Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Veteran Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Veteran - Essay ExampleThe novice source also thinks for him or herself thus, the tendency to create works that are primarily meant and suitable for the novice writer. With this information in mind, the novice writer is more of a narcissist or egocentric being, of which the writer remains unaware.The works remain difficult for the reader, as the information presented is well known to the writer thus, there is no need to apologize the ideas and terms used. This way, the novice creates compositions that leave out crucial information that includes footnotes and punctuations. The sentence structure does not vary much given that the goal is to generate and sit ideas to paper for nearly personal consumption. It is from the above that the novice is termed as an unconscious writer creating compositions almost aimlessly and for egocentric satisfaction.In addition, ignorance plays a crucial situation in defining a novice writer. This is in regard to structuring in compositions, such as paragraphs, which only if feature non-strategically. Failure to proofread ones works is also common, which puts the writer in a position where one is not even writing but holding a conversation with oneself, only with no form of feedback.On the other hand, a ex-serviceman writer bears the ability to reflect to conceive a situation in writing. In this regard, the writers compositions are meant for communication and have a deeper meaning. The inner meaning is meant to draw out the reaction of the reader, which brings out the difference between novice and veteran writers. This is due to their intentions and goal in writing, as well as the skill. The main goals for veteran writers are to communicate with readers and win them over by creating convincing ideas large to capture attention, strong, concrete arguments and confident language. The above is as opposed to the writing behavior exhibited by novices. A veteran writer meets the desires of readers by giving fashioning the time sp ent

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