Friday, December 27, 2019

Alfred Hitchcock s Oedipus Complex - 2479 Words

Deborah A Knighton Professor Anne Sonnier Psychology 101 May 7, 2015 Psycho â€Å"Blondes make the best victims. They’re like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints.† -- Alfred Hitchcock â€Å"Give them pleasure- the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.† -- Alfred Hitchcock Oedipus complex p.467 Norman Bates suffered severe emotional abuse as a child by his clinging, over demanding mother, who preached to him, that sexual intercourse is sinful and that all women are whores. This made Norman resentful and hostile even though, he deeply loved his mother. He very was close to his mother, developing a sexual attraction to her. Oedipus complex p.476. Norman became obsessed with Norma that he desired to replace his father; he poisoned him so Norman would have Norma all to himself. Norma would rant and yell constantly at Norman, saying â€Å"You have no guts boy you’re not a man†. Norma became involved with a man and they became lovers. Her lover convinced Norma to buy the Bates Motel; this infuriated Norman, why would she listen to this man and buy a motel? Norman became so angry; in a jealous rage he killed Norma and her lover. He preserved his mother body, and for a short time keeps her in the fruit cellar, but he eventually he takes her up stairs to her bedroom, dresses her then, and lays her on her bed as if she were sleeping. Norman continues this routine by keeping his mother alive in his mind, because the memory of him killing his mother, was so tragicShow MoreRelatedThe Child That Lives From Within1611 Words   |  7 Pagesbehaviour is innate or a product of social environment. The answer seems difficult to discern because it is not split down into equal parts of nurture and nature, but rather rely on one another for a better understanding. In the movie Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock, Norman Bates’ downfall proposes how crucial a healthy childhood is to the mental state of developing child. Contrary to nature focused beliefs, not all human behaviour comes from an individual’s genetic makeup, but rather through experiencesRead MoreThe Child That Lives From Within1681 Words   |  7 Pagesoften question if psychopathic behaviour is innate or a product of a social environment. Recently, nurture-based the ories has gained credibility in understanding how a child’s upbringings can trigger psychopathic behaviour. In the movie Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock, Norman Bates’ downfall proposes how crucial a healthy childhood is to mental health rather than biological vulnerability. Contrary to nature-focused beliefs, not all human behaviour comes from an individual’s genetic makeup, but rather throughRead MoreNorman Bates1736 Words   |  7 PagesSigmund Freud s Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality Development states that there is a structural model of the psyche, which splits the human identity into three instances of Ego, Superego, and ID. In Psychoanalytic Stage of Development, there are five stages: Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, and Genital. Even though Sigmund Freud never was writing about the movie _Psycho_, theories of Freud, have a great connection with the personality of Norman Bates. According to Oedipus complex, by Sigmund FreudRead MoreEssay Analysis of Norman Bates1170 Words   |  5 PagesThe character I chose to analyze is Norman Bates. Norman Bates originated as the main character in Alfred Hitchcocks movie Psycho. In the movie Psycho, Norman is a middle-aged who runs a motel. He is a psychotic serial killer with many psychological issues. More recently Norman Bates became the main character in a television show called Bates Motel. In the show, we see Norman in his teenage years. This is where we see Normans psychological issues begin to develop. As a teenage Norman, weRead More Sigmund Freud Essay3604 Words   |  15 Pagesthought began to emerge. Many found psychoanalysts to be aristocrats and others viewed it as a new tool of discovering the mind and how it worked. Psychoanalysis and psychosexual theories of Freud became the target for feminist uprisings during 1920’s and 60’s that changed American outlook on its culture and social roles. Freud and the emergence of psychoanalysis in the U.S. served as means of new t reatment for the mentally ill, new careers and organizations for the psychology field, as well as the means

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Cultural Values and Communication Norms A Comparative...

