Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Analysis of Globalization and Transnational Processes Literature review

Analysis of Globalization and Transnational Processes - Literature review exampleApart from the highly debatable claims about the diminished role f states, there are additive issues that theories f sphericization face. For the focus on how world(a)ization negates the very concept a center and fringe by generating diasporic public spaces tend to lead to an undertheorizing f the differentiated peripheries, which have disparate relationships with the various centers. This is an undertheorizing f the centers which, United States hegemony not-withstanding, are composed f a number f entangledly hierarchized and contending entities, for example, in Scottish--English--Welsh relationships. It is, as well, an undertheorizing f the peripheries which also have complex hierarchical inter-ethnic, cultural, and sometimes racial inter-relationships, first fall at bottom their own borders, then amidst themselves as peripheries, and, finally, with the various centers.In other words, in theorizi ng the undoubtedly unexampled phenomenon f globalization, it is critical not to lose sight f the specifics f this process. There are complex and energizing patterns f racial, ethnic, cultural, class, and social hierarchies that are being generated at bottom particular societies and on a global scale. Sometimes these generate new hierarchical spaces, but often they reinforce old hegemonies within and between nations, without necessarily undermining the power f nation-states as such. Thus I have pointed out that globalization, as it restructures societies internally, at the same time establishes and reinforces international hierarchy f races, ethnicities, cultures, and nations. Broadly speaking, this hierarchy is based on an international ranking check to political, economic, and cultural prestige and power. This is measured, for example, by such standard economic criteria as per capita gross national harvest-feast rates f technical innovativeness, and the obvious consequences t hat economic and technical dominance has for global military dominance. This global racial-cultural hierarchy places Anglo-American culture at the apex and Sub-Saharan African culture at the base. Hegemony is exercised, the first fall, within the complex racial and cultural hierarchies internal to the United States and Europe, and through this route, extends itself globally. Latin, Slavic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindu, and other cultures (usually with their own complex and dynamic internal cultural, social, economic, and political hierarchies) jostle to occupy intermediate positions between the two extremes.

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