Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Apocalyptic Probability Containment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Apocalyptic Probability Containment - Essay Example It also points out the possible remedies that can be implemented so that the depletion rate of the world can be reduced. The main issues that will be discussed in the paper include settlement, alternate means of public transport, provision of alternate energy sources, agriculture, and waste disposal. Introduction The world, as we know it today, is rapidly gaining on an apocalypse. The apocalypse has been depicted in films in a manner that worries us as the inhabitants of earth. Scholars researchers have also given a prediction of how the earth might look after the apocalypse. Wall-E’s film shows a world that reduces to a carcass of a planet after it has been deprived of all the oxygen that it was used to. As disturbing and farfetched as these predictions may be, there lies a sense of reality behind them all. The world today is hungry for resources and will go at any length to get a hold of such resources without having to care about the eventual impact of their actions on the planet. Since the industrial revolution in the 18th century from around 1750, the world has been on a downward spiral accelerating toward a dreaded apocalypse. The revolution cannot be downcast because it saw major changes inflicted in practically every industry. The main problem can be traced to the manner in which industrialization was conducted. No prior strategy was put in place to counter the peripherals of the revolution; the main agenda was to revolutionize the world.The revolution saw the development of urban centers, industries and factories. People were moving to the newly founded centers in such of jobs and wealth. This zeal to be a part of the revolution is what has caused problems that are slowly dragging the world and forming a post-apocalyptic trash site of our highly cherished planet.Because of the revolution, people needed to settle, energy needed to be supplied to the settlers and factories, transport needed to be availed for ferrying both goods and people, waste p roducts needed to be disposed and food supply needed to match the population’s demand. To avoid the seemingly inevitable end of this planet as a post-apocalyptic trash site, we must review, address and reconsider the issues of settlement, provision of alternative energy sources, alternate forms of public transport, agriculture and waste disposal in every corner of the world. How Settlement Can Be Reviewed To Help Contain The Apocalyptic Probability Settlement is the most central issue of all the problems. This is because all the other factors are directly linked to settlement. The people are the driving force of the world. Their innovations and inventions are what have brought change to the world as a whole. The main issue about settlement is the fact that population is concentrated in the urban areas with the suburbs being somewhat marginalized. The technology that is being used in all sorts of settlements seems to be getting out-dated and the impact to the environment are p roving to be detrimental. The best possible solution for settlement in avoiding the disastrous apocalyptic end is developing new cities. South Korea is currently building a self-sufficient city similar to Abu Dhabi’s Masdar city. The city is a high technology and one of its core functions will be learning. The city project has been dubbed the Multi-functional Administrative City-MAC (Dillow, 2010). The idea behind this innovation is to create sustainable cities through technology. This kind of a city will help curb the issue of settlement because it will help disperse or depopulate the densely populated areas. The issue with settlement today is the scarcity of resources and the arguably unmanageable waste disposal. In Portugal, a

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