Friday, December 27, 2019

Alfred Hitchcock s Oedipus Complex - 2479 Words

Deborah A Knighton Professor Anne Sonnier Psychology 101 May 7, 2015 Psycho â€Å"Blondes make the best victims. They’re like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints.† -- Alfred Hitchcock â€Å"Give them pleasure- the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.† -- Alfred Hitchcock Oedipus complex p.467 Norman Bates suffered severe emotional abuse as a child by his clinging, over demanding mother, who preached to him, that sexual intercourse is sinful and that all women are whores. This made Norman resentful and hostile even though, he deeply loved his mother. He very was close to his mother, developing a sexual attraction to her. Oedipus complex p.476. Norman became obsessed with Norma that he desired to replace his father; he poisoned him so Norman would have Norma all to himself. Norma would rant and yell constantly at Norman, saying â€Å"You have no guts boy you’re not a man†. Norma became involved with a man and they became lovers. Her lover convinced Norma to buy the Bates Motel; this infuriated Norman, why would she listen to this man and buy a motel? Norman became so angry; in a jealous rage he killed Norma and her lover. He preserved his mother body, and for a short time keeps her in the fruit cellar, but he eventually he takes her up stairs to her bedroom, dresses her then, and lays her on her bed as if she were sleeping. Norman continues this routine by keeping his mother alive in his mind, because the memory of him killing his mother, was so tragicShow MoreRelatedThe Child That Lives From Within1611 Words   |  7 Pagesbehaviour is innate or a product of social environment. The answer seems difficult to discern because it is not split down into equal parts of nurture and nature, but rather rely on one another for a better understanding. In the movie Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock, Norman Bates’ downfall proposes how crucial a healthy childhood is to the mental state of developing child. Contrary to nature focused beliefs, not all human behaviour comes from an individual’s genetic makeup, but rather through experiencesRead MoreThe Child That Lives From Within1681 Words   |  7 Pagesoften question if psychopathic behaviour is innate or a product of a social environment. Recently, nurture-based the ories has gained credibility in understanding how a child’s upbringings can trigger psychopathic behaviour. In the movie Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock, Norman Bates’ downfall proposes how crucial a healthy childhood is to mental health rather than biological vulnerability. Contrary to nature-focused beliefs, not all human behaviour comes from an individual’s genetic makeup, but rather throughRead MoreNorman Bates1736 Words   |  7 PagesSigmund Freud s Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality Development states that there is a structural model of the psyche, which splits the human identity into three instances of Ego, Superego, and ID. In Psychoanalytic Stage of Development, there are five stages: Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, and Genital. Even though Sigmund Freud never was writing about the movie _Psycho_, theories of Freud, have a great connection with the personality of Norman Bates. According to Oedipus complex, by Sigmund FreudRead MoreEssay Analysis of Norman Bates1170 Words   |  5 PagesThe character I chose to analyze is Norman Bates. Norman Bates originated as the main character in Alfred Hitchcocks movie Psycho. In the movie Psycho, Norman is a middle-aged who runs a motel. He is a psychotic serial killer with many psychological issues. More recently Norman Bates became the main character in a television show called Bates Motel. In the show, we see Norman in his teenage years. This is where we see Normans psychological issues begin to develop. As a teenage Norman, weRead More Sigmund Freud Essay3604 Words   |  15 Pagesthought began to emerge. Many found psychoanalysts to be aristocrats and others viewed it as a new tool of discovering the mind and how it worked. Psychoanalysis and psychosexual theories of Freud became the target for feminist uprisings during 1920’s and 60’s that changed American outlook on its culture and social roles. Freud and the emergence of psychoanalysis in the U.S. served as means of new t reatment for the mentally ill, new careers and organizations for the psychology field, as well as the means

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Cultural Values and Communication Norms A Comparative...

