Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Work of Michel Foucault in Contemporary Criminology Research Paper

The Work of Michel Foucault in Contemporary Criminology - Research Paper Example The works of Michel Foucault, who is considered to be an influential thinker during the 20th century, have proved to be relevant in contemporary criminology. The field of criminology is based on two clear approaches. The first approach mainly focuses on what causes crimes, singles out criminogenic social conditions and examines criminals. The second approach, which is current, deals with analyzing forms of penalty and checking for any faults so as to observe the degree of state encroachment on personal rights and liberty. One of Foucault’s works, Discipline and Punish, which was a book he wrote in 1975, examines punishment in its social context. It changed the way people viewed the prison system. The book clearly reveals how he came about with his main theme of power and domination. In his book, he talks about how prisons came about and clearly reveals its history. He also points out the growing number of prisons despite the fact of them not being successful. The rise in the n umber of prisons and criminals in the US and Britain proves his point. The book reveals his thoughts on how elite people in the society have power and control over everyone. According to Foucault, prisons subjected people to live their lives according to the disciplines that were imposed by the government. He adds on that there have been no improvements in the society since Renaissance and that the only thing that has developed is the technology that has been employed to enslave the spirits of people in our societies.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Information System Essay Example for Free

Information System Essay The introduction of information system has heave effect on arising of ethical, social and political issues. These issues should be dealt with at individual, social and political levels. The computer professional and users have the responsibility of maintaining relationship with each other given that critical decision made poses significant consequences to the involved parties. Ethical issues are those principles of what is right and wrong that can be used by individuals acting morally as they make choices that guide their view towards new information technology. They have to behave ethically by not stealing, being honest, keeping promises and doing ones job right for computer users. Consequently, computer professionals are to follow good professional standards and practices, educate non computer professionals on how the systems affect people (Alter, 1999). They are also to ensure the latest knowledge and technology is attained through high level of professional competence. Thus the five ethical, social and political issues in information system that call for moral steps to be taken in making decisions are; The information rights and obligations Individuals and organizations should have rights and obligation on information so that they are able to protect their information in the system. The ethical issue here are on what condition should privacy be raided or what justifiable self-effacing inspection. Socially, people have to be ascertained privacy when using the information system. But will the expectation of the society be extended to criminal conspirators. Politically, are securities teams monitor or maintain individuals’ data from sites? Property rights and obligations There should be a way of protecting the traditional intellectual property rights in a digital society. This will facilitate tracing and accounting for information ownership by eliminating difficulties associated with property rights. In respect to social issues, the society should be in a position of sharing information so as to eliminate law breakers and politically, the government should protect investment of creators by setting new protection measures needed. Accountability and control The issue of who is to be held accountable or liable for the harm done to individuals or for the collective information and property rights. The ethical issue is on who is responsible morally for the consequences of the use of hardware or software. Socially, the issue brought out is on what the expectation of the society should be in allowing service provision from information system or can people be in a position of trusting the quality of the software, data (Gupta, 2000). In addition, the political issues of on what extent should the government intervene so that it may protect service providers and users. System quality The standards of data and quality of system should be defined that society should demand in order to protect individuals’ rights and the safety in the society. Ethically, the point at which services are to be released for consumption has to be defined. On social issues, whether people are to be convinced that the information systems are infallible and politically whether laws of accountability and responsibility should be set (Alter, 2006). The government has to step in and develop standards on the quality of data, software and hardware. Quality of life Certain values have to be preserved in an information and knowledge-based society against violation. The information should be in a position of supporting the cultural values and practices. Information system has led to reengineering of work, health risks like computer vision syndrome and radiation from display screens. In addition, it weakens traditional boundaries; it is vulnerable to system failures, slow responses to change due to efficient market place and problems associated with centralized policy decisions (Curtis Cobham, 2008). Even though information system poses several issues to business, it must be incorporated in business operations for it is vital in coordination and communication within the business. Additionally, the benefits of information system are much more than the few shortcomings it carries. 2. An information system refers to the combination of information technology and people’s activities while using the technology in order to support operations, management and ease decision making. In essence, it’s the interaction between people, processes, data and technology (Beynon-Davies, 2009). It helps in controlling the performance of business processes. An information system works in a way that human and machines perform tasks to produce products and services for customers. Information system is made up of several components of management, organization and technology. These are; the people, hardware, software, data, network resources, types of information products and the way the components perform i.e. input, processing, output and storage through controlled activities. People resources are made up of end users and information system specialists while hardware consists of machines and media. The soft ware resources comprises of programs and procedures in storage of information and processing while data consists of data and knowledge sources (Mader, 1979). Network resources are made up of communications media and network which facilitate technology in innovation and communication. 3. In an organization, information system is vital given that it helps in decision making by employees and managers. Additionally, it wires an organization strategy for competitive advantage through innovation using information system and facilitating business processes and operations. In a business, information system provides managers with important information about sales, inventories and all other vital data that will help in managing an organization (Edwards, 2001). It facilitates effective communication between the different levels of management through collection, processing, storing and dissemination of data in the organization. I believe that information system is very important in the organization for it enhances communication within the organization. By incorporating modern information technology in management of the business, managers will be able to come up with decision with much ease. Furthermore, it provides essential data for analysis of performance of various levels in the business thus enabling motivation, training, recruitment and promotion. Lastly, it provides data and analysis which are useful in making good decision of how, when and where to employ human resources in order to achieve the goal of the organization. 4. Â   I agree that there is a sustainable competitive advantage in business. Sustainable competitive advantage can only be attained through the use of information system where it facilitates innovation and decision making that will enable a business to remain competitive in the market (O’Brien, 2008). The organization will therefore make use of information technology to reengineer internal processes of the business thus cutting on cost and ensuring quality products making them to remain competitive in the market. In short, a sustainable competitive advantage is possible with implementation of effective information system with proper and focused management.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Early Learning: How Do Head Start Programs Contribute to Success Essay

The Head Start Program contributes to the successful learning of children in a major way. Head Start promotes healthy prenatal out comes, enhances the development of infants and toddlers, and promotes healthy family functioning. The children are giving a better chance to succeed in school and life. Therefore, the rate of human learning and development is in the early years. Head Start is a Federal funded, comprehensive child development program that has an overall goal to prepare children from low-income families for school (Administration for Children and Families). The Head Start Program is under the direction of local, non-profit organizations in almost every county in the world. The Head Start Program originally began in 1965, by President Lyndon London (Zigler). A report written by The United States Department of Health and Human Services states that the Head Start Program began in 1995 for children from birth to three years of age, and has expanded to serve approximately 800,000 children and their families in 664 communities across the United States. To prepare a child for ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Role Model

MY ROLE MODEL Almost everyone has a role model in their life. They could be a parent, a friend, a teacher, or a sports hero. They could be the D. A. R. E officer who works in your school. He could be someone you read about in a book. A role model is hard to define, because it can be different for everyone. Who your role model is depends as much on you as it does on the person you admire. Often, it is someone you would like to be like when you get older, or someone who does something you find hard to do. They might be somebody who performs outstanding volunteer work.They might be a community leader. They might be your mentor. Maybe they are generous and kind. Maybe they performed an extraordinary feat or accomplishment. They might be someone in your neighborhood, or someone in another country. Typically, a role model is brave, smart, strong, kind, thoughtful and fun. Not that every role model is perfect. Unless it is someone out of a storybook, role models are people who might be outs tanding in only one or two areas. Or maybe it is someone who is far less than perfect, but is working to improve himself or herself.I personally believe that a good role model should have certain qualities, and he should†¦ * Have a good personality * Be humble * Be respectable * Be ambitious When we had to choose a role model, one name appeared clearly in my head. I didn't see, and couldn't see, anyone else but Gandhi. Indeed, in my opinion, it's this man who gives meaning to the expression, â€Å"role model. † I don't think there's a more charismatic role model in history. Indeed, he accomplished such important and brave things that he must be one of the most well-known heroes in the world.Gandhi was born in India in 1869 during the period of colonies. He lived under the English occupation and, as a consequence, suffered from oppression and the authority of colonists. However, what disturbed him the most was the fact that his country, or rather his nation, couldn't make decisions by itself anymore and hope to evolve and grow. Gandhi, who was lucky to have been educated, was the first man in this painful period who dared to refuse the British authority using pacifist methods. Indeed, boycotts and other peaceful ways like hunger strikes enabled India to get its independence from the United Kingdom.As far as I am concerned, Gandhi is really an exemplary man. I feel that Gandhi was a positive role model in society because he enabled India to get its independence, but his influence didn't stop at this moment. his ideas of independence kept on living beyond the borders and reached all the other colonized countries. His influence was such that many nations took their independence just after India did. Thanks to him, all of those people were able to hope again and, in my opinion, it's one of the qualities that the definition of a role model requires.If we followed his example in life, we would stop killing each other and, instead, discuss and resolve prob lems together without useless violence. It may take a long time, but I think it's worth trying. All of this shows that Gandhi is actually someone who can be considered as a role model. He was both brave and intelligent. Indeed, not only was he courageous because he defied the authorities, but he was also talented because he didn't use physical strength to get what he wished. All in all, for my part, Gandhi must be considered as one of the most important personalities history has ever known. I think he deserves to have this status

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Media, Minorities, and Multiculturalism

