the reduction of caseloads due to positive tests (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation). Where challenged, courts have determined that suspicionless testing is a violation of the 4th Amendment (Schaberg). North Carolina’s Governor, after vetoing a bill to implement drug testing, stated, â€Å"Drug testing †¦applicants †¦ could lead to inconsistent application †¦ That’s a recipe for government overreach and unnecessary government intrusion. This is not a smart way to combat drug abuse. Similar efforts in other states have proved to be expensive for taxpayers and did little to actually help fight drug addiction.† (Smith) Bibliography Alvarez, Lizette. â€Å"No Savings Are Found From Welfare Drug Tests.† The New York Times 18 April 2012: A14. Bloom, Rachel. â€Å"Poor People Have Rights Too.† 12 October 2011. American Civil Liberties Union. 3 August 2013 . Budd, Jordan C. â€Å"Pledge Your Body for Your Bread: Welfare, Drug Testing, and the Inferior Fourth Amendment.† 2011. William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal . 7 August 2013 . Carley, Frances. Drug Testing Welfare Recipients: A Review of Potential Costs and Savings. Lansing, 2012. Carpenter, David H. â€Å"Constitutional Analysis of Suspicionless Drug Testing Requirements for the Receipt of Governmental Benefits.† Report. 2013. Cornell University Law School Legal Information Institute. Fourth Amendment. n.d. 5 August 2013 . —. Fourth Amendment. n.d. 5 August 2013 . Should someone receiving welfare be drug tested? n.d. Iowa State University Study Abroad Center. Stereotypes. 7 June 2011. 21 Augusr 2013 . Kaestner, Rob ert. â€Å"Drug Use and AFDC Participation: Is There a Connection?† May 1996. the National Bureau of Economic Reearch. 6 August 2013 . National Coalition for the Homeless. â€Å"Substance Abuse and Homelessness.† July 2009. National Coalition for the Homeless. 6 August 2013 . National Institute of Health. â€Å"NIAAA Researchers Estimate Alcohol and Drug Use, Abuse, and Dependence Among Welfare Recipients.† 23 October 1996. National Institute on Alocohol Abuse and Alocoholism. 7 August 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A commemorative speech Essay

A commemorative speech are speeches of praise or celebration. The speaker aims of this speech is to pay tribute to a person, a group of people, an institution, or an idea. Each speech that you will give has a purpose. In a commemorative speech the main purpose is inspire your audience. The speaker is trying to arouse and heighten the audiences appreciation of or admiration for the person, institution, or idea you are praising. When giving a commemorative speech it is important for the speaker to express feelings that connects with what your talking about. You want to capture the audience and invite them in and let them see why you are giving praise to whatever it is you might be. A commemorative speech depends mostly on the creative and subtle use of language. When giving a commemorative speech it is most successful when the speaker is meaningful and inspiring with the use of language. Your ability to put your real thoughts and emotions into your words can great benefit how the audie nce will react to what you have said. The speaker will have a greater effect on grabbing the audiences attention if he or she focuses on specific details for example tone, repetition, and vivid language.The book gives us an example of how a few changes to the opening of a speech can have a dramatic affect. Using these specific language techniques can also keep the audience interested in what the speaker is saying. A commemorative speech is about praising or celebrating something and if we were to stand up and give a speech in a monotone voice than it wouldn’t seem like we were praising or celebrating anything. Specific language techniques that would be appropriate for a commemorative speech would be metaphor, simile, parallelism, repetition, antithesis, and alliteration. As a speaker your biggest challenge is to get the audience to imagine what your saying. Christenings, weddings, funerals, graduations, award ceremonies, inaugurals, and retirement dinners are all examples of commemorative speeches. If the speaker does not pay specific detail to the use of language than the speech will not be successful.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Satirical Elements in “Slaughterhouse-Five”

