Sunday, July 28, 2019

Anatomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Anatomy - Essay Example D is the correct answer because acetylcholine is just involved in minor signal transmission, in the nervous system. B is not correct answer because Serotonin is well known, and it is involved in the regulation of anxiety and feelings of depression. B is the correct answer because the primary motor area of the brain is the one responsible for the voluntary, fine motor movements. C is wrong because primary sensory area is responsible for detecting signals that are sent to the brain. D is the correct answer (he was frustrated). This is because alpha waves are detected when the brain is experiencing quietly flowing thought. C is wrong because when someone when the brain is asleep, it does not experience quietly flowing thoughts. C is the correct answer because delta waves suspend all external awareness and are only detected when the brain is dead asleep. B is not correct answer because when someone is awake or resting with the eyes wide open, then they their brains are subjected to external feelings. Action potential refers to the short lasting event or an impulse that occurs in the neurons when the electrical membrane potential (charge) of the cell rapidly rises then falls. It takes place in the excitable cell like neurons and muscle cells. This action plays a crucial role in the communication between the cells, for instance, it is the first step that occurs to lead to crucial actions like contraction. Neurotransmitters that are released from the synaptic end of the motor neuron binds with the proteins that are released from T tubules. This is because T tubules do not have the voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels, which are found on the plasma membrane. Therefore they carry action potential through their interior muscles cells through voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channel. Voltage-gated ion channels, on the cell’s plasma

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