The article Media, Minorities, and Multiculturalism attempts to explain how and why advances in media misrepresentation of minorities continues to be â€Å"couched in compromise†, and to distinguish between the concepts of media racism and racist media. This article also tries to draw attention to the complex factors involving media misrepresentation of minorities, and explores the developments in the creation of multicultural media by inclusion in mainstream media and institutional parallels that exist around alternative ethnic and aboriginal media.There are profound differences between racist media, and media racism. Racist media is media which openly discriminates against people of a certain race or ethnicity, thereby excluding them or denying them of certain privileges, while media racism is reflected in coverage that ignores minorities except in contexts of entertainment or crisis, and depicts minorities are problematic people, and also encoding words that constitute an e lite white discourse in perpetrating ideologies consistent with dominant sectors.The mediaThe mainstream media have been said to be particularly negligent in engaging with diversity in a constructive way, and failing to put the principles of inclusiveness into practice. Although the goal of the media might not necessarily be to diminish or demean minority men and women, the cumulative impact of miscasting has had the controlling effect of depicting minorities as remote or â€Å"removed† people.It has been noted that media that depend mostly on advertising for profit and revenue seem to be the least responsive in the area of change and improvement in minority misrepresentation, and news casting has remained a medium of the negative, even though there have been efforts to avert blatant racism. Men and women of the minority ethnicity are still constantly framed as troublesome people, whose demands and concerns are seen as unpatriotic, especially when they entail concessions or c osts.Over time, mainstream media has continued to misrepresent minority men and women at the news-casting level, advertising, TV programming and film making, even though there have been some changes and improvement in TV programming. For example, in countries like the United States and Canada, black and white viewers are having more and more favorite TV programs in common, which is probably because of the use of multi-ethnic casting in TV programs.Media miscasting tends to portray minorities as invisible, problematized, stereotyped, white washed and miniaturized people. Such an indictment is not entirely true presently, as there have been improvements in the quality of media and quantity of media minority representations.Also, advances in media representation of minorities are continuously â€Å"couched in compromise†, as systematic biases and institutional barriers still exist. In the developing world, media coverage of minorities is miscast because the media is preoccupied with style over substance and with adversity over cooperation. Developing world minorities are mostly ignored or made to seem irrelevant by racist mainstream media, and this has the effect of framing minority peoples as volatile and mindlessly violent, due to the absence of a balanced coverage.Ethnic and aboriginal mediaThere have been positive advances in ethnic and aboriginal media, due a popular and a booming ethnic market, which is reforming the ethnic media landscape. Ethnic media continues to flourish with as many as 50 radio stations airing non-English language and non-French language programs. Canada is a world leader in aboriginal media, and has many aboriginal radio and television networks, which the people look upon as an emancipatory tool for social, cultural and educational construction.Racist media in CanadaOn the basis that a racist media is one in which racism is institutionalized, it can be said that Canada does not have a racist media. Canada does have human rights laws, federal regulatory bodies, and also industry guidelines that are designed to reject deliberate racism. What Canada can be said to have instead, is media racism because the media is not deliberately racist in their coverage despite the racism existing in the mainstream media on personal and institutional levels.Discussion questionsIs racist media different from media racism?How can the concept of racist media be measured?What constitutes racist media?Does Canada have racist media?Reference listMedia in societyMedia, Minorities, and Multiculturalism

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Rose For Emily Essays (383 words) - To Kill A Mockingbird

A Rose For Emily Essays (383 words) - To Kill A Mockingbird A Rose For Emily Reading To Kill A Mockingbird and A Rose For Emily I noticed several differences and likenesses. I would like to convey my thoughts to you. Females in "A Rose For Emily" are depicted as reclusive, crazy, and nosy. Females in "To Kill A Mockingbird" are depicted as smart, outgoing, and full of pride. For example, Emily and Aunt Alexandra are both full of pride. Emily is so full of pride that when she finds out that Homer Barron is not going to marry her and that he is gay that she kills him. She lets the town think that they are married. When in fact she kills him. Emily is afraid of what the town will say about her. Aunt Alexandra is full of a different kind of pride. She is full of family pride. She always tell Jem and Scout about their family tree and history. She also cares about what the town says about them. Aunt Alexandra doesn't want the town to think badly about the Finch family. Emily is a sad figure. She doesn't let anybody befriend her. She barely even talks to her servant. Even when people come to talk to her she either meets them at the door to tell them to go away or she gets her servant to tell them to go away. She is also a recluse. She hardly if ever goes out. Her servant is occasionally seen at the market buying food, but other than that nobody ever goes out from the household. Calpurnia from "To Kill A Mockingbird" is also a sad figure. She has to compromise with the white society that discriminates against blacks. She has to compromise with Aunt Alexandra. She has to do what Aunt Alexandra says even though she does not agree with her. Calpurnia is though, admirable because she has made the best of her opportunities. She is like a member of the Finch family. She has been with them since Mrs. Finch died. In conclusion, Emily has not done the best with her opportunities. She has given up on the world and so she withdrew into her own little world. Emilyis a sad and lonely lady and will die sad and alone. She could have so much more if she only tries, though.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Expository Essay on A Farewell to Arms Essays - Free Essays

Expository Essay on A Farewell to Arms Essays - Free Essays Expository Essay on A Farewell to Arms subject = Modern American Lit title = Expository Essay on A Farewell to Arms In Ernest Hemmingway's A Farewell to Arms, the protagonist, Frederic Henry is both dysfunctional and tragic. Throughout the story Henry lives up to this description of shear tragedy and dysfunction. The main elements that aid in making him both tragic and dysfunctional are: the fact that the love he and Catherine shared at the end of the book was doomed, this love was only "role-playing" to him at first, and he went AWOL on the Italian army. The first detail that contributes to making Henry a dysfunctional character is that he uses role-playing as a way of escaping the realization of the human mortality which is unveiled by the war. This role-playing begins on Henry and Catherine's third encounter. After this meeting the two become increasingly comfortable with their roles. It is as if their whole relationship is a "game". Neither one of them mistakes role-playing for a truly intimate relationship, but both recognize that it can be a useful device for satisfying certain emotional needs. This role-playing is a very dysfunctional characteristic of Frederic Henry. The second point that makes Henry a dysfunctional character is that he deserted the Italian army. Not only was this illegal but it could have cost him his life. Henry, although an American, had made a commitment to the Italian army, to protect and serve Italy. This characteristic alone is enough to make one dysfunctional, as it does to Henry. In addition to being a dysfunctional character, Henry is also a tragic character. The love that Henry gains for Catherine is pure tragedy. Although the relationship that Frederic and Catherine had started out to be only role-playing it turned into something much more, it became true love. This love was more than could be explained in words. Their love during an ugly war was not to be recreated or modeled even as much as through a baby conceived by their love. The baby could not be born alive because their love was beautiful yet doomed so that nothing could come out of it. "In a world where the abstracts of glory, honor, and sacrifice meant little to Frederic, his physical association with Catherine was the only thing he had and it was taken away from him long before she died."1 In conclusion, these three main items aid in making Henry a dysfunctional and tragic character. Henry had fled his duty as a soldier, giving up on the country he had confided in. Henry was engaged in a relationship which started as a mere game, grew into love and ultimately ended in the tragic death of his precious wife and child. Frederic Henry is a tragic and dysfunctional character in a tragic and dysfunctional story.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Horned Gopher (Ceratogaulus) - Facts and Figures

Horned Gopher (Ceratogaulus) - Facts and Figures Name: Horned Gopher; also known as Ceratogaulus (Greek for horned marten); pronounced seh-RAT-oh-GALL-us Habitat: Woodlands of North America Historical Epoch: Late Miocene (10-5 million years ago) Size and Weight: About one foot long and a few pounds Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Large head with small, beady eyes; paired horns on snout About the Horned Gopher (Ceratogaulus) One of the most improbable megafauna mammals of Miocene North America, the Horned Gopher (genus name Ceratogaulus) certainly lived up to its name: this foot-long, otherwise inoffensive gopher-like creature sported a pair of sharp horns on its snout, the only rodent ever known to have evolved such an elaborate head display. To judge by its small eyes and mole-like, long-clawed front hands, Ceratogaulus evaded the predators of its North American habitat and avoided the noonday heat by burrowing into the grounda trait shared by the prehistoric armadillo Peltephilus, the only other known horned, burrowing mammal in the fossil record. (The Horned Gopher also bears an uncanny resemblance to the mythical Jackalope, which, however, seems to have been made up out of whole cloth sometime in the 1930s.) The big question, of course, is: why did the Horned Gopher evolve horns? An amazing amount of paperwork has been expended on this mystery, the most likely answer coming to us via the process of elimination. Since both male and female Horned Gophers possessed horns of roughly the same size, these horns clearly couldnt have been a sexually selected characteristicthat is, males didnt impress females during mating season with their long hornsand the structures were oriented in such a way that they would have been of practically no use in digging. The only logical conclusion is that these horns were intended to intimidate predators; a hungry Amphicyon, for instance, might have thought twice about lunching on the bite-sized Ceratogaulus (and getting a mouthful of painful horn in the process) if a more easily swallowed creature happened to be cowering nearby.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Melchert, and Hum's Theories Essay - 1

Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Melchert, and Hum's Theories - Essay Example When we speak that there is particularly good in existence, for example, then â€Å"good† can be referred to as proper universal form (Melchert, 28). However, Aristotle challenged Plato’s argument that the nature of universals is instantiated.   He argued that all universals are attached to existing things. Aristotle believed that the nature of universal can be predicted. This is because universal only exist its relation must have occurred, is occurring or must occur in the future. Hence if a universal cannot be predicted to an object that occurred in a certain period, it cannot exist. He also maintained universal location exist within each thing on which it existed. So, according to him, the form of an orange exists within each orange, rather in the world of oranges (Melchert, 35).Teleology is a philosophical explanation that explains the fact that the final causes do exist in nature. This theory put across the assumption that human action and is existing factors in the nature of the environment (Melchert, 123).   Generally, this theory explains the purpose, end, aim, and goal of the existence of something. Aristotle explained this theory by arguing that without artificial interference, action will happen as stipulated by the natural forces affecting it. An example put across by Aristotle states that a seedling reaches to a level of the adult plant as its final cause.While explaining his metaphysics, Aristotle always argued that the final cause of an action or an object is already stipulated by nature and no force can change this outcome. Through teleology, his argument on final causes was further explained. Additionally, Aristotle has argued against many philosophers claims that all things revolve around the necessity. By this statement, Aristotle believed that the philosophers were against the purpose, end, aim and goal policy of teleology (Melchert, 112).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Free Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Free Healthcare - Essay Example (explanation) 2. The goal of free healthcare perfectly harmonizes with the ideals enshrined in the American constitution and the ethical moorings of the American society. Absence of free healthcare is un-American and un-democratic and interferes with the objective of social justice. (explanation) B. Absence of free healthcare exposes the lower strata of the American society to excessive stress and anxiety, thereby deteriorating its quality of life. 1. Citizens hailing from the weaker sections of the American society often have to face unwarranted stress and apprehension because of being unable to afford proper healthcare for themselves and their family members. (explanation) 2. Even if the poor Americans somehow manage to afford medical remedies for their health problems, it puts excessive burden on their financial resources and curtails their ability to allocate money for other basic necessitates like housing, nutrition, education and sanitation. (explanation) C. Absence of free healthcare is making America more vulnerable to pestilence and epidemics. 1. Many people being unable to afford medical care for their health problems simply carry on with their lives, without coming under the scrutiny of any health professional or agency. Presence of such unattended patients with potential infectious and contagious diseases jeopardizes the safety and well-being of the entire society. (explanation) 2. For example, the recent proliferation of Swine Flu in North America made it mandatory to quarantine and isolate... 2. The goal of free healthcare perfectly harmonizes with the ideals enshrined in the American constitution and the ethical moorings of the American society. Absence of free healthcare is un-American and un-democratic and interferes with the objective of social justice. (explanation) 1. Citizens hailing from the weaker sections of the American society often have to face unwarranted stress and apprehension because of being unable to afford proper healthcare for themselves and their family members. (explanation) 2. Even if the poor Americans somehow manage to afford medical remedies for their health problems, it puts excessive burden on their financial resources and curtails their ability to allocate money for other basic necessitates like housing, nutrition, education and sanitation. (explanation) 1. Many people being unable to afford medical care for their health problems simply carry on with their lives, without coming under the scrutiny of any health professional or agency. Presence of such unattended patients with potential infectious and contagious diseases jeopardizes the safety and well-being of the entire society. (explanation) 2. For example, the recent proliferation of Swine Flu in North America made it mandatory to quarantine and isolate the infected individuals.

Utilisation - Elecrical engineering Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Utilisation - Elecrical engineering - Assignment Example In this type of lamp, there is glass tube which is filled with a mixture of mercury vapour at low pressure and argon. The inner side of the tube has a phosphorous coating which is used to illuminate the light. As current flows through the electrodes in the tube, it goes through the gas which is contained between. Consequently, there is emission of ultraviolet light from the mercury arc which is converted to visible light by the fluorescent coating found on the inside of the tube. To facilitate proper lighting in this scenario, a high mercury pressure lamp is necessary to facilitate this lighting system. This is due to the fact that this type of lamp produces less heat and uses less energy and thus it conserves energy while at the same time producing enough lighting. In the design of this type of lamp, an outer glass envelop is filled with nitrogen gas which acts as a coolant that keeps the arc tube at correct temperatures. This type of lamp contains a quartz discharge tube which is filled with argon gas and small amount of mercury which is in liquid form. Two electrodes are located at the ends of the tube which begins the discharge. A 10 – 30 â„ ¦ resistor is connected in series with the secondary electrode. On switching on the light, at first there is no current flow. Then the power supply voltage appears across the main electrode and between one of the mains electrodes and the secondary electrode through the series resistor (B & B training Associates Limited). Consequently, there is production of an arc between the secondary and the main electrode resulting in occurrence of ionisation. The pressure and the heat build-up resulting in the formation of more high pressure and vaporised and high pressure arc between the electrodes. It is made of a sintered aluminium oxide tube that is being supported by two rods. The inside of the glass is coated with white material that facilitates spreading of the light. There is a combination of sodium and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

UCCs Effect On International Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

UCCs Effect On International Commerce - Essay Example The third article provides for the transactions in commercial papers such as negotiable instruments and promissory notes (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). The other provisions are also important in trade since they provide guidelines on issues such as bulk transfers, secured transactions and dealings in investment securities such as stocks and bonds. The UCC applies to national trade, but would have positive effects if applied to international commerce. The UCC is designed for quick references on laws regarding formation of business contracts, expert analysis of the impact of various commercial transactions and easy handling of court decisions regarding disputes emanating from trade (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). The first effect of UCC on international commerce is facilitation of international transactions in the sale of goods. UCC will ensure that cross-border merchants have faith in sale of goods contracts due to the uniformity in the regulatory laws. The increase in foreign direct inves tments and growth in technology has led to emergency of new type of business transactions that require a uniform form of contractual agreements and legal protection (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). For instance, technology has allowed companies to sell digital products across national borders and multinational companies to list their stocks in different national stock exchange markets. In this case, uniform commercial code would be helpful in fostering international commerce (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). Uniform commercial code in the international commerce would be useful in curbing instances of international economic crimes such as money laundering and dumping. The UCC would be capable of offering legal guidelines that address issues relating to diversion of cargo in the high seas, counterfeiting and fraudulent insurance claims that are common in maritime trade. UCC will be useful in global tendering processes (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). The provisions will be important in ensuring un iformity of global tenders such as government tenders. This will ensure that contracting parties receive high quality services due to good faith requirements and transparency of the process (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). UCC will ease the international transfer of funds through creating uniform requirements in bank collections, settlements of financial securities and fund transfers among the international trade participants. UCC will create legal performance obligation to transactions involving a secured party. The code of business will guide the transfers of dematerialized securities. In this case, the final investors in the investment securities will have adequate security entitlement and right to receive any dividends accruing from their ownership of the security. Article 8 decomposes the security rights thus creditors are protected from the possibility of the investor of transferring such stake without informing the creditor who has some interest in the concerned security (Hinkelm an & Shippey, 2004). The impact of securing the transactions is to provide a relief to the lender through a security interest in the collateral and an assurance in the default by the borrowing party. In most states, the secured transactions use personal property, fixtures and intangible property as the collateral in the case of default. This code will facilitate bankruptcy settlements thus facilitating international trade transactions (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). Articles 5 of the UCC provide guidelines on the issuance of letters of credit by financial institutions. The letters of credit

The Environment and Human Health Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

The Environment and Human Health - Coursework Example The deaths due to lung cancer in China have increased by 82 percent during the last 5 years and the high increase in emissions from the vehicles is accounted for this increase in deaths due to cancer. Child births with mental and physical disorders have increased by 12.6 percent during the last 5 years and this is due to the increase in the lead content in air which is inhaled by pregnant women and affects the growth of the children. Other indirect effects of pollution due to vehicle emissions on Chinese population include chronic depression which has caused more than a million deaths during the last year (National Research Council & Chinese Academy of Science, 2010). Environmental Impact of Tire Discard The environmental impacts of tires are very wide ranged, from the unaesthetic view of large piles of tires to the hazardous gases and chemicals which issue out into the environment due to the burning of tires, moreover tires dumped without proper arrangements and without following en vironmental safety practices can serve as excellent place for mosquitoes to form there colonies. In addition to the natural and synthetic rubber, tires contain a wide variety of chemicals which are toxic in nature which include sulfurs, paraffins, carbon black, oil, polymers, pigments and bead or belt materials. These chemicals when reach ground water contaminate it resulting in disastrous impacts on human health. Tires contain a large quantity of heavy metals which are potential pollutants and can be responsible for leaching of toxins into the groundwater when they are buried in earth during recycling and disposal. The use of such water for drinking purposes causes various health disorders including eye, lungs and liver diseases. Moreover when tires are disposed off in landfills, the toxic gases and fumes coming out of the tires tend to rise up which destroys the landfill covers. The air and heat retaining ability of tires makes them highly inflammable material when stacked in open because they easily catch fire and the result is toxic smoke and runoff of toxic oil along with heavy metals and soot in the residue (Eyrer, 2010) Air Pollution Control in Beijing for Olympics Air pollution control in Beijing is a very complex subject area because it involves a number of different parameters which include reduction of air pollution in urban area, citywide and regional ecological improvement and agricultural and industrial structure adjustment. In order to minimize air pollution in Beijing prior to the start of the Olympics games Beijing started shifting towards the use of cleaner energy instead of using coal as a source for electricity generation which include solar, geothermal and wind energy. The coal burner in the Gaojing Power Plant was closed and natural gas replaced coal as fuel for the power plant for which additional transmission line for natural gas was built. Moreover the coal which was allowed to be used in the urban areas was very high quality coal with very low sulfur content. In addition to the emission control from coal, steps were also taken to minimize the pollution due to vehicles. These steps included the development of public transport system, banning of all the vehicles which do not comply with 2nd stage emission control (equivalent to Euro II) by 2003, and enforcement of 3rd stage

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

UCCs Effect On International Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