Kurt Vonnegut uses a variety of elements including satire which he was credited with being a master of, in â€Å"Slaughterhouse-Five† where he tells the story of Billy Pilgrim. The book is loosely based on Vonnegut’s experiences during the firebombing of Dresden in World War II. The literary element in â€Å"Slaughterhouse-Five† that I will focus on is this paper is his element of satire. Even the plot of this novel can be found to have satire in it. This main character Billy Pilgrim becomes unstuck in time after being abducted by aliens from the planet Tralfamadore where he is mated with a porn star. I even found satire in that Billy Pilgrim, was a bumbling and unlikely hero character. The fictional alter ego Billy Pilgrim was born in 1922, which if you happen to know about Vonnegut’s life, he too was born in 1922. I find satire in his Vonnegut’s fictional author, Kilgore Trout. It is rumored that this â€Å"Kilgore† could have been anyone from author Theodore Sturgeon, science fiction author Philip K. Dick or even Vonnegut’s own alter ego. Readers could find satire in the circumstances of the death of character Edgar Derby. Edgar was among the survivors of the war of Dresden and was engaged in the clean-up activities. The imprisoned soldiers were instructed to use flame-throwers to burn the bodies and the ruins of the war left in Dresden. Derby then gets shot by a guard for simply taking a teapot from the ruins after Derby had survived the fire-bombing of Dresden during World War II. In one part of â€Å"Slaughterhouse-Five,† we find an inebriated Billy Pilgrim entering his car while desperately trying to locate the missing steering wheel to the car and the readers are then clued in that he has entered the back seat area of the car. In another part of â€Å"Slaughterhouse-Five† Billy Pilgrim becomes unstuck in time while watching television. We read as Billy then watches a war film backwards and then he watches it forwards. During the wedding night to his wife Valencia, he first travels from the zoo on Tralfamadore. Billy wakes up only to find himself in a German prison camp. Upon returning from the bathroom, he finds himself back with his wife. Billy goes to sleep again only to wake up on a train to his father’s funeral. The story used satire and dark humor somewhat interchangeably at points. A kind of ironic satire perhaps could be found when Billy’s American compatriot Roland continues to hit Billy because he feels Billy is moving too slowly. The German soldiers or â€Å"the enemies† then arrive and rescue Billy from further mistreatment from his American compatriot. Billy’s fear of being displayed naked in the zoo could be satire or associated with Billy (or Vonnegut) not yet feeling comfortable in revealing his personal thought processes at this time. He could have been aware enough that he realized he didn’t want to be exposed for who he really was at that point in his life or that point in his mind. One could count it political satire when Vonnegut includes bits denegrading U. S. foreign policy and the U. S. Army in general. Vonnegut also satires egocentricity. I suppose some of the satire can be seen in how Billy Pilgrim criticizes those who are not assertive, those who are not in control of their lives. However, throughout the novel, even when Billy knew the plane was going to crash he said nothing and did nothing. He just let the flow of events happen. At this point he still felt as if the moment is structured and one cannot alter the moment. It wasn’t until the end when Billy has brain surgery he changes from being indifferent towards life to being proactive. It wasn’t until the brain surgery that Billy showed initiative and actively helped others. One could see satire in that in his normal state without surgery Billy was a passive member of society. It wasn’t until brain surgery, the positive changes or proactive changes begin to occur in Billy’s life.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Tatoo is good Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tatoo is good - Essay Example The tattoos designs are not just restricted to anchors, skulls, and battleships but now, ways and designs have come under findings by the populace as a mean to express themselves. A tattoo that is profound into the skin is a perforate lesion, where needles come under the use to pierce into the skin of an individual and infusion of ink through that needle occurs to make some type of a design. Since the tattoos are deep-rooted into ones’ skin, this attribute of tattoos make them lifelong stay on the body. Initially, hands came under use in operating the practice of tattoo making and there was no mechanical way of doing it, but with the advancement in technology, the tattoo artist makes use of a machine (electric gadget) to make the tattoo. In some remote areas of the world, the practice of making tattoos is still manual. The tattoo making is not a new art, as it has been in practice from scores of generations across the globe. In some parts of the world despite of being popular, is it considered as a symbol of religious and divine dedication, awards or medals of gallantry, sexual attraction or expression of love, lucky or good luck charm, security, and as the marks of outsider, slaves and guilty. Different religions and cultures have different concepts, meaning, and impact of the tattoos and its symbols. In recent years, moreover people make tattoos to express their feeling to their loved ones, whether it be mother, father, siblings, children, or someone special. Even some individuals make tattoos for cosmetic, monument, and magical grounds to get themselves coupled or recognized with a particular social or ethnic group. Tattoo is not a new concept and has been in existence for more than five thousand years. Tattoo is an unintentional invention by a person who got a small injury, and rubbed that cut with the hands full of dirt with fire ashes. The mark stayed on a permanent basis, which came under notice after the healing of the injury. The history of tatt oos reveals the fact that tattoos has been in subsistence since the time of the civilization and has been present in many cultures around the world. Nevertheless, the modern history tells us that tattoos were most common amongst the military personnel in order to distinguish their identities in a particular group. Later on, it became in style amongst the common person (Diman, pp.121-150). People find tattoos, which is, making a symbol or picture on the body, as one of the artistic, unique, and innovative ways to broadcast everybody about the personality and their beliefs. People also use tattoos to express their harmony and shared/common views they have with another group, individual, or thoughts. Individuals even make tattoos in order to commemorate themselves with a significant and crucial incident or an event that is of high importance, value and meaningful for them due to the reason that a tattoo stays perpetually on their bodies. People often use tattoos as a symbol of articula tion and expression. They make tattoos in the form of images or symbols that represents their faith, trust, passion, and obsession. The individual emboss a tattoo on their body when they are confident enough to show their commitment it in front of the world. Few people even use tattoos as a tool to beautify their bodies. They consider their body as an unprinted picture, which with