Communication is one of the most important aspects of our lives. It is a process that ties us together and helps us to get most of our work done. Communication plays a big role in transmitting cultural values from one generation to the next. Communication can be categorized as two; verbal and non verbal. In a multiracial country such as Malaysia good communication can be considered as a savior to keep everyone united. Being a multiracial country, it shows the existence of cultural diversity in Malaysia. Cultural diversity often leads to society’s biggest challenge. For this paper, a comparison between my culture; the Indian culture; specifically the Hindu culture and the culture of the largest ethnic group in Malaysia; the Malay†¦show more content†¦Malay is the largest ethnic group in Malaysia and Malay language is their mother tongue. Malay language is Malaysia’s official language. Before we go deeper into the communication aspect, let us analyse the general cultural values from these two major ethnic in Malaysia. The Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions can be a great use when it comes to analyzing cultures. Hofstede basically treats all Malaysian cultures equally. However, as based on the Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions, to compare both the Malaysian Malay and Indian cultures, both of these cultures actually falls under the high-context culture. High-context communication involves emotions and close relationships while low-context interactions use the logical part of the brain and are less personal. However, this does not mean these two cultures are equally the same with one another as there are similarities and differences between these two cultures. As there are many aspects of cultures that can be studied and described about the two cultures, only few major aspects of cultural values will be discussed in this paper. One of the major cultural values that can be compared between the two cultures is the Malays rank honesty as first on their list of cultural values whereas the Indians find family as the important aspect in their cultural values. In terms of marriage and weddings, there is a pure mix of cultures within the Hindu and the Malay weddings, which areShow MoreRelatedEssay on Nonverbal Communication: A Notion to Motion1393 Words   |  6 Pagesunpretentious hello are all forms of communication. While it is essential to the coexistence of the human race, communication is the one thing that is common amongst people of all cultures. Crapo (2013) explained that communication is transference of a philosophies and information from one person to another by ones actions, gestures, and words (Human communication, para.1). Although people use different avenues to express their thoughts and ideas, intercultural communication can be misconstrued when learningRead MoreCompare and Contrast Analysis1650 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Compare and Contrast Analysis Introduction Culture is defined by a construction of ones world-view, and it is transmitted by individuals and collectives through socialization and enculturation (Pederson Ivey, 13). It contains values, beliefs, language, and perception. In studying cultural differences among members of distinct national, ethnic groups researcher have examined the concept of collectivism and individualism. People form individualistic cultures tend to view themselves as uniqueRead MoreTransnational IT Operations1340 Words   |  5 PagesTransnational IT Operations Introduction Enterprises are having to quickly change their value chains and supporting subsystems, processes, platforms and procedures to more effectively support globalized operations. 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His work like; ADMINISTRATIVE BEHAVIOR, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR are important contributions to the Public AdministrationsRead MoreComparative Public Administration11510 Words   |  47 PagesCOMPARATIVE PUBLIC Structure , 5.0 5 I 5.2 5.3 5.4 Objectives 1ntrod;uction What to Compare? Levels of Analysis The Range of Comparative Studies 5.4.1 54.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 Inter-institutional Analysis Intra-national Analysis Cross-national Analysis Cross-cultural Analysis Cross-temporal Analysis 5.5 Nature of Comparative Administrative Studies 5.5.1 Nonnat~ve E~npirical to 5.5.2 Ideographic to Nomothetic 5.5.3 Non-ecological to Ecological 5.6 Scope of Comparative Public Administration 5.7Read MoreWhy Ability Assessments Dont Cross Cultures10050 Words   |  41 PagesAbility Assessments Dont Cross Cultures Patricia M. Greenfield University of California, Los Angeles A central thesis of this article is that ability tests can be analyzed as items of symbolic culture. This theoretical perspective, based in cultural psychology, provides psychological researchers and clinicians with the tools to detect, correct, and avoid the cross-cultural misunderstandings that undermine the validity of ability tests applied outside their culture of origin. When testers use testsRead MoreExam 2 Ch 3 4 HCC SPRING 2015 Ritzer W O Answers Essay3567 Words   |  15 PagesMethods and Culture Introduction to Sociology – SOCI 1301 Short answers and completed scan-tron due at beginning of class on Wednesday, MARCH 25. Choose the BEST answer. Bubble in the letter on the scantron that corresponds with the BEST answer (1 pt each) 1) While the findings of sociologists may at times seem like common sense, they differ from common sense because they rest on a) Unorganized facts b) Strong feelings c) Rumors d) What you see is what you get e) Systematic analysis of facts usingRead MoreCultural Comparisons of India and China5411 Words   |  22 PagesNATIONAL CULTURE OF CHINA AND INDIA IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Introduction 1. Increased business globalization, emergence of new economic hubs like BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) as well as more intense competition among organizations at the domestic and international level alike over the past two decades, have necessitated the need for studies in the comparative Human Resource Management (HRM) (Budhwar amp; Sparrow, 2002a). As a result, a growing number