UCCs Effect On International Commerce - Essay Example The third article provides for the transactions in commercial papers such as negotiable instruments and promissory notes (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). The other provisions are also important in trade since they provide guidelines on issues such as bulk transfers, secured transactions and dealings in investment securities such as stocks and bonds. The UCC applies to national trade, but would have positive effects if applied to international commerce. The UCC is designed for quick references on laws regarding formation of business contracts, expert analysis of the impact of various commercial transactions and easy handling of court decisions regarding disputes emanating from trade (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). The first effect of UCC on international commerce is facilitation of international transactions in the sale of goods. UCC will ensure that cross-border merchants have faith in sale of goods contracts due to the uniformity in the regulatory laws. The increase in foreign direct inves tments and growth in technology has led to emergency of new type of business transactions that require a uniform form of contractual agreements and legal protection (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). For instance, technology has allowed companies to sell digital products across national borders and multinational companies to list their stocks in different national stock exchange markets. In this case, uniform commercial code would be helpful in fostering international commerce (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). Uniform commercial code in the international commerce would be useful in curbing instances of international economic crimes such as money laundering and dumping. The UCC would be capable of offering legal guidelines that address issues relating to diversion of cargo in the high seas, counterfeiting and fraudulent insurance claims that are common in maritime trade. UCC will be useful in global tendering processes (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). The provisions will be important in ensuring un iformity of global tenders such as government tenders. This will ensure that contracting parties receive high quality services due to good faith requirements and transparency of the process (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). UCC will ease the international transfer of funds through creating uniform requirements in bank collections, settlements of financial securities and fund transfers among the international trade participants. UCC will create legal performance obligation to transactions involving a secured party. The code of business will guide the transfers of dematerialized securities. In this case, the final investors in the investment securities will have adequate security entitlement and right to receive any dividends accruing from their ownership of the security. Article 8 decomposes the security rights thus creditors are protected from the possibility of the investor of transferring such stake without informing the creditor who has some interest in the concerned security (Hinkelm an & Shippey, 2004). The impact of securing the transactions is to provide a relief to the lender through a security interest in the collateral and an assurance in the default by the borrowing party. In most states, the secured transactions use personal property, fixtures and intangible property as the collateral in the case of default. This code will facilitate bankruptcy settlements thus facilitating international trade transactions (Hinkelman & Shippey, 2004). Articles 5 of the UCC provide guidelines on the issuance of letters of credit by financial institutions. The letters of credit

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

EADs-BAe merger case analysis (Corporate Finance) Assignment

EADs-BAe merger case analysis (Corporate Finance) - Assignment Example Even though the companies had not revealed benefits and a detailed business structure for the merger it is believed that negotiations with the respective states had not reached that level. The two firms were optimistic that the merger would have built a strong case to pass to the owners of the business. This discussion will address the valuation of the two firms using various models, the motivation and strategy evaluation, the response in the security market and corporate governance analysis to seek ways of making such moves successful and establish the reasons behind the failure. Strategy and Motivation Analysis The motivation of the proposed merger were based on global rivalry, share in the market by the firms, the level of complimentarity, variation in the industrial structure like offsetting of the monopoly. BAE was also believed to be the springboard that would enable EADS to have its biggest jump it craved for in the Northern American continent (Jane's Defense Industry, 1900; p . 75). BAE has a chief role in the manufacture of military equipment as it was noted that 95% of the BAE systems total sales were related to military sales. BAE also plays a vital role in the production of military aircraft such as the Typhoon fighter and the Tornado fighter bomber. The terms of the negotiations were that EADs was to offer 35 billion Euros which was 12% bid premium even though the new ownership was to be divided on a ratio of 3:2 in favor of the shareholders of EADS. In case the term was favorable to BAE it would shape the likelihood of the merger’s success. The US state would also call for disposal of asset upon the merger strategy which was set for security review. There are no current plans to divest any of the company’s operations in the United States as a section of merger with EADS according to the spokesman of BAE (Spulber, 2007; p. 3). EADS and BAE had a deal to have cost savings without necessarily giving details in regard to the scale and the manner in which they might be generated. Amongst the potential opportunities was the potential to accumulate more sales as the network by BAE in the export markets was immense such as ties with India, Australia and Saudi Arabia which would open doors for the EADS. The benefits from the merger were meant to extend over widening markets and that the firms were to target industrial benefits and operational synergy in all joint business. The likely synergy from the merger comprised of a minimum synergy which could be derived as the value of the pre-merger of both companies + the synergy = pre-merger security value + the number of shares for the post-merger. Taking S = Synergy and taking data on 11th September where the EADS share price was 29.30Euros while the number of outstanding shares as at 31st December 2012 being 8.21 billion shares, it then stipulates that the pre-merger value for EADS was 26 billion Euros. Conversely, taking the share value for BAE on 11th September, 2012 as 4. 75Euros and the number of outstanding shares on 31st December, 2012 as 3.59 billion, it applies that the premerger value for BAE is 17.05 billion Euros found as 3.59X4.75 Euros (Financial times, 2013; p. 1-7). Now; by taking the pre-merger security price = the average price of the stock prior to the merger to be EADS + BAE It concurs that

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bowling for Columbine Is Not a Documentary Essay Example for Free

Bowling for Columbine Is Not a Documentary Essay Michael Moore’s ‘Bowling for Columbine’, the film which won an Oscar for best documentary, is not in fact a documentary, but rather more of a persuasive essay in film format. The widely accepted definition of ‘documentary’ is a film emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, and minimal editting, and ‘Bowling for Columbine’ does not show any of these characteristics. Instead of presenting a neutral view of the issues, it is clearly biased and purposely manipulates the viewers into agreeing with Moore’s opinions. In the process, Moore frequently uses incorrect statistics and information. In some cases fabricated evidence is also inserted. Documentaries should have close to no editing of the evidence, however in some cases Moore uses sly editing techniques to deceive the viewers. A prominent example of this can be seen in Charlton Heston’s speech. It appears as though the NRA president is holding protest rallies in response to the gun related incidents in Columbine and Flint Michigan, holding a musket up and proclaiming â€Å"I have only five words for you: ‘from my cold dead hands’† whilst the crowd cheers. Moore makes a point of cutting from scenes of heartbroken victims to Heston’s ‘arrogant’ speeches. The purpose of this is to demonize Heston, and also all the members of the NRA. He wants the audience to perceive all gun lovers as heartless, selfish monsters. However on closer observation, it turns out Moore simply grabbed segments from Heston’s former speeches, splicing them together to form a new one, completely different from what the president had intended. Documentaries are meant to lay out the truth, whilst here the film has morphed the truth into a lie instead. Going back to the definition, Bowling for Columbine again falls short of being a documentary through it’s failure to include only correct, factual evidence. Moore chooses to use incorrect ‘facts’; the national gun murder statistics that seem abnormally high are sourced from the National Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and is a combination of gun related and non gun related incidents, so is therefore irrelevant to what the documentary was trying to say. The rockets shown in the Lockheed Martin sequences and being driven though the streets of Littleton in the night are in fact space launch vehicles, not weapons of mass destruction as Moore claims. These facts, false in nature, are again put there to distort the truth and make the viewers believe that things are more horrifying than they actually are, so that they are more susceptible to Moore’s mental manipulation. One of the fundamentals of a documentary is that it must present facts, and obviously â€Å"Bowling for Columbine† has not fulfilled that requirement. Throughout â€Å"Bowling for Columbine†, Moore presents an extremely biased view of events. Moore does everything in his power to manipulate viewers into see things from his eyes. Many are many persuasive techniques are used to achieve this. The film horrifies the audience with confronting scenes from the 9/11 attacks and the Columbine shooting. ‘A Brief History of America’ makes people see Americans as cowardly and pathetic. Charlton Heston’s ‘speech’ angers the audience and makes them turn against gun lovers. There are many more examples, however the point is that documentaries should be neutral and informative, yet the film actively tries to force the viewers to a narrow-minded conclusion. In summary, although â€Å"Bowling for Columbine† may be a creative persuasive film, it is most certainly not a documentary. Not only does the film fail to adhere in any way to the definition of a traditional documentary, it largely utilises deceptive techniques to push Moore’s artificial and contrived point of view.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Planning for an Arabic Restaurant

