Saturday, October 12, 2019

Japan :: essays research papers

In 1868, Japan underwent radical changes in social aspects as well as economic matters. A ministry of education was soon created in 1872, and in the same year, a strict education code was formulated. The government greatly wanted to industrialize in order to prevent foreign rule. The government sent students to Europe and America in order to learn Western ways. In 1877 the first college, the University of Tokyo was created. Japan quickly became more Western like. Japan in order to increase its industry needed raw materials something in, which the mainland lacked. The only way to gain these was by buying from larger countries or conquering new territory, which had the needed raw materials. Japan wished to gain footholds in Korea, China, and Manchuria but at the time, Russia had already gained footholds in these areas. Japan’s greatly modern military easily defeated the Chinese army and navy over the matter of Korea in the Sino-Japanese war. (Encarta Japan)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1894, Nicholas the 2nd ascended to the throne of Russia. Although he was a good man he was a weak ruler easily dominated by others. With revolutionary trouble at home and the disagreement over Manchuria with Japan, turmoil soon broke out in Russia. Afterward, a compromise with Japan on the Manchuria issue was unsuccessful. Diplomatic ties were broken in early 1904, which prompted a surprise attack, by the Japanese navy on Port Author. The attack was hugely successful. Many of the Russian ships were damaged or destroyed in the attack. News of this brought great civil strife in Russia with a revolutionary fever in the air the people called for reform but the Czar declined the warning. (Encarta Russia)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In March 1904 the Japanese 1st Army landed at Chemulp’o. It faced Russian forces on the Yalu river by late April. The Russian commander, General Aleksey Kuropatkin decided to hold defensive position until reinforcements arrived. The Japanese commander however built up a 6 to 1 troop advantage and a breech of the Yalu river was forced on May 1st. During May the Japanese 2nd army landed on the Liaodong peninsula. It quickly severed communications between Port Author and the Russian forces in Manchuria. It then captured Kinchow and won the battle of Nanshan on May 30th. Soon the 2nd army besieged Port Author. The Russian commander Kuropatkin was personally ordered by Nicolas the 2nd to hold Port Author. Kuropatkin decided to move his main forces to Liaoyang.

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