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Logistic And Supply Chain Management Of Organization †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Logistic And Supply Chain Management Of Organization. Answer: Introduction In this report, study has been conducted on thelogistic and supply chain management of organization. These both part are the key pillar for the business success of organization. It is evaluated that logistic activities focus on inbound activities or business functioning which are under the boundaries of organizations. Supply chain activities are related to manufacture, supplier and vendors and retailers of company. In the starting of this report, logistic and supply chain management in context with the effective business functioning has been described. After that, inventory management and logistic strategic planning has been described. Afterward, sustainable business practice ofsupply chain management has been taken into consideration. In the end of this report, impact information system and use of cyber computing system of enterprises resources planning has been taken into consideration (Waters and Rinsler, 2014). Logistic and supply chain management (Inventory management and supply chain management It is considered that logistic activities of organization is related to inbound activities or business functioning which are under the boundaries of organizations. Supply chain activities are related to manufacture, supplier and vendors and retailers of company who are indulged in value chain activities of organization. It is evaluated that if company finds that there is scarcity of suppliers in market then it should offer tenders in the market and list of best suppliers who provide raw material at less cost should be selected. However, company could put terms and conditions related to payment of carriage inward and outward in are logistic and supply chain activities. With the help of enterprises resources planning, company could determine the minimum level of stocks and economic orders quantity. In addition to this, adoption of cyber computing system and enterprises resources planning in the logistic and supply chain management will increase the effectiveness and coordination in all the activities (Islam, et al. 2013). Inventory management and strategic planning Inventory management of organization is related to management and supervises the flow of goods and services from the manufacture to warehouse and then to retails department. However, company could use enterprises resources planning to determine the minimum level of stocks and economic orders quantity. In addition to this, by using ERP cyber computing system, company could establish automation in placing orders with vendors and suppliers when the quantity of inventory reaches the minimum quantify in its warehouse. In addition to this, for the better level of inventory management and increasing the effectiveness of organization, company needs to establish proper level of nexus and coordination in all of its inbound activities (Subramanian and Gunasekaran, 2015). Supply chain management in globalized world Global supply chain management is directly linked to the rise of globalization. It is considered that if a company is using parts and services from another factory oversea then has to manage domestic and international business process effectively It has to consider all the activities such as production, supply, warehouse, marketing, distribution activities and transportation activities should be interlinked after evaluating domestic and international factors. Company needs to establish integrated customized supply chain management in which use of technologies, global cost factors and divisional factors of organization will be taken into consideration. However, company has installed cyber computing system to establish proper flow of information between employees to employee, employees to top management and employees to vendors. The globalized supply chain management of organization needs to establish proper communication channel for all the divisions on international level for import and export in all the production, supply, warehouse, marketing, international supply and transportation activities (Mangan and Lalwani, 2016). Sustainable practice in supply chain management Sustainable practice of supply chain management focuses on implementing business activities to reduce the complexity of business and efficient use of resources in determined approach. It is evaluated that company could use proper intergraded supply chain management functioning to increase the overall productivity and effectiveness of business by reducing the associated wastage of natural resources in determined approach. Supply chain management of company should be undergone through internal control system and proper value chain activities in easy and determined approach (Taticchi, et al. 2015). Impact of information technology on supply chain management Company needs to install proper level of cyber computing enterprises resources planning for effectively management of supply chain activities. It is observed that if company could use proper level of upgraded technologies in its supply chain management then it will increase the overall effectiveness of production, supply, warehouse, marketing, distribution activities and transportation activities and reduce the byproducts of organization. In addition to this, the main impact of information technologies would be related to reduce the time and cost involved in supply chain management (Stadtler, 2015). Open ended discussion Logistic and supply chain management activities of organizations are the key pillar for the business success. Logistic activities focuses on implementing proper level of inbound activities, whereas, supply chain activities of company is related to production, supply, warehouse, marketing, distribution and transportation activities. It is evaluated that if company wants to achieve its goals and objective in effective manner then it needs to establish proper level of nexus between logistic and supply chain activities. However, internal control system and proper level of coordination between logistic and supply chain activities is the key strategic planning which could be implemented by organization to increase the productivity and sustainability of business functioning on global level (Fernie and Sparks, 2014). Conclusion Value chain activities of organization are accompanied by logistic and supply chain activities. It is evaluated that productivity of organization on domestic and international level depends upon the effective value chain activities and implemented business functioning. The main point in global business activities is related to management of logistic activities and supply chain and their effectiveness and productivity based on proper level of coordination and nexus between all the value chain activities. References Fernie, J. and Sparks, L., 2014.Logistics and retail management: emerging issues and new challenges in the retail supply chain. Kogan page publishers. Heckmann, I., Comes, T. and Nickel, S., 2015. A critical review on supply chain riskDefinition, measure and modeling.Omega,52, pp.119-132. Islam, D.M.Z., Meier, J.F., Aditjandra, P.T., Zunder, T.H. and Pace, G., 2013. Logistics and supply chain management.Research in Transportation Economics,41(1), pp.3-16. Mangan, J. and Lalwani, C., 2016.Global logistics and supply chain management. John Wiley Sons. Stadtler, H., 2015. Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 3-28). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Subramanian, N. and Gunasekaran, A., 2015. Cleaner supply-chain management practices for twenty-first-century organizational competitiveness: Practice-performance framework and research propositions.International Journal of Production Economics,164, pp.216-233. Taticchi, P., Garengo, P., Nudurupati, S.S., Tonelli, F. and Pasqualino, R., 2015. A review of decision-support tools and performance measurement and sustainable supply chain management.International Journal of Production Research,53(21), pp.6473-6494. Waters, D. and Rinsler, S., 2014.Global logistics: New directions in supply chain management. Kogan Page Publishers.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Kennedy Murder Essays - United States, Texas, Film, Kennedy Family

Kennedy Murder If Lee Harvey Oswald killed J.F.K. and it wasn't a conspiracy, then why is the government still withholding reports done on the assassination from the public's eyes, in the FBI's possession? President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 on November 22. He was elected president in 1961. First he was a senator. Then he went straight from Capitol Hill to the White House. Robert Kennedy was attorney general and was J. F. K.'s brother. He was head of the investigation of the assassination after Kennedy was killed (3: 1-5). Both Robert and J. F. K. knew that people wanted to kill them. J. F. K. didn't worry about it. But after John F. Kennedy was killed, his brother Robert Kennedy ordered that the casket was to be kept closed to public viewing. Robert thought it would have been him to get killed first, not his brother (5: 83). Robert encouraged his brother to sign three anti-crime bills. The bills targeted organized crime. They were used to stop gambling or at least crack down on it (7: NP). But even with the bills, the FBI director, Hoover, was afraid to go after the mob before the assassination because he thought his agents would become corrupt, and because Castro knew about the conspiracy against him. Hoover even told his agents that if the Mafia caught them, they would be fired and would be treated as a renegade (5: 84). The government didn't approve of the crack down on the mob that was in America. Teddy Kennedy loved busting the Mafia. People like Jimmy Hoffa. Even Frank Sinatra became close friends with Teddy, even made trips to the White House (3: 12-18). But just like his brother John, Robert was also killed (3: 105). After the assassination Robert carried on the bills and got killed also (3: 105). In 1962 Cuba was known to have missiles from the Soviet Union in Cuba. They thought Cuba or the Soviet Union would make a nuclear strike. Accused of helping the soviet union wage war on the U.S., enemies and suspects were made (7: NP). Neither the FBI nor the CIA approved of getting into the Vietnam War. They didn't approve of any of the president's decisions (3: 105). There were three shots, even a possible four. Some people think that the last shot was one from an agent's gun going off into J.F.K.'s head after reacting to the shots (5: 84-85). The first shot missed. The second shot hit J.F.K.'s shoulder, back, and throat; and Connally's shoulder, wrist, and leg (5: 84-85). But how could one bullet travel with that much force to go through all of that flesh? The third shot was fatal to Kennedy but was very far away, very accurate, and deadly efficient (5: 99). Even the FBI's best couldn't shot with Oswald's gun that accurately (5: 84-85). The gun was tested by the FBI and was found to be off centered. Many people coming from the grassy knoll heard the possible fourth shot. Someone was also seen running away from the knoll and was seen lingering there before the shots rang out. Whoever it was seemed to look like a FBI agent. The three shots that rang out on that very famous day can not be done in that same amount of time or with that accuracy even today (5: 84-85). Oswald was a very simple person with many mental problems. He mail ordered the gun that he supposedly shot Kennedy with. It only cost 21 dollars and was bought under a bogus name (5: 90). And after buying the gun Oswald had his wife take a picture of him holding the gun up by his side (3: 1-3). Why would Oswald take a picture of himself and the gun if he was planning to kill the President? You can't expect a very good shot to come from a mail order gun for 21 dollars and with a mental case handling it. During the middle of the cold war Oswald ran to Russia and came home disillusioned. Oswald tried to get citizenship in Moscow and when they refused him he cut his wrists (5: 71). And soon after Oswald met with Valery Vladimirovich Kostikov, a Russian ambassador, and with out Oswald knowing, he wrote a memo to his superiors asking if Oswald was in or out of the assassination plot (5: 90). Oswald was such a bad shot that once while he was still in the marines he shot himself in the foot while at