Planning for an Arabic Restaurant Abstract This paper describes the planning for an Arabic Restaurant. We want to open an Arabic Restaurant called Summit Arabic Food. The Unique aspects of the restaurant will be: separate service for men by men and for women by women. It will be convenient for business and professional people. I will also be suited to Parties and celebrations. It will be an Arabic Restaurant with a seating capacity of 90 for each gender (180 totals). The service will be for three meals with additional service for coffee, tea, and snacks. Wed like to make enough money to support the family. We want to expand our interest in Arabic Food. We wish to serve the community and express our Arabic culture. The restaurant would be in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on a famous street such as Altahlyah St. It would serve people from the malls and businesses in the area. The Restaurant would be specialized for same gender service to be very convenient for eating in a relaxed setting. It would be open on Holidays and pay extra to the holiday help. We analyzed the risks and costs and expected profits and found all of them to be manageable. The Total Opening cost will be $187,201 or 702,003.75 SR. Total Operating cost will be $75,260 or 276,375 SR per month. A conservative estimate of the monthly revenue indicates a monthly profit of $168,550 or 632,062.47 SR, based on the operating costs above. This supports the intended family income from the restaurant. We actually expect better performance than this. Background This section discusses different material pertains to background information for the project. The purpose of the project We want to open an Arabic Restaurant called Summit Arabic Food. The Unique aspects of the restaurant will be: separate service for men by men and for women by women. It will be convenient for business and professional people. I will also be suited to Parties and celebrations. It will be an Arabic Restaurant with a seating capacity of 90 for each gender (180 totals). The service will be for three meals with additional service for coffee, tea, and snacks. Reasons for this project Wed like to make enough money to support the family. We want to expand our interest in Arabic Food. We wish to serve the community and express our Arabic culture. Restaurant owners It is hoped that when all of the conditions are met that my husband and I (Salem and Aishah Almutiri) will own this new restaurant Location of the Restaurant We want to open the restaurant in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on a famous street such as Altahlyah Street. We could serve people from the malls and businesses in the area. Target Opening Date Wed like to open for business by the end of 2012. Provided Attributes for Customers: The Restaurant would be specialized for same gender service to be very convenient for eating in a relaxed setting. It would be open on Holidays and pay extra to the holiday help. Requirements for Employees: Service personnel will be well trained in preparing and serving traditional Arabic meals with frequent refresher training provided. The manager will visit our competitors frequently to stay current. Problems Issues This section describes problems and issues divided under the following categories. Identify and secure a location The restaurant must be suited to the desired restaurant format. It must have separate eating areas for men and women. It must be convenient for the desired clientele that is business men and professionals. We must negotiate a lease with a clear termination clause. Write and price a menu The menu must have a clear composition for start up. It can be changed later as needed. The menu must standard enough so that ordering is convenient but different enough to make the restaurant appealing. It should be colourful and interesting. Pricing is critical. The pricing must draw customers and also make a profit. We want to be in the middle of the prices of our competitors. Investigate Regulations We must identify all building codes and regulations. We will need to know all personnel and clientele safety regulations, especially regarding food preparation and storage conditions. Identify Costs We will need to know all the costs before we begin. This starts with the cost of opening. The building will need to be prepared to suit our needs, particularly the separate eating areas. Well need to price the equipment and furnishing. Well need to price advertising for both the staff and the opening. Well also need to price the necessary licenses and Permits. We also will need to know the continued Cost of operating the restaurant. This will include Lease, insurance, utilities, Staff (including the Chef), Food and Beverages. Identify funding Well need to prepare a business plan to support funding requests and assure payback. We may need to obtain a loan for the opening. This will probably come from a silent partner or limited partnership. Risk Analysis This section describes the risks we anticipate for the project and the precautions we will take to manage them. Risks Bad Location We could get less traffic or less predictable traffic than expected. We might have a higher crime rate than expected. We might get a less affluent clientele than expected. Staff Problems The Chef or other key staff might leave. Overestimated sales to investment ratio We may spend too much on furniture decorations. The operating expenses may go up, including Lease or rent, and food. Trouble with hired aliens documentation Un-documented workers may cause problems with the authorities. Disturbances at site There may be disagreements between the staff and the customers which could hurt future business. Catastrophic damage Emergencies such as fire, bad weather could cause damage and closures with loss of business. Vandalism and theft could also cause damage. Health problems We could have sickened customers due to contaminated food. Failure to manage bookkeeping We could experience employee theft or unexpected taxes. Expand facility beyond customer demand We may expand capacity and not get the expected increased business. Risk Management Examine proposed Location Well need to determine the expected flow of traffic and verify the traffic in the area for different days and months. Well need to minimize the threat of crime. We can do this by Verifying a low crime rate and by interviewing the police and the neighbours. We can also restrict operating hours to avoid late night traffic. Establish client quality Well need to observe dress of people and vehicles in the proposed area before committing to the location. Avoid Staff problems We want to offer the staff competitive salaries and incentives for staying. We should also give key personnel, such as the chef, some form of profit sharing. Assure healthy sales to investment ratio We must limit opening expenses, such as the costs of furniture and decorations. Assure operating expenses are as stable as possible: We must negotiate a good lease with a predicable rent. We should determine reliable food suppliers nearby to the site. Avoid trouble with hired aliens documentation Well need to determine and follow all government regulations concerning foreign workers. We should not hire any undocumented workers. Minimize Disturbances at site We will establish good relations with all staff, and promote a culture of respect. Well Train the staff to handle difficult customers with role-playing. The management should set the example in all interactions with the staff. Mitigate risk of catastrophic damage: We should carry sufficient catastrophe insurance to cover reasonable anticipated damage. Avoid Health problems: We should get proper health certification from the appropriate agencies. Well need to learn and observe all of the relevant health regulations. We will assure that the staff is properly trained regarding these regulations. Manage bookkeeping: We will hire a good accountant to check the books. Well inform the staff that cheating will result in dismissal. Avoid risky Expansion of facility We will assure that any expansion plan is well justified by a carefully revised business plan. Costs In this section we will describe opening and continuing costs. Opening costs Well need to pay fees for various licenses. Well need to prepare the building. We will need to negotiate a good lease and pay the first months rent and deposit. The estimated monthly cost for a typical property (1500 sq. ft at $14) would be $21,000 per month. Well need to buy equipment and furnishings. Table 1 Opening Cost Item $US SR Rate $1 3.75 Building preparation(separate eating areas) $30,060 112,725.00 licenses and Permits (at .2% of cost) $60 225.00 Contractors for modifications installations $30,000 112,500.00 First month and deposit $42,000 157,500.00 Equipment $40,500 ÂÂ  151,875.00 Kitchen $16,800 63,000.00 Stove $6,600 24,750.00 Sinks $1,500 5,625.00 Refrigeration $2,000 7,500.00 Dishwasher $2,000 7,500.00 Preparation tables $700 2,625.00 Cookware $5,000 18,750.00 Dry storage area $1,000 3,750.00 Dining room $20,800 78,000.00 Chairs Tables (290=180 seats) $18,000 67,500.00 Decoration (budget) $500 1,875.00 Wait stations $800 3,000.00 Beverage Dispensers $1,500 5,625.00 Reception $1,900 7,125.00 Front desk $400 1,500.00 Waiting area furniture $1,000 3,750.00 2 Cash Registers $500 1,875.00 Advertising $1,000 3,750.00 For staff $500 1,875.00 For opening. $500 1,875.00 First month operating cost $74,641 279,903.75 All Opening costs $187,201 702,003.75 Red=Group total; Blue = Sub-Total Total Opening cost will be $187,201or 702,003.75 SR Operating costs This will include Lease, insurance (based on 10% annually for investment), utilities, Staff (including the Chef), Food and Beverages. Table 2 Operating Cost Item $US SR Lease $21,000 78,750.00 Interest $1560.01 5850.00 Insurance $1,800.00 6,750.00 Utilities $900.00 3,375.00 Electricity $500.00 1,875.00 Gas $200.00 750.00 Water $200.00 750.00 Staff Salaries $10,000.00 37,500.00 1 Chef $1,500.00 5,625.00 3 Kitchen helpers $300.00 1,125.00 4 Servers $400.00 1,500.00 2 buss people $300.00 1,125.00 2 Receptionists $500.00 1,875.00 Staff Food Lodging* $7,000.00 26,250.00 Food Beverages $24,000.00 90,000.00 Non Food Consumables $16,000.00 60,000.00 Total cost $75,260.00 $276,375.00 Red=Group total *Compensation will include food and lodging Total Operating cost will be $75,260 or 276,375 SR per month. Project Profit A conservative estimate of the monthly revenue indicates a monthly profit of $168,550 or 632,062.47 SR, based on the operating costs above. We actually expect better performance than this. Table 3 Meal Revenue Item $US SR Meal $30 112.50 People $90 337.50 Meals $3 11.25 Days $7 26.25 Weeks rev $56,700 212,625.00 Months rev $243,810 914,287.50 Months profit $168,550 632,062.47 Summary We have investigated opening an Arabic Restaurant called Summit Arabic Food. The Unique aspects of the restaurant: separate service for men by men and for women by women slightly affected the opening cost. It is to be an Arabic Restaurant with a seating capacity of 90 for each gender (180 totals). The intent was to make enough money to support the family and this seems justified. We intended to serve the community and express our Arabic culture. The restaurant would be in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on a famous street such as Altahlyah St. It would serve people from the malls and businesses in the area. The Restaurant would be specialized for same gender service to be very convenient for eating in a relaxed setting. It would be open on Holidays and pay extra to the holiday help. We analyzed the risks and costs and expected profits and found all of them to be manageable. The Total Opening cost will be $187,201 or 702,003.75 SR. Total Operating cost will be $75,260 or 276,375 SR per month. A conservative estimate of the monthly revenue indicates a monthly profit of $168,550 or 632,062.47 SR, based on the operating costs above. We actually expect better performance than this.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Japan :: essays research papers

In 1868, Japan underwent radical changes in social aspects as well as economic matters. A ministry of education was soon created in 1872, and in the same year, a strict education code was formulated. The government greatly wanted to industrialize in order to prevent foreign rule. The government sent students to Europe and America in order to learn Western ways. In 1877 the first college, the University of Tokyo was created. Japan quickly became more Western like. Japan in order to increase its industry needed raw materials something in, which the mainland lacked. The only way to gain these was by buying from larger countries or conquering new territory, which had the needed raw materials. Japan wished to gain footholds in Korea, China, and Manchuria but at the time, Russia had already gained footholds in these areas. Japan’s greatly modern military easily defeated the Chinese army and navy over the matter of Korea in the Sino-Japanese war. (Encarta Japan)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1894, Nicholas the 2nd ascended to the throne of Russia. Although he was a good man he was a weak ruler easily dominated by others. With revolutionary trouble at home and the disagreement over Manchuria with Japan, turmoil soon broke out in Russia. Afterward, a compromise with Japan on the Manchuria issue was unsuccessful. Diplomatic ties were broken in early 1904, which prompted a surprise attack, by the Japanese navy on Port Author. The attack was hugely successful. Many of the Russian ships were damaged or destroyed in the attack. News of this brought great civil strife in Russia with a revolutionary fever in the air the people called for reform but the Czar declined the warning. (Encarta Russia)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In March 1904 the Japanese 1st Army landed at Chemulp’o. It faced Russian forces on the Yalu river by late April. The Russian commander, General Aleksey Kuropatkin decided to hold defensive position until reinforcements arrived. The Japanese commander however built up a 6 to 1 troop advantage and a breech of the Yalu river was forced on May 1st. During May the Japanese 2nd army landed on the Liaodong peninsula. It quickly severed communications between Port Author and the Russian forces in Manchuria. It then captured Kinchow and won the battle of Nanshan on May 30th. Soon the 2nd army besieged Port Author. The Russian commander Kuropatkin was personally ordered by Nicolas the 2nd to hold Port Author. Kuropatkin decided to move his main forces to Liaoyang.