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Phenomenology of Death Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Phenomenology of Death - Thesis Example The paper "Phenomenology of Death" analyzes the relationship between the ‘self’ and ‘temporality’ as it explains the notion of Heidegger. The general approach of this paper is to present ‘temporality’ in terms of ‘finitude’ and to define and examine the ‘authentic’ and ‘inauthentic’ modes of selfhood. Heidegger argues that ‘das man’ is ‘being towards death’ and is inauthentic as a result. Those who do not ‘act’ like ‘das man’ are in some sense authentic? This latter point will be taken up in the later half of the following analysis, and it is going to be argued that ‘determining what qualifies as ‘everydayness’ is a very seriously ambiguous notion. This paper will begin with the general discussion of ‘being’ and its opposite, namely, non-being, proceed to a discussion of ‘finitude’ in relation to inauthenticity, and discuss the relationship between an authentic and inauthentic self in relation to the temporality. According to Heidegger, the external world of ‘extension’ or as he states the world of the â€Å"senses† is largely understood as â€Å"quantitative modifications of the modes of extensio itself†. By contrast, the world can be characterized in qualitative rather than quantitative terms. By quantitative, he is implying the basic units of scientific measurement. However, these discrete units of measurement and the application of these as a means of both understanding extension along with distinguishing it from the subject are forms of abstraction.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Business - ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business - ethics - Essay Example this was dishonest, Frank replied that each firm had told him to submit his expenses and that therefore he was not taking something to which he had no right. One firm had not asked for receipts, so he determined it was making him a gift of the money. The problem is that Frank is committing fraud by telling the companies that he has expenses of $1000 because whenever his expenses have been paid by either company, the other company has no obligation to pay for expenses that do not exist. 3) Frank Waldron could return half of each companys money, telling the companies he intentionally requested payment from both companies and accept one the offers that have already been extended, thus discontinuing this fraudulent practice. Solution 1. The solution impacts Frank Waldron directly as he would likely become unable to secure a job due to his fraud. Next the Eastern State University placement office would be affected as their reputation with the companies would be tarnished since the fraud was perpetrated under their noses. Finally the companies are affected and would implement ways to prevent this from happening again thus putting red tape up for every new interviewee who might have legitimate

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Each student is required to write-up a six-page proof of concept for a Essay

Each student is required to write-up a six-page proof of concept for a start-up enterprise. Your concept should capitalize on an - Essay Example It also does not use mercury and contributes to reduce climate control costs in comparison with a florescent bulb. With the growing competitions in the business world, smarter investors know what to invest in. Considering this facet, investing in LED energy savings bulb can be regarded as one of the most prospective businesses in Indonesia. Contextually, it is observed that the revenue generated from the global LED lighting market stands at a substantial figure of US$9.46 billion in 2013. It is estimated that the global demand for LED lighting would broadly stay the same for the coming 4 years. However, this steady growth prospect bodes well for the proposed start-up business (Sector Publishing Intelligence Ltd, â€Å"The World Market for LED Lighting†). Indonesia is determined to be amongst one of the leading resource saver countries in the world. Considering the current electric equipment demand, investing capital to start a business of LED bulb in Indonesia can be considere d as beneficial. THESIS STATEMENT This essay will mainly focus on the opportunity for the investors to invest into the LED energy saving bulb business in Indonesia. The essay would also contain a new-start up business concept mainly focusing on establishing a LED light bulb In Indonesia along with determining the value which can be created by the business. DISCUSSION Potential in LED business in Indonesian Electronic Market. Indonesia is considered to be amongst the largest economies in the Southeast Asia. It has registered a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 6.2% till 2012 and is projected to be above 6% for the coming five years. It has been viewed that during the downfall in the global economy the country was measured to be amongst the top performers in the global context. The vital reasons behind the strong performance emanated from effective performance of number of industries, high domestic demand of goods and services along with rich natural resources. Additionally, it i s also observed that the consumer market of Indonesia is considered to be amid the fastest developing markets, where GDP per capita is US$3500 exceeding many of its neighboring countries. The political condition of the country is determined to be supportive in comparison with other nations especially in the South Asian region of the world. It is worth mentioning that according to an estimation, it is predicted that 60 million people who are considered as low-income Indonesian workers would join the intermediate class of people in the upcoming years, increasing the consumer demand (, â€Å"Doing Business in Indonesia: 2012 Country Commercial Guide for U.S. Companies†). LED light bulbs are observed to be electronic bulbs that utilize semiconductor technology to use electric energy in a more efficient way. It has been viewed that with the increasing technical advancements in every aspect, large organizations are adapting more advanced technologies to develop products b y considering the increasing negative impacts of their operations on the environment. Indonesia is ascertained to be amongst those countries that have been implementing policies and regulations to adapt eco-friendly products as their first priority. It has been viewed that LED lighting products are now available three or more times more effective than compact florescent products and are considered to be the best lighting alternative till date. The LED insurgency in lightning technology is