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

11 Flexible Jobs for Working Parents

11 Flexible Jobs for Working Parents finally ready to go back to work after your maternity or paternity leave? need a bit of extra income to make ends meet? or maybe you just need some time spent with actual grown-ups. it can be really difficult to find work that matches your experience, pay needs, and schedule conflicts. here are 11 flexible jobs that shouldn’t be too far away from ideal for the working parent.1. school bus driverthis job still requires you to spend the vast majority of your time with children, but you’ll get a break between the morning and the afternoon runs. all you need is a valid driver’s license and your high school diploma. average annual pay: about $31k.2. web writerthis job can be as flexible as you want it to be, and the field is very broad. find a kind of writing you like that you’re good at- maybe an area where  you have some experience. or start a blog! you may need your bachelor’s degree, but you can easily use this job to channel your creative energy. average annual pay: about $47k.3. marketing assistantyou’ll probably need a bachelor’s degree for this, as well as fantastic project and deadline management skills, but you can harness all that pta and volunteer experience you’ve built up helping your kids’ school and start getting paid for coordinating events! average annual pay: almost $38k.4. call center repit’s not the most glamorous job in the world and some of your callers might be even needier than your kids, but you can sometimes work from home or set a flexible schedule that fits your family’s needs. average annual pay: over $28k.5. translator/interpreteryou’ll probably need a bachelor’s degree, plus superb communication skills- not just in english, but in multiple languages. but if this is your skill set, you can make your own hours and design a schedule that works best for you. average annual pay: $43-44k.6. personal trainerif you haven’t taken a break from th e gym the way you have from the workforce and you can pass the necessary licensing tests, then you can make a good amount of money helping other people to get fit. bonus: you’ll get or stay fit yourself. average annual pay: just under $53k.7. hairdresser/stylistyou’ve been cutting your kids’ hair, and you love chatting to people. add a high school diploma to this, and you’ve got yourself a pretty flexible gig. average annual pay: $23.6k.8. teacher’s aideyou love education and teaching kids, and you feel you’d work well in a classroom setting, but you don’t want the full time responsibility of being a teacher. you can help out in the classroom, implementing curriculum, helping kids one-on-one, and still not be the one who bears the entire weight of the responsibility. and you’ll be working when your kids are already in school! average annual pay: $20k.9. web designerif you have a great eye for design, and lots of experience with computers- possibly also programming languages and a bachelor’s degree, then you can make great money, set your own hours and projects, and do web design as your career. average annual pay: $62.8k.10. dietitianyou already put so much care into what your family eats (and you’ve done so much research), why not start making money spreading what you’ve learned? you might need a master’s degree for this, but you can choose the setting (educational, clinical, private, etc.) that you prefer to work in and usually set your own schedule. average annual pay: $53k.11. event plannerwith all the skills you have planning birthday parties and family cookouts, this is just the big league equivalent. you’ll probably need a bachelor’s degree, and good attention to both details and deadlines, but if that sort of high stakes (occasionally stressful) environment appeals to you, then you could work in event planning. average annual pay: $55k.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on The Inner Battles Of Mulan