Friday, October 11, 2019

How Effective Was Elizabeth’s Government Essay

Elizabeth needed to win support of her people including nobles at court and ordering people in the country. She needed to do this in order to gain respect and run the government successfully form everyone, and good publicity was a good way of doing this. Elizabeth’s first chance to achieve goods publicity was at her coronation. She held it in London on the 15th January 1559. Elizabeth was determined to make it as impressive as possible. There were colourful procession and a royal journey by barge along the river Thames. The streets were lined with people and many important visitors attended. There was also grand for them that lasted ten days and all the costs led up to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½16000 a huge sum of money in those days. Also, Elizabeth used portraits to let ordinary people see what she looked like and for publicity. In these portraits, she made the artists paint her powerfully. In her portrait of Elizabeth’s coronation, she was painted holding an orb and a sceptre, the symbols of a monarch’s power and authority. Elizabeth’s portraits were very important and she wanted them to show five main things: * Strength and power: She wanted to show than she was ruling the country wisely and successfully. * Wealth: It was important to distinguish Queen’s financial difficulties. * Ageless: As Elizabeth grew older, it was important to hide signs of age because this is a sign of weakness. * Success and wisdom: Elizabeth wanted her paintings to show that she was strong and powerful. She often had symbols of strength in her paintings such as pillars. * Legitimacy and purity: Roman Catholics thought that Queen Elizabeth had no right tot be Queen and was illegitimate. Therefore, to show her purity her face and clothes were usually white. Elizabeth’s portraits and coronation showed her as a successful ruler but even good publicity cold not distinguish failures. In addition, Elizabeth’s success would depend on how well she governed the country. She also needed to win the support of her wealthy and powerful. The Queen was the most important member of the court. Elizabeth used patronage, which is the power to appoint people to important jobs. This is how she attracted the loyalty and support of her most important subjects. I think that Queen Elizabeth’s ways of peoples support were very successful. For example, the system of patronage was effective as this gave people jobs, which was what they wanted, she made them respect her by making herself the most important person in court and the person with the most power over decisions. Elizabeth chose and controlled her privy council. By January 1559, Elizabeth had appointed nineteen experienced men to her privy council. None were strong Catholics and she appointed William Cecil as her secretary of state the most important position on the Privy Council. Sir William Cecil (secretary of state): He was hard working and he knew about all government business. He was not afraid to disagree with the Queen or others on the Privy Council. Queen Elizabeth trusted him completely and he was a loyal adviser to her for forty years. Robert Dudley (Earl of Leicester): He disliked Cecil and often disagreed with him. He was a loyal advisor to the Queen but they had several quarrels. Sir Christopher Hatton (Parliament): Organised the Queen’s progresses and was elected into parliament several times. Helped Elizabeth to pass laws and control MP’s. Also made lord councillor, in charge of judges and law courts. Sir Francis Walsingham (Secretary of State): Worked mainly on foreign affairs. He was put in charge of Elizabeth’s secret service – controlled a number of spies all over Europe. Also often disagreed with Cecil, and he often made Elizabeth angry but she knew he was completely loyal. He found evidence in 1586 Mary Queen of Scots was involved in a plot to kill the Queen. Robert Devereux: commanded attacks on Spain and Ireland. Often argued with Elizabeth. In 1601, he led a rebellion and was executed for treason. The Privy Council met nearly every day and although Elizabeth didn’t go to all meetings. She was determined to show that she was a cautious ruler. She didn’t like making big changes or being rushed into making decisions. This often frustrated her councillors but they were completely loyal to her apart for two exceptions: Duke of Norfolk Earl of Essex I think that this aspect of the government was very effective and successful as they helped Elizabeth and they were nearly all completely loyal to her apart from two people (mentioned above). I think that this was successful because she let all the members know who was boss and was not rushed into anything. She also chose her members very wisely and each member had their own speciality. Parliament in the sixteenth century was much less powerful than it was today. It could only meet when the monarch called it. Although Elizabeth didn’t have to call the call parliament at all and she could close it whenever she liked. She chose to call in only thirteen times in her forty-five year reign. Elizabeth only called parliament for three main reasons: * To help pass ACTS OF PARLIAMENT laws which were approved by both house of parliament and the monarch. * To approve taxes, which could only be collected if parliament agreed to them? * To provide her with support and advice – It was very useful for monarchs to know the opinion of MP’s and win there support. This part of the government was not as important to Elizabeth as the Privy Council. I think that she did not like opening and going to parliament but she had to in order to get what she wanted. I think she just used parliament for her own needs. Although she was pretty, effective at getting what she wanted from them. Elizabeth never explained why she didn’t marry. Although there were some rumours that she was in love with Robert Dudley and wanted to marry him, there is no evidence to prove this. Elizabeth kept her thought on marriage private. Parliament asked her to marry several times but she only gave a vague answer. Later in the reign, when her MP’s asked who was her successor, she always refused. A few things that may have caused her not to marry are: * Marriage might have been unpopular and cause a rebellion * Lose friendship with other countries and become enemies. * If she married an English nobleman her other nobles would be disappointed and start a rebellion. * That she thought her husband would try to take control. Why Elizabeth didn’t marry became a mystery and although parliament tried to force the issue of her marrying, she never did. If Elizabeth was going to govern the country successfully, she had to control all her people. This wasn’t easy. Elizabeth didn’t have a permanent army or a police force to help her. However, Elizabeth appointed officers around the country, to help her control local areas. Also in towns wealthy citizens elected councils to look after the town’s affairs and keep the law in order. The local officials with whom most people met were the Justice of the Peace (JP’s). Elizabeth elected about forty of them in every county. They were usually landowners who knew there area well. This work was voluntary, however many landowners still wanted to become a JP as it meant that they were the most important person in the area. The Queen expected her Justice of the peace to carry out a range of duties. JP were given more and more work to do during Elizabeth’s reign. They were often given instruction form the Privy Council to carry out new laws form parliament to enforce. I think that this method was an effective way of keeping the country in order. However, it became less efficient as Elizabeth’s reign progressed. In addition, Elizabeth had a big enough reputation to persuade people to become JP’s voluntarily. Overall, I think that Elizabeth’s government was very effective. I think she controlled the country well and thorough out her reign there were no wars or rebellions in England and she had a good relationship with other countries. In addition, Elizabeth knew how to get her point across and she made herself the most important person in court and made sure that she was in control and never let anyone take control away for her. Maybe that was the reason that she never married because she was afraid that her husband would try to do so. Also Elizabeth publicised herself well and let people know what qualities she had and let people know that she was suitable for queen as was the right person to run the country.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Akij Group

