Monday, June 10, 2019

Bureaucratization of My Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bureaucratization of My Life - Essay ExampleStudents are people too and their overwhelming donnish requirements put pressure on their lives. Some deadlines cannot be met so professors must understand the situation. There are also rules that were written a long time ago which does not fit a alive(p) learning environment anymore. Although is a school is a bureaucratic system, it must also be the leader in innovation and change since it leads society towards the emerging through the learning process.The third characteristic is Impersonality. A bureaucratic system is objective and people assigned to do their duties are impersonal in their attitude. weber thought this was good so that people can easily perform their routine and stick to the tasks being performed. The school staff assists students regardless if they are academic performers or not. There is no discrimination as the school staff perform their duties by rendering service to all students regardless of race, creed, color or even financial status. Unfortunately, impersonality and objectivity have its drawbacks. What I am pointing out is that since a bureaucratic system is impersonal and objective the situation of an individual is overlook since the rules have to be followed. Regardless if one has been sick and cannot submit on time, the student can be given a failing grade disrespect the circumstances. In conclusion, bureaucracy is practiced inside PGCC and it has its advantages however, it also has its disadvantages since a school system is not a perfect organization.

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