The Inner Battles of Mulan The story of Mulan has been told for hundreds of years in China. Mulan’s tale has been used to motivate young girls to achieve their goals and to teach them that anything is possible. These stories show the strength within such a young person, making children to young adults believe they can be someone to look up to one day. With the help of Disney, this story has been introduced to many more people around the world and through the timelessness of animated features, will continue to for many years to come. There are several versions of Mulan’s story but the two that will be discussed are, â€Å"White Tigers† from Maxine Hong Kingston’s memoir The Woman Warrior and â€Å"The Ballad of Mulan†. These two different versions of the story strongly convey the themes of inadequacy that gender barriers create for women and how loneliness can affect someone. Kingston’s version of Mulan emphasizes these themes and are a reflectio n of her resentment to Chinese society which has roots in her childhood and stems from the strained relationship with her mother. In â€Å"White Tigers†, the first sentence of the story already sets up the gender barrier. â€Å"...we learned that we failed if we grew up to be but wives and slaves† (Kingston 19). This quotation automatically sets up the women’s feelings of inadequacy from the very start and continues throughout, ending with, â€Å"I read in an anthropology book that Chinese say, ‘Girls are necessary too’; I have never heard the Chinese I know make this concession† (Kingston 52-52). â€Å"The Ballad of Mulan† really has no gender barrier in it other than Mulan pretending to be a man so her father doesn’t have to join the army. There are not any significant signs of oppression directed towards her by men even before she joined the army as there are in the story by Kingston. One author’s analysis of â€Å"The Ballad of Mulan† notes that, ï ¿ ½... Free Essays on The Inner Battles Of Mulan Free Essays on The Inner Battles Of Mulan The Inner Battles of Mulan The story of Mulan has been told for hundreds of years in China. Mulan’s tale has been used to motivate young girls to achieve their goals and to teach them that anything is possible. These stories show the strength within such a young person, making children to young adults believe they can be someone to look up to one day. With the help of Disney, this story has been introduced to many more people around the world and through the timelessness of animated features, will continue to for many years to come. There are several versions of Mulan’s story but the two that will be discussed are, â€Å"White Tigers† from Maxine Hong Kingston’s memoir The Woman Warrior and â€Å"The Ballad of Mulan†. These two different versions of the story strongly convey the themes of inadequacy that gender barriers create for women and how loneliness can affect someone. Kingston’s version of Mulan emphasizes these themes and are a reflectio n of her resentment to Chinese society which has roots in her childhood and stems from the strained relationship with her mother. In â€Å"White Tigers†, the first sentence of the story already sets up the gender barrier. â€Å"...we learned that we failed if we grew up to be but wives and slaves† (Kingston 19). This quotation automatically sets up the women’s feelings of inadequacy from the very start and continues throughout, ending with, â€Å"I read in an anthropology book that Chinese say, ‘Girls are necessary too’; I have never heard the Chinese I know make this concession† (Kingston 52-52). â€Å"The Ballad of Mulan† really has no gender barrier in it other than Mulan pretending to be a man so her father doesn’t have to join the army. There are not any significant signs of oppression directed towards her by men even before she joined the army as there are in the story by Kingston. One author’s analysis of â€Å"The Ballad of Mulan† notes that, ï ¿ ½...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Medea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Medea - Essay Example Through his skills in narration, Euripides takes the reader to an imaginary world where he/she is faced with every character and every dramatic situation of the play. The dramatic setting for the plight of the protagonist and the resulting plot for revenge which develops the character of Medea is portrayed by the playwright in a way which convinced his contemporary audience and continues to do so in the modern arena. As Mary Kuntz points out â€Å"in Euripides’†¦Medea, the peculiar necessity of betrayal and loyalty that makes a woman in some sense always an exile†¦Ã¢â‚¬  clarifies the strange ways of the protagonist in taking her revenge and the reader is cleverly guided by the dramatist. (Kuntz, 119) Through the skill of narration and characterization, the dramatist keeps the legacy of Greek drama, and the plot development of the play keeps the audience in high complexity of the characters’ world. The style of writing in the play helps Euripides in reflecti ng the life in Athens which also takes the audience to the dramatic setting. â€Å"To an audience raised on Aeschyluss larger- than-life personages, the leading characters of the Medea will seem disturbingly like the chattering high-folk of imperial Athens, whose dirty linen, though washed, has been hung out to dry.† (Collier and Machemer, 6) Therefore, the writing style of the playwright of Medea proves to be the single essential factor which determines the great response to the play. The plot development of Medea has a major role in the aesthetic enjoyment of the play, and the playwright has been effective in portraying the story of the revenge of a woman betrayed by her husband. Medea’s story has every characteristic of a great plot and the writing style of Euripides adds on to the beauty of the play. To the audience of Euripides, Medea’s pride in her murderous crimes is a strange expression of her foreignness to the land, and the telling of her

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Political Ideologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Political Ideologies - Essay Example Marx’s opinion about ideology and its implications emphasizes on mystification and class system. It is believed by Marxists that the term ideology in politics gained a controversial nature from the fact that it forces interests of the ruling class on society thus class system is made a key element of ideology. The ideas of the ruling class always become the ruling ideas which have to be accepted by those who lack the means of mental production because the ruling class acquires control over the means of mental production also. Regarding the origin of the term ideology, it was first coined during the French Revolution when it was opinioned that political ideology would grow up to become the queen of all sciences. The original meaning of this term lost its value in the coming years to be replaced by Marx’s use of the term and the interest taken by generations of Marxists in the new color ascribed to ideology by Marx explains the popularity of ideology as a key science in modern social and political world. Ideology is also largely thought of as a manifestation of power in that it not only develops a class system but also supports a system of unequal class power in a society. This means that the ideas of the ruling class become an ideology which has to be accepted by those who are less powerful in a society no matter how exploitative the implications of that ideology may turn out to be. The ruling ideas of any age make up an ideology which explains why this term keeps changing colors with every age. Ho wever, in later years the term ideology in politics was separated from any negative connotations like mystification and class position as suggested by Marx which also largely put an end to the cold war between science and ideology. The journey of the term ideology suffered huge ups and down with the emergence of dictatorships like Nazi in Germany and Stalinist in Russia when the scholars began to use the term ideology

Sunday, November 17, 2019


EXPLANATIONS FOR THE ORIGINS OF AGRICULTURE - Essay Example The first argument suggests that the development of agriculture was driven by a scarcity of resources. The second argument differs radically, claiming that it was a surfeit of resources that encouraged domesticity. This paper will discuss and compare these two argument types and conclude that while no one model appears to have all the answers it is Hayden’s model that appears more convincing. There are obvious academic merits attached to finding a solution to the problem of formative agriculture. Indeed, since the time of Darwin scientists, social-scientists, historians even theologians have all tried to put forward a convincing model that explains why certain hunter-gatherers decided to change thousands of years of practise and begin agriculture (Richerson et al 387-390). There have been a series of interesting and intriguing theories during that time – ranging from population pressure driving domestication to the development of rituals and theology encouraging a sense of place (Hayden 31). Naturally, the stakes are high. A well developed universal model of domesticity would explain once and for all the most important transition in human history. However, such a complete model does not yet exist. Two of the more interesting theories have to do with climate change, put forward here by Peter Richerson et al, and â€Å"competitive feasting† as explained by Brian Hayden, who suggests that the surplus of food encouraged social adaptation that encouraged the continued development of further agriculture and domesticity. The climate change theory consists of two major ideas. Essentially, there were ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors. The former, at least according to Richerson and his colleagues, consisted of a sense of competition between Holocene societies which in effect made the development of agriculture during this period all but â€Å"compulsory† (Richerson 387). The second factor is comparatively simple –