Akij Biri Factory Ltd. Akij Biri Factory Limited Akij Biri factory is one of the leading biri manufacturing companies in Bangladesh. It was established by late Sheikh Akij Uddin. Behind the Akij group establishment Akij Biri played a very important role. Sheikh Akij Uddin (owner of Akij Group) started the handmade biri business since 1948. Now Akij Biri has eight biri making factories in all over the country. The product is distributed under strong distribution system with a reasonable price. For that reason, the company has large number of satisfied loyal customers with strong brand image.This sector gave a real boost to the revenue of the conglomerate as well as making a substantial contribution to country’s economy. History of the company After 1947 After 1947 the founder, Akij uddin got married and started a business of small grocery shop. In that shop one of the daily products was the â€Å"Leaf Biri†. This product changed his life dramatically. The leaf biri was m ade by â€Å"Tendu Leaf† which was imported from India. During that time it had a huge demand in the countryside. In 1950 Then he thought that if he made this biri by himself then it would be more profitable for him.Then in 1950 Akij and one of his friend’s father Nitai bidhuvushon started to produce handmade biri. In a few days it became so popular. After a while there was an accident happened in his shop. But after the accident he again started to produce the biri. Within in a few days the demand of biri reached from his village to Doulatpur industrial area. In 1955 In 1955 he went to Navaran and started to live there. Beside his house he and his cousin established a factory. That time this biri became a brand name, which is Akij Biri. During the time the two major competitors were Ohab biri and Jalil biri.Akij Uddin sold his biri in low price than his competitors to increase the demand in the market. The daily demand stands to 25/30 thousands. The fame extended out to Jessore, Khulna, Khushtia, Faridpur and in other districts also. In the meantime he became involved with jute business. After 1972 Aftar the liberation war of Bangladesh again he started his biri business and with his vast struggle he was able to create the same demand of Akij biri. In 1977 the daily demand of akij biri stands to on an average 14 lakhs. In 1979 this demand became 1 crore in a day. From that time to till the akij biri is serving the maximum demand of the country.Company Profile Name of the Group| Akij Group| Company Name| Akij tobacco Company| Tobacco Experience| Since 1950| Yearly Turnover| US$ 700 Million| Chairman| Sheikh Mohiuddin| Managing Director| SK. Aziz Uddin| Directors| SK. Momin Uddin And SK. Amin Uddin| Nature of Business| Tobacco and Allied Products| Human Resources| Officers and Workers Total 25,000 plus Person| Products/Allied| Processed/Packed Tobacco, Cigerettes, Cut Rags, Expanded Cut Stem. | Brands| Akij Biri, Akij King (Hand Made Cigarettes)| Monthly Production| Akij Biri- 2000 Million sticks| Fixed Asset| US$ 85 Million|Export Market| Singapore, Middle East, Malaysia etc. | Name of the Banker| Standard Chartered, HSBC & Shonali Bank Bangladesh Ltd. | Corporate Office| Akij Chamber, 73 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka- 1000, Bangladesh| Telephone| +8802-9560177| Email| [email  protected] org,| Web| www. akijtobacco. com| Strategy of the company Akij Biri Company’s main strategy is to keep low the price and make it available for all lower income people. The raw material of this product is very much available in Bangladesh that’s why it is easy and cost effective to produce and keep the product price low than other company in the market.Organogram of the company Chairman Managing Directors Directors Directors Audit Department Marketing Department Account Department Transport Department Finance Department Purchase Department Products & Tobaccos Tobaccos| Growing Areas| Akij Biri| Akij King| Flue Cured Virginia| K ushtia/ Jessore Belt, Chittagong Hill Areas| | | Burley Tobacco| Rangpur/ Dinajpur Belt, Manikgonj Leaf area| | | DV (Dark Varginia)Jati (cross Varginia)Motihara (Rustica)Talim ( Rustica)| Rangpur/ Dinajpur Belt| | | Competitors : Biri is a large industry in Bangladesh. There are many brands who are manufacturing biris like * Aziz Biri, Abul Biri, * Bengal Biri, * Momtaz Biri, * Raja Biri etc. At present, Akij biri is the largest biri company in Bangladesh and strong competitors to others. As Akij biri is the market leader and they have the 45% share of the market on the basis of market survey, revenue board, and internal report etc. So it means that the other biri brands are not in that position to compete with them. They are mainly considering cigarette brands as their substitutes. Their dominant regions are Tangail, Mymensingh, Kushtia including other districts of the southern part of Bangladesh. Management of Akij biriThe whole function of Akij Biri is relying on supply chain ma nagement. Akij biri first collect raw materials from their different suppliers. The main market is Rangpur. After collecting the tobacco they usually preserve it for 6 months to 1 year for better taste and quality. Akij biri always try to produce better quality product and also ensure the standard of the product. The objective behind the management efforts are: * ensure the product accessibility * continue the quality of the product * maintain low price for the customers. The management main focus is to remain the market leader for the long run.That is why it makes its products so much available and low priced. The company has also extensively marketing set up, unique and exclusive products that makes the company more strong and market leader. It has also own tobacco fields and available raw materials that make the company able to sell the product at comparative reasonable price. Production The production process of Akij biri is purely labor based. Almost every process is done by la bor. They use three different machines for dying, cutting, crashing, and mixing. The basic steps in manufacturing of Akij biri are generally as follows- * Sun cure * Washing Crashing * Mixing of different ingredients * Making paper tube * Packaging Distribution Akij biri has its own strong distribution channel. The product is available throughout the country with the help of an organized distribution channel. The finished product is delivered to the sales centers of Akij Biri. Akij Biri has in total of 12 sales centers in Bangladesh. These are Dhaka, Mymensingh, Brahmanbaria, Sylhet, Comilla, Chittagong, Faridpur, Rajshahi, Bogra, Khulna and Jessore. The company has divided the whole area of the country into 200 territories and each of them having a single distribution point.Then it is distributed to 700,000 retail outlets throughout Bangladesh from these points. To deliver the goods to the outlets the company planned 7,000 different routes so that each route is planned to deliver a t 100 retail outlets. Sales and Marketing As Akij Biri is only for a certain group of customers, right marketing efforts are needed to capture profit. The target customer of Akij biri is low socioeconomic group of people from both urban and rural areas. The price of the biri is low for the target customers and for grab the large demand of the customers. In our country it is banned to advertise any kind of tobacco product.There are some strict rules and law to show the advertisement in TV channel, printing media etc. But the availability, brand image and low price is working as marketing of the products. So the marketing strategy mainly depends on the distribution and sales strategy. The reason behind continuing biri business of Akij group Akij biri is one of the big company and many people are working in this company and in our country it has a great demand within lower income people. At earlier period it was a small business. But now it is expanded a lot and fulfills the maximum de mand of the customers in this segment.It is their turning business to establish themselves as a group of a big company. The profit that comes from Akij biri is 10%. The Akij group mainly get the brand value for this business, then it expanded its business in different sectors but this Akij biri business changes the way of doing business in the time of late Sheikh Akij Uddin. The low income people greatly depend in this biri. It was the first initiative of doing business in Bangladesh by Akij uddin. And now many people are working there and their family members also depend on this company.And they doing business as market leader after 1950, so now it serves a large amount of customers in the market as a giant company. So they are continuing the business still now because it earns a huge profit and it has huge demand in market and the main reason is Akij group gain its huge brand name because of Akij biri.. Dhaka Tobacco Industries A Dhaka Tobacco industry is included in the Akij Grou p in late seventies when government has decided to handover the factory to private sector from the nationalized sector. Now the company is working on eight different product brands.It also makes franchise license with the Philips Morris International Company and introduce Marlboro cigarettes in Bangladesh. History of the company The founder of Akij uddin came to Dhaka with his family after the liberation war. In 1978-1979 he bought the Dhaka tobacco Industry (DTI) from the government sector in an auction. In this time his coworker Din Islam helped a lot. For the office he bought a land in industrial area, Dilkusha. After that he again bought Asian tobacco Limited. When the demand was increasing a lot, he rented Khulna Tobacco Industry and started other 10 units in the various part of the country.The Dhaka Tobacco factory is located at Morkun near Tongi and lot of investment into men and machineries has turned the factory into a modern cigarettes production unit. It employs about 120 0 people who work in a congenial atmosphere to deliver right quality to satisfy the million of smokers’ taste and needs. At present company has invested 15 million taka in this industry. Dhaka Tobacco Industry controls the 15% of the share of Bangladesh’s cigarettes with its production of quality cigarettes. Now after fulfilling the country’s demand Navy and Sheikh are exported to Middle East and Malaysia.In 2008, it introduces Marlboro cigarettes with the help of world famous Philip Morris International franchising license. Its production capacity is 150 million daily. Every day on an average it produces 120 million. Now approximately one billion cigarettes are produced per month by the company’s factory in Tongi, Gazipur. One hundred million of the Navy brand are exported quality and are sold in Dubai. Company Strategy The company produces its goods by considering the quality of the cigarettes to compete with the competitors. It also considers the price factor. Akij roup has huge raw materials suppliers on this field, so it becoms easy for the company to produce quality product with low price and grab the huge customers than the competitors. So the company strategies comply with the corporate strategy. The company always tries to compete with the multinational company also by producing quality products and also maintaining the price. The company strictly follows the ZERO DEFECTS strategy in producing the products. Products of Dhaka Tobacco Industries Product Range| Competitors| High Segment| * Castle Full Flavor * Castle Lights| 1. Benson & hedges 2. Gold leaf 3.Gudam gharam 4. Pine 5. Black 6. Pall-mall 7. Hollywood 8. Ni 9. Lincoln 10. Dunhill 11. Sunmoon 12. Star etc. | Medium segment| * Navy| | Lower Medium Segment| * Sheikh * Real| | Low Segment| * Five star * K-2 * Surma & Diamond * Red & white| | * Presently DTI enjoys more than 10%market share in the high segment * Presently DTI enjoys more than 48%market share in the medium segment * Presently DTI enjoys more than 80%market in the lower medium segment * Presently DTI enjoys more than 50%market in the low segment The competitors of Dhaka Tobacco Industry are the main problem.There are strong competitors in the market and who serve a large number of people. British American Tobacco is one of the strong competitors of it. BATB is providing verity of products in the market. Dhaka Tobacco also has various cigarettes for different segments. By various segments quality products it is serving huge customers and make its brand name. It is also ensure the Zero Defects product strategy to stay in the market and to compete with the rivalry. By franchising Marlboro it also create a different zone for customer to meet their need for competing with the multinational companies.By this way it compete in the market along with different rivalry and also able to get profit. The business unit also has its own raw materials. That makes the company more benefi ciary in producing the products and can able to serve different segment with different ranges products. The transportation cost also low for having own production farms. Management of the company is also very conscious about their product growth. The product is maintained the required quality and price range to compete with the competitors. These also give the company a extra benefit. That makes the company strong against its competitors.Akij Zarda Factory Limited The factory was established in 2000. It produces various flavored chewing tobacco. It basically fulfill the demand of various types of customer who use Jarda in betel leaf, cigarettes etc. The Talim and Rustica Tobacco (motihar) is mainly used in producing the Zarda. Akij Company has its own farming area where it produces Tobacco. That makes the Zarda Company more beneficiaries behind establishment of it. Products Akij zarda Factory Ltd. is producing four kinds of Zarda to fulfill the different customers in diversified tas te. Product Range| Competitors|Special Patti| * 50 gm * 25 gm * 12. 5 gm| * Hakim puri * Mokim puri * Shova * Baba * Roton| Golden Patti(surovi)| * 50 gm * 25 gm * 12. 5 gm| | Akij Zarda (Beli)| * 50 gm * 25 gm * 12. 5 gm| | Vhiza Patti| * 25 gm * 10 gm| | The Zarda Factory Limited is a small sister concern of Akij Group. It has an available raw material that helps a lot in producing Zarda. The processing system of leaf also good and the products meet a wide range of customer demand. Akij Company has its own strong brand name, which also makes the products become more popular in the market.The company’s strong rivalry is Hakimpuri zard, but Akij Zarda become able to compete with it by its quality product and price range. The main corporation philosophy is by maintaining the quality of the product also make the product available for the general people. The Zarda Company’s philosophy is also complying with the corporate philosophy. So the factory is not so much big siste r concern of the Akij Group but it makes a different place in the market by providing various types of Zarda. The Tobacco industry of this company also gives it the extra benefit in producing Zarda. Akij Match Factory Ltd.Akij Match Factory Limited Akij Match Factory Ltd. Is one of the most successful companies in Bangladesh which serves a huge number of customers in this market. It is situated at a beautiful site near Muktapur Ghat on the bank of the river Sitalakshaya. It is purely automatic match factory which produces 100% carbonized high quality safety matches. Most of the raw materials come from various parts of Bangladesh by river. The river Sitalakshaya facilitates a lot in transportation that flows near the river. History of the Company It was established in 1992 but started its operation from 1997.The main objective of this company is to produce great quality product by using the latest modern technology. It has two brands which are very much popular in the market. Dolphin is the first product of the company. Immediately after the introduction of the brand it became very popular among the customer because of high quality and intensive distribution channel in the country. After that it produces the Firebox match, which is also become very popular in the market. Now this factory has capacity to produce 30 thousands and on an average 27 thousands piece they produced daily.In the market the company provides approximately 4 lakhs 50 thousands piece matches and 3 lakhs 50 thousands Firebox in a month. Products * Dolphin * Firebox Quality of the product is very strictly controlled. Non standard products (wood layers or sticks) are discarded at every stage. But these things are not washed out. The sticks, wood layers and any other scrap wood will be used in AKIJ Particle and Hardboard Mills. The faults in the discarded matches are dealt with and these are packed manually. Rotary packers packed the mass of match and these go straightforwardly to the market.De velop up of business In that time, when Akij Company introduced Dolphin matches then in the market there was some renowned brand like projapati. So as an infant company it faced some initial problem like to grab the customer of that market and make it available to the remote area of the country etc. The company is fulfilling its own objective by producing modern quality matches. Dramatically Dolphin brand becomes so popular to the customer for its availability and quality. Now fire fox is doing the same job. It is now grab the maximum market share and customer.It is now a leading brand in the market for its quality and popularity. The matches provide great services to the customer and availability of the product make it so strong in the market. So here also company complies the strategy with the prorate strategy. Akij corporations limited It is a sister concern of Akij Group. Akij Corporation Limited is the one of the most structured distribution company in the Bangladesh. Akij Grou p is country’s one of the leading business conglomerates. In 1992 Initially Akij Corporation Limited was known as Amin Enterprise and started its operation in 1992.In 1997 In June 1997 Amin Enterprise was renamed as Aminuddin Enterprise Limited In 2001 In 2001 Aminuddin Enterprise Limited was again renamed as Akij Corporation Limited. Akij Corporation Limited is accountable for the marketing and distribution of three industries of Akij Group that is Dhaka Tobacco Industries, Akij Match Factory Limited and Akij Zarda (chewing tobacco) Factory. * Akij matches’ unused wood stick are used in paticle boar * Akij automotive by akij motor ltd * Akij tobacco to akij leaf processing unit * Akij power plant is used in akij particle board industry