Communication is one of the most important aspects of our lives. It is a process that ties us together and helps us to get most of our work done. Communication plays a big role in transmitting cultural values from one generation to the next. Communication can be categorized as two; verbal and non verbal. In a multiracial country such as Malaysia good communication can be considered as a savior to keep everyone united. Being a multiracial country, it shows the existence of cultural diversity in Malaysia. Cultural diversity often leads to society’s biggest challenge. For this paper, a comparison between my culture; the Indian culture; specifically the Hindu culture and the culture of the largest ethnic group in Malaysia; the Malay†¦show more content†¦Malay is the largest ethnic group in Malaysia and Malay language is their mother tongue. Malay language is Malaysia’s official language. Before we go deeper into the communication aspect, let us analyse the general cultural values from these two major ethnic in Malaysia. The Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions can be a great use when it comes to analyzing cultures. Hofstede basically treats all Malaysian cultures equally. However, as based on the Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions, to compare both the Malaysian Malay and Indian cultures, both of these cultures actually falls under the high-context culture. High-context communication involves emotions and close relationships while low-context interactions use the logical part of the brain and are less personal. However, this does not mean these two cultures are equally the same with one another as there are similarities and differences between these two cultures. As there are many aspects of cultures that can be studied and described about the two cultures, only few major aspects of cultural values will be discussed in this paper. One of the major cultural values that can be compared between the two cultures is the Malays rank honesty as first on their list of cultural values whereas the Indians find family as the important aspect in their cultural values. In terms of marriage and weddings, there is a pure mix of cultures within the Hindu and the Malay weddings, which areShow MoreRelatedEssay on Nonverbal Communication: A Notion to Motion1393 Words   |  6 Pagesunpretentious hello are all forms of communication. While it is essential to the coexistence of the human race, communication is the one thing that is common amongst people of all cultures. Crapo (2013) explained that communication is transference of a philosophies and information from one person to another by ones actions, gestures, and words (Human communication, para.1). 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Logistic And Supply Chain Management Of Organization †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Logistic And Supply Chain Management Of Organization. Answer: Introduction In this report, study has been conducted on thelogistic and supply chain management of organization. These both part are the key pillar for the business success of organization. It is evaluated that logistic activities focus on inbound activities or business functioning which are under the boundaries of organizations. Supply chain activities are related to manufacture, supplier and vendors and retailers of company. In the starting of this report, logistic and supply chain management in context with the effective business functioning has been described. After that, inventory management and logistic strategic planning has been described. Afterward, sustainable business practice ofsupply chain management has been taken into consideration. In the end of this report, impact information system and use of cyber computing system of enterprises resources planning has been taken into consideration (Waters and Rinsler, 2014). Logistic and supply chain management (Inventory management and supply chain management It is considered that logistic activities of organization is related to inbound activities or business functioning which are under the boundaries of organizations. Supply chain activities are related to manufacture, supplier and vendors and retailers of company who are indulged in value chain activities of organization. It is evaluated that if company finds that there is scarcity of suppliers in market then it should offer tenders in the market and list of best suppliers who provide raw material at less cost should be selected. However, company could put terms and conditions related to payment of carriage inward and outward in are logistic and supply chain activities. With the help of enterprises resources planning, company could determine the minimum level of stocks and economic orders quantity. In addition to this, adoption of cyber computing system and enterprises resources planning in the logistic and supply chain management will increase the effectiveness and coordination in all the activities (Islam, et al. 2013). Inventory management and strategic planning Inventory management of organization is related to management and supervises the flow of goods and services from the manufacture to warehouse and then to retails department. However, company could use enterprises resources planning to determine the minimum level of stocks and economic orders quantity. In addition to this, by using ERP cyber computing system, company could establish automation in placing orders with vendors and suppliers when the quantity of inventory reaches the minimum quantify in its warehouse. In addition to this, for the better level of inventory management and increasing the effectiveness of organization, company needs to establish proper level of nexus and coordination in all of its inbound activities (Subramanian and Gunasekaran, 2015). Supply chain management in globalized world Global supply chain management is directly linked to the rise of globalization. It is considered that if a company is using parts and services from another factory oversea then has to manage domestic and international business process effectively It has to consider all the activities such as production, supply, warehouse, marketing, distribution activities and transportation activities should be interlinked after evaluating domestic and international factors. Company needs to establish integrated customized supply chain management in which use of technologies, global cost factors and divisional factors of organization will be taken into consideration. However, company has installed cyber computing system to establish proper flow of information between employees to employee, employees to top management and employees to vendors. The globalized supply chain management of organization needs to establish proper communication channel for all the divisions on international level for import and export in all the production, supply, warehouse, marketing, international supply and transportation activities (Mangan and Lalwani, 2016). Sustainable practice in supply chain management Sustainable practice of supply chain management focuses on implementing business activities to reduce the complexity of business and efficient use of resources in determined approach. It is evaluated that company could use proper intergraded supply chain management functioning to increase the overall productivity and effectiveness of business by reducing the associated wastage of natural resources in determined approach. Supply chain management of company should be undergone through internal control system and proper value chain activities in easy and determined approach (Taticchi, et al. 2015). Impact of information technology on supply chain management Company needs to install proper level of cyber computing enterprises resources planning for effectively management of supply chain activities. It is observed that if company could use proper level of upgraded technologies in its supply chain management then it will increase the overall effectiveness of production, supply, warehouse, marketing, distribution activities and transportation activities and reduce the byproducts of organization. In addition to this, the main impact of information technologies would be related to reduce the time and cost involved in supply chain management (Stadtler, 2015). Open ended discussion Logistic and supply chain management activities of organizations are the key pillar for the business success. Logistic activities focuses on implementing proper level of inbound activities, whereas, supply chain activities of company is related to production, supply, warehouse, marketing, distribution and transportation activities. It is evaluated that if company wants to achieve its goals and objective in effective manner then it needs to establish proper level of nexus between logistic and supply chain activities. However, internal control system and proper level of coordination between logistic and supply chain activities is the key strategic planning which could be implemented by organization to increase the productivity and sustainability of business functioning on global level (Fernie and Sparks, 2014). Conclusion Value chain activities of organization are accompanied by logistic and supply chain activities. It is evaluated that productivity of organization on domestic and international level depends upon the effective value chain activities and implemented business functioning. The main point in global business activities is related to management of logistic activities and supply chain and their effectiveness and productivity based on proper level of coordination and nexus between all the value chain activities. References Fernie, J. and Sparks, L., 2014.Logistics and retail management: emerging issues and new challenges in the retail supply chain. Kogan page publishers. Heckmann, I., Comes, T. and Nickel, S., 2015. A critical review on supply chain riskDefinition, measure and modeling.Omega,52, pp.119-132. Islam, D.M.Z., Meier, J.F., Aditjandra, P.T., Zunder, T.H. and Pace, G., 2013. Logistics and supply chain management.Research in Transportation Economics,41(1), pp.3-16. Mangan, J. and Lalwani, C., 2016.Global logistics and supply chain management. John Wiley Sons. Stadtler, H., 2015. Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 3-28). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Subramanian, N. and Gunasekaran, A., 2015. Cleaner supply-chain management practices for twenty-first-century organizational competitiveness: Practice-performance framework and research propositions.International Journal of Production Economics,164, pp.216-233. Taticchi, P., Garengo, P., Nudurupati, S.S., Tonelli, F. and Pasqualino, R., 2015. A review of decision-support tools and performance measurement and sustainable supply chain management.International Journal of Production Research,53(21), pp.6473-6494. Waters, D. and Rinsler, S., 2014.Global logistics: New directions in supply chain management. Kogan Page Publishers.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Kennedy Murder Essays - United States, Texas, Film, Kennedy Family