Friday, November 15, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Biotechnology Biology Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Biotechnology Biology Essay The objective purpose of this assignment is the, familiarization of the connection between the biotechnology and agriculture; bringing on the contribution of the biotechnology science to agriculture. On the way to assess the specific contribution, citations of positives and negative effects are allocated as well as thoughts and worriers regarding the future of the association between biotechnology and agriculture. Ever since agriculture was developed, before 10 000 years (Sample et al .,2007), humans were attempting to invent new crops as well as and new techniques in order to make the production much more easy. Over the effort of the humanity to produce the best quality products as possible and in more quantities, new technologies and techniques were introduced allowing agriculture for further development. Standing on this piece of evidence it is a fact that most of the technological innovations where integrated to the agricultural science over the last 200 years.(Krimsky et al.,1996). On this improvements of the agricultural science it is appropriate to include the fertilizers, the plant breeding , the mechanization of the procedure as well as the management of the plant enemies using plant protection products (e.g herbicides, pesticides, fungicides).(Krimsky et al., 1996) However the discovery of recombinant DNA back in the early seventies opened a new era in modern agriculture introducing biotechnology into the field ,allowing the scientists to develop novel ideas of innovations in food production.(). As biotechnology is defined according to  the Convention on Biological Diversity, any technological application  uses biological systems, living organisms or their derivatives  create or modify products for specific use  »(Convention on  Biological Diversity, 1992).  This definition includes medical and industrial  applications and tools and techniques used in  agriculture and food production (FAO, 2004).  Among the best known  applications, is the creation of genetically modified foods, cloning  the sheep Dolly, the complete sequencing of the human genome and the  developments in stem cell research.  Like all technologies, so the  Biotechnology is associated with known and unknown risks and threats.  That in itself is a fo od source for the media to  the production of stories that attract readers (Gaskell et al., 2003). Benefits that may occur with the usage of genetic modified organisms had to do with several values that the humanity has set as priority objectives. Moreover the supporters of the agriculture biotechnology state that with the usage of GMOs the role of the sustainable environment is bounded; due to the fact that the main target is the reducing of the usage of pollutants such as pesticides and herbicides. An extra fact that is settled is that the population of the earth is about 6 billion; and with the possibility that there is a continuous trend for further increase.  Indicative, it is expected that over the next 50 years the worlds population will be doubled. With this fact, it is remarkable to declare that the humanity has to ensure that the quantities of food that will be produced ought to be adequate in order to feed the entire population of the earth. Perhaps this will be a huge challenge, whereas the agricultural sciences have the great responsibility. Standing on these factors; the supporters of genetically modified products, have highlighted a numeral benefits that may humanity obtain from their use. The Genetically Modified Organisms, in view of the fact that they have been introduced a gene from another organism, they are able to acquire properties compared with the natural plants as they have the ability to confer resistance to various biotic and abiotic factors such as resistance to various plant protection products from herbicide and pesticide as well as  salinity drought conditions. With the most usual method in conventional agriculture to protect the crops from pest insects to be spraying the plants with different chemical insecticides; have a lot of bad consequences. Even if the use of chemical insecticides is prudential spray or forced; the usual results of the non-rational usage of the chemical pesticides by farmers, lead to the fait accompli, which usual have to do with the huge ecological consequences. This method comprises negative effects on the environment and to the ecological balance.  Apart from the harmful insects to crops, the chemical pesticides may destroy many other species of insects which they might be consider as beneficial as well as natural enemies to the pests. The consequences result in a genuine ecological disruption. Furthermore, the excessive use of insecticides may create resistance of the insects so that to meet those needs is even what harmful. Additionally most chemical insecticides have toxic effects even for humans, with residu es of pesticides that may possibly end up through food chains. On this aspect, biotechnology has given a very good solution; deriving plants which have the power to react autonomously as bio insecticides. For this purpose, was isolated a gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis which can encode a protein with a natural insecticide action.(Pentheroudakis).  This protein is a ÃŽÂ ´-endotoxin and has toxic effects in an environment with pH 7,5 to 8,which can be observed in insects and not in the stomach of man.  The certain bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis is used as a biological insecticide for many years, and is grown in bioreactors and then can be sprayed on crops in order the plants to have the appropriate protection from the pests.  This solution is considered environmentally friendly since it excludes the use of hazardous chemicals and pesticides and does not lead to adverse health and environmental (standards 1999, deMaagd 1999). But also apart from its fucti on as a solution , it is also considered as non an economic solution since of the fact that Bacillus thuringiensis has a limit time of life and thats why it has have repeated sprays.(Penteroudakis) .Gene technology made possible the transformation of the particular gene which can produce the ÃŽÂ ´-endotoxin in plants; enabling plants to be protected from the destructive action of certain insects such as Lepidoptera.  There are several strains of Bacillus thuringiensis and each strain produces a different toxin, which acts in a particular species of insects (Estruch et al, 1996).  This ensures the plants resistance to certain insect species by introducing a particular gene (the genes are called genes Bt). One of the applications of Bt producing plants is to resist the European corn borer, which is the main enemy pest of the U.S. corn crop and also responsible for damages cost $1 billion annually (Huang et al, 1999).   According to the company Monsanto, the production of tran sgenic Bt crops reduce the use of chemical pesticides by 1 million litters per year. The nematode worms, as soil organisms can cause serious damages to the crops. Parasitic nematodes can create serious trouble at a wide variety of plants and are responsible for significant crop losses.  Also the eggs survive in the soil under adverse conditions for many years.  Another thing that has to be concern is that it is extremely difficult to militate with parasitic nematodes particularly after the withdrawal of methyl bromide. With the contribution of biotechnology scientists found that various plants are resistant to nematode worms.  For the resistance of certain genes are responsible which have been isolated.  An example is the gene Gro1 potato, which confers resistance to Globodera rostochiensis.  This has opened the way for the possible introduction of these genes into crops to address the challenge of the filamentary.(Jung et al,1998) Crop plants genetically modified to withstand very  powerful and widely used herbicides, can help  to reduce environmental impact of the widespread use   herbicides.  One example is the creation of GM soya from the company Monsanto, which is not affected by the herbicide Roundup  ®,   product of the same company   (   up_ready_soybeans.asp).   The resistance of plants against viral diseases,  fungi and bacteria will improve the performance of the fields.   The company Monsanto released on the market in 1996, the genetically modified soybean, which is resistant to the widely used herbicide Roundup.  The genetically modified soybean was introduced the bacterial gene CP4-EPSPS that produces an enzyme resistant to the action of the herbicide.  The Roundup suppresses the activity of natural plant EPSPS enzyme and destroy the plants.  Genetically modified plants, however, producing a resistant enzyme is not affected by the action of Roundup.   The genetically modified soya has caused a storm of reactions in Europe.  Soybeans are particularly important because its derivatives are used in many processed foods such as soya lecithin used in the production of chocolates and baking.  In 1998 one third of total U.S. soybean crop was genetically modified, while in 1999 more than half [Mitten et al, 1999].   Another possible benefit of the usage of biotechnology in agriculture, is the possible creation in the future of seeds resistant to cold (the  introduction of the gene of antifreeze protein from fish  Antarctica), in salinity or drought, which will allow   crop plants in soils inhospitable to date indicative (Zhang and  Blumwald, 2001).   