Negligence Essay Essay

Mark sued a bank for injuries. He was not paying attention as he entered the bank because he was looking at his phone. And he fell suffering $10,000 in injuries. Prior to the fall, the janitor had buffed the floor. The janitor had an IQ of 70. Normally, the janitor was closely supervised. However, today his manager was extremely tired, and the manager didn’t notice that the janitor had carelessly used way too much floor wax that was extremely slippery. Is the bank liable for the janitor’s negligence (be sure to go through all the elements. Additionally, note that under the doctrine of respondeat superior the bank WILL be liable for any potential negligence of the janitor employee)? What defenses will the bank assert? Assume that the jurisdiction does not recognize assumption of risk or contributory negligence. The jurisdiction does recognize the defense of comparative negligence. In order to title a negligence claim a person must first show that the defendant had to hav e acted a certain way toward the plaintiff. Second that the defendant failed to act in a reasonable manner. Finally, the plaintiff must show they suffered actual damages or loss due to the unreasonable behavior. Negligence is a behavior or conduct creates an unreasonable risk or harm to others. The bank will be responsible for the janitor’s negligence. The janitor is considered an employee of the bank. Therefore, under the doctrine of repondeat superior the bank is responsible for the negligent actions of the janitor. Repondeant Superior, states that the employee is liable for the actions of an employee when the actions take place within the scope of employment. This gives a person injured in a place of business a better chance of recovering damages, In this case the employer is considered the principal and the employee the agent. Under respondent superior the principal has control over the agents’ behavior and must take responsibility for the agents’ actions. In this case the bank must take  responsibility of the janitor. The bank could argue that Mark contributed to the fall for not paying attention to his surroundings by paying more attention to his cell phone than to where he was walking. They could argue that if he had not been on his cell phone he would noticed the shiny slippery floors. This is called Contributory Negligence, but the courts do not recognize this defense. Mark could then go for his damages or loss under Comparative Negligence. Meaning he could do one of the two things: 1.) he could have all his damages totaled and then reduced by what would be his negligence in the matter or 2.) The courts could say he can’t recover anything if they find that he was just as negligence as the bank or janitor.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Syntesis of (1R,2S)-1-(m-Bromophenyl)-3-methyl-1,2-butanediol Assignment

Syntesis of (1R,2S)-1-(m-Bromophenyl)-3-methyl-1,2-butanediol - Assignment Example Any project that involves synthesis of organic compounds requires a thorough knowledge of synthetic methods available, the reaction mechanisms, the possible commercial starting materials, tools for analyzing the product such as IR, UV, NMR and MS and means of isolation. Bromination of benzene is an electrophilic substitution reaction, which takes place in the presence of aluminium chloride. The reaction mechanism of this electrophilic substitution reaction is a two-step process. Step 1 is a Lewis-base-Lewis acid reaction between bromine ion and benzene. Step 2 involves the loss of a proton to regenerate the benzene ring. The bromobenzene formed in the first stage then reacts with 3-methyl-2-butenal to form 1-(m-Bromophenyl)-3-methyl-2-butenal. Hydration of 1-(m-Bromophenyl)-3-methyl-2-butenal using water in presence the of dilute sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide and heat gives an anti-Markovnikov’s product (McMurry

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Strategic Plan Part 1 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strategic Plan Part 1 - Research Paper Example The company will be known under the name and style of Mangoamla Juice Centers LLC and juices will have 4-5 variances such as pure amla juice mixed with ginger and turmeric, pure mangosteen with ginger and turmeric, mangosteen-amla mix and so on. The products that the company aims to serve are different than any available product in the market as nowhere fresh juices prepared from amla and mangosteen are served that are full of antioxidants. Antioxidants protect cells of the human body from cancer causing free radicals. Mangoamla Juice Centers aims at not only building awareness about antioxidant rich fruits but also make them available to the masses in their vicinity (Carlsen, 2013). Amla Mangosteen Vision Statement Mangoamla Juice Centers’ vision statement is to enrich the people’s health with naturally occurring antioxidants and become a champion in protecting people’s health. Mission Statement Mangoamla Juice Centers’ mission statement is to satisfy hea lth-conscious masses with the organically grown antioxidant-rich fruits and herbs derived from the Mother Nature and help people build strong immune power to keep from deadly diseases. Our Values Integrity: We always offer what we convey. Transparency: We are transparent in what we offer. Fairness: We are always fair to our customers. Responsibility: We consider ourselves responsible and accountable to the community where we live and operate. Defining Values Talking about transparency, the company will specify all ingredients and its proportion clearly in its all typical servings. Whatever specified will be offered with full integrity and honesty. The company will take social responsibility and delve into the issues that the farming community faces in growing amla and mangosteen crops in their countries, vital for the company’s continuance and business growth. The company will advise them on increasing crop yields while farming organically; for sustainable ways of farming and the ways to reduce labor in plucking the crop thus, helping them to increase their earnings. The company will be most diligent in following all applicable laws and regulations following ethical business practices at all levels. All activities will be done in line with the best environmental practices and sustainability growth. Strategic Direction The vision, mission and values as described above will guide the organization’s overall business and marketing strategy. The company will continue to find innovative ways and introduce new products and flavors to retain customers and attract new ones. The product quality will be of highest standard and will never be compromised at any given time. The thrust will be on quicker and fast paced services with minimal waiting period in the center. The customers will be provided with pleasant and cozy environment that they can always cherish with. Understanding Customer Needs Arthritis, gout, cancer ailments, asthma and many chronic ailmen ts have been plaguing the US society since long (CDC, 2012). Traditional medicines suppress these ailments for some time but cannot treat them fully. Moreover, perennial consumption of these medicines causes huge side effects. Obama initiative is aimed at not only to provide proper treatment opportunities to all in the society but it also aims at preventive measures and raising general health standards of the people. A large number of the people in the US