Kennedy Murder If Lee Harvey Oswald killed J.F.K. and it wasn't a conspiracy, then why is the government still withholding reports done on the assassination from the public's eyes, in the FBI's possession? President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 on November 22. He was elected president in 1961. First he was a senator. Then he went straight from Capitol Hill to the White House. Robert Kennedy was attorney general and was J. F. K.'s brother. He was head of the investigation of the assassination after Kennedy was killed (3: 1-5). Both Robert and J. F. K. knew that people wanted to kill them. J. F. K. didn't worry about it. But after John F. Kennedy was killed, his brother Robert Kennedy ordered that the casket was to be kept closed to public viewing. Robert thought it would have been him to get killed first, not his brother (5: 83). Robert encouraged his brother to sign three anti-crime bills. The bills targeted organized crime. They were used to stop gambling or at least crack down on it (7: NP). But even with the bills, the FBI director, Hoover, was afraid to go after the mob before the assassination because he thought his agents would become corrupt, and because Castro knew about the conspiracy against him. Hoover even told his agents that if the Mafia caught them, they would be fired and would be treated as a renegade (5: 84). The government didn't approve of the crack down on the mob that was in America. Teddy Kennedy loved busting the Mafia. People like Jimmy Hoffa. Even Frank Sinatra became close friends with Teddy, even made trips to the White House (3: 12-18). But just like his brother John, Robert was also killed (3: 105). After the assassination Robert carried on the bills and got killed also (3: 105). In 1962 Cuba was known to have missiles from the Soviet Union in Cuba. They thought Cuba or the Soviet Union would make a nuclear strike. Accused of helping the soviet union wage war on the U.S., enemies and suspects were made (7: NP). Neither the FBI nor the CIA approved of getting into the Vietnam War. They didn't approve of any of the president's decisions (3: 105). There were three shots, even a possible four. Some people think that the last shot was one from an agent's gun going off into J.F.K.'s head after reacting to the shots (5: 84-85). The first shot missed. The second shot hit J.F.K.'s shoulder, back, and throat; and Connally's shoulder, wrist, and leg (5: 84-85). But how could one bullet travel with that much force to go through all of that flesh? The third shot was fatal to Kennedy but was very far away, very accurate, and deadly efficient (5: 99). Even the FBI's best couldn't shot with Oswald's gun that accurately (5: 84-85). The gun was tested by the FBI and was found to be off centered. Many people coming from the grassy knoll heard the possible fourth shot. Someone was also seen running away from the knoll and was seen lingering there before the shots rang out. Whoever it was seemed to look like a FBI agent. The three shots that rang out on that very famous day can not be done in that same amount of time or with that accuracy even today (5: 84-85). Oswald was a very simple person with many mental problems. He mail ordered the gun that he supposedly shot Kennedy with. It only cost 21 dollars and was bought under a bogus name (5: 90). And after buying the gun Oswald had his wife take a picture of him holding the gun up by his side (3: 1-3). Why would Oswald take a picture of himself and the gun if he was planning to kill the President? You can't expect a very good shot to come from a mail order gun for 21 dollars and with a mental case handling it. During the middle of the cold war Oswald ran to Russia and came home disillusioned. Oswald tried to get citizenship in Moscow and when they refused him he cut his wrists (5: 71). And soon after Oswald met with Valery Vladimirovich Kostikov, a Russian ambassador, and with out Oswald knowing, he wrote a memo to his superiors asking if Oswald was in or out of the assassination plot (5: 90). Oswald was such a bad shot that once while he was still in the marines he shot himself in the foot while at