And the contribution of biotechnology does not stop here .It is possible the creation in the future, seeds and crops with high  nutritional value (Ye et al., 2000) which will allow for better nutrition  children in the Third World.One good paradigm to support this   Almost half the worlds population eats rice (Oryza sativa L.), at least once a day (IRRI undated). Rice is the staple food among the worlds poor, especially in Asia and partsof Africa and South America. It is the primary source of energy and nutrition for millions.Thus, improving the nutritional quality of rice could potentially improve the nutritionalstatus of nearly half the worlds population, particularly its children. Commodity ricecontains about 7% protein, but some varieties, notably black rice, contain as much as 8.5%(Food and Agriculture Organization 2004). The most limiting amino acid in rice is lysine.Efforts to increase the nutritional value of rice target protein content and quality along with key nutrients often deficient in rice-eating populations, such as vitamin A and iron.The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines, is a primary center for riceresearch and development of improved varieties. In 1999, Dr. Momma and colleagues at Kyoto University, Japan, reported a geneticallyengineered rice having about 20% greater protein content compared with control rice (Momma et al. 1999). Transgenic plants containing a soybean gene for the protein glycinin contained 8.0% protein and an improved essential amino acid profile compared with 6.5%protein in the control rice. Also the production potential in the future of edible vaccines and drugs   in potatoes and tomatoes (Daniell et al., 2001).  Plants such as poplar, can the genetic modification to  used for phytoremediation contaminated by heavy metals in soils (Rugh, 2004). Apart from the advantages that biotechnology can donate to the agriculture sciences; there are and a lot of factors that as scientists and as consumers we have to be aware. There are ethical factors and other parameters that have to mostly with the environmental subjects that have to be in mind. Nearly all have expressed their concern about GM food and   the possible effects on health and safety of humans in   environment, economic situation of farmers and the poor of the world  making agriculture one of the few, powerful companies: environmental  activist organizations (such as Greenpeace, the Network against GMOs,  the GMWatch), religious organizations, citizens groups sensitized  (such as the Organic Consumer Association), researchers and scientists (such as  ETCgroup, the Institute of Science in Society, by The American Society of  Environmental Medicine, the Union of Concerned Scientists).   Experiments and studies  have identified a number of risks associated with the use of GM foods. Environmental hazards  that they might derived is firstly the challenge of unintended harm to other species. As an example of this;  laboratory studies have   shown that pollen from B.t.  GM corn caused high rates  of mortality in the larvae of the Monarch butterfly. (Losey etal., 1999)   The possible reduction of biodiversity, is another threat of the GM crops against the environment.  The widespread use of GM crops may  lead to reduced biodiversity in neighboring crops  GM ecosystem.  Because GM products are likely to have   competitive advantage over its natural wild varieties of plants,  the latter may not be able to survive with its attendant  reduction or extinction of wild varieties (Conner et al., 2003, Vacher et  al., 2004).  The GM crops can be fatal for others   organizations that share the ecosystem, as species of birds  (Watkinson et al., 2000).   The Horizontal gene transfer is another thing that worries the scientific world regarding the usage of GMOs. The introduction of exotic species into new   environments can cause extensive and irreversible  destruction through the horizontal transfer of genes, transport  ie genes among related organisms, and microbes in or   mammalian cells (unlike the vertical transmission is the transfer  genes from one generation to the next).  The transfer and integration  these genes would result in genetic modification  agencies beyond the estimates of researchers.  Such transfers   can lead eg  to create super weeds (literature  Review Ho and Cummnis, 2008).   General health problems in animals is another think that we have to be aware. A variety of studies in animals suggest that  consumption of GM foods can cause serious health problems  such as infertility, hormonal dysfunction, accelerated aging,   dysfunction of genes associated with cholesterol synthesis,  problems in the regulation of insulin, cell labeling and  protein synthesis and changes in the structure of the liver, kidney, spleen  and gastrointestinal (Ewen and Pustzai, 1999, Finamore et al.,   2008, Malatesta et al., 2008, Kilik and Akay, 2008, Kroghsbo et al., 2008).   Another object that we have to have in mind is allergies, which is the biggest, so far, side effects of GM foods   and is likely to increase the incidence of dangerous  allergies.  Many people and especially children are allergic to edible  plants such as peanuts, an allergy which can lead  death because of some proteins produced by them.  Projects  to increase the nutritional value of soybeans in the introduction to  genome of a gene from the Brazilian peanut abandoned  when research showed that the transgenic soy can promote allergic  reactions to people predisposed (Nordlee et al., 1996).  There  evidence that the genetically modified plant products are  even higher allergenic potential than conventional plants.   Several studies have been reported in the literature, suggesting that  the process of genetic modification may increase the allergen  potential of plants.  For example, levels of inhibitor  trypsin-allergenic agent of soybean are 27% higher  in GM soy.  Also, the Bt toxin in GM corn may  trigger allergic immune response since it contains   sequences that match EN identified allergens  (literature review Smith, 2007).  Scandal had caused  case of Bt corn Starlink à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ of Aventis, which  grown in the U.S. from 1998 to feed and industrial  purposes and not for human consumption because of concerns of  scientific staff of the U.S. Environmental  Protection that can cause allergic reactions.  In 2000,  modified corn Starlink à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ s put into tacos and  another 300 food products containing corn in various parts of  world, making visible the gaps that existed in the management of possible  risks from the use of GM (Bucchini and Goldman, 2002). Finally   A key argument of the proponents of GM crops, large  production and distribution companies modified seeds and lion  scientists, is the largest agricultural performance of biotechnology  crops, an argument which appears to be rebutted by the recent.  Research the Union of Concerned Scientists in which genetically   modified crops ultimately enhance the appearance of resistant  herbicides weeds thus reducing the production and leading to smaller  crops (Gurian-Sherman, 2009).  In addition, as mentioned previously, the GM seed  moving is patented and in future will also be sterilized  causing billions of poor farmers to buy expensive seeds each   time with disastrous results (Whitman, 2000). The application of genetic engineering resulted in the creation of genetically modified organisms resistant pathogens.  This became possible to transfer resistance genes, especially with the help of Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefasiens, in crop plants of great economic importance, such as corn, soybeans, cotton, tobacco, oilseed  The most commonly used gene is the Bt gene coding for the production of a toxin able to counteract the harmful insects on crops.  The isolation of the gene from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis and the introduction of a plant species resulted in the creation of a broad class of transgenic plants resistant to attacks of insects, Bt plants.  The cultivation of Bt plants have the advantage of avoiding the use of chemical pesticides, which contain toxic and hazardous substances.  It is also important to create GM plants resistant to nematodes and herbicides, particularly in widely-used herbicide Roundup.   The cultivation of transgenic plants but can cause various environmental problems.  This is the transfer of genes to plants or weeds through pollen and thus creating heat-parasites, prevalence through natural selection of resistant strains of insects to the toxin Bt, the unexpected effect of Bt insect toxin safe for agriculture and the possible abuse  the creation of herbicide-resistant plants on them.   There is no doubt that the establishment and cultivation of genetically modified plants will not only continue but probably will in future become the dominant form of farming.  The attitude of scientists, especially those related to environmental protection, towards GMOs should be responsible and critical.  The new research data, the largest observation time, economics and the comparison of the potential risks with the multiple benefits will help shape a scientifically informed view on the impact of GMOs into the environment.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Teaching Is An Art For The Teachers

Teaching is an art for the teachers who spend all their love to students. Teaching is not only the way to deliver their knowledge but also teach them how to behave and success in their future. After learning teaching method course. I gain some experiences for myself. To be successful in teaching, found out that discipline is one of the most important role. Then, lesson plan must prepared carefully and the lesson should be easy and interesting.First of all, my first question when I attended some classes in my observation that is why discipline is important. It is because it creates safe learning environment for both students and teachers. Discipline is of great importance in schools. If there is no discipline in schools, it is not possible to imp education effectively. It is necessary to maintain law an order in the society. The teacher can inspire lessons effectively without classroom disruption, and students can receive a quality education without constant distractions.Discipline is the training of the mind and character. It must be instilled in us from very young age. It must begin at home and continued in school. Secondly, Planning and preparing for instruction is the best way to ensure that a lesson is implemented smoothly. The reason why that is when you start teaching without preparing the lesson carefully, you will recognize how difficult it really is to communicate instructional content to a classroom full Of students. Then you do not feel frustrated.However, preparing the lesson is eke a plan that help you know what you going to say in order and it is easy to follow when you teach, and you will not miss any information that you want to tell the student. Prepared the lesson plan carefully not only make you minimize your mistakes when you teach the students, but also help you feel comfortable to be in class. Finally, an effect way to teach that is to make the lesson as simple as you can by using simple words or words and grammars that you know the studen ts are already known. Why?It not only help the dents review the words but also grammar, so they can be interested in the lesson. They want to learn and they feel comfortable to communicate. Also, you can start by telling them a funny story which is related to the lesson and suitable for their level. You can make the lesson more interesting by interacting with the students as asking them to guess the words in the situation or role play.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Immanuel Kant and Ethical Dilemma Essay

Today there are many ethical dilemmas going on in the world, from companies’ misuse of funding or executives’ misuse of their title. Ethical behavior has to be an important part in having a company that will survive in society. There have been many philosophers that contributed to the ethical understanding we have today. On of the most influential philosophers in history of Western philosophy is Immanuel Kant. After his father’s death in 1755 Immanuel Kant continued his degree at the University of Konigsberg and studied philosophy, mathematics, and the natural sciences. Kant was a German philosopher that â€Å"believed that morality in all spheres of human life should be grounded in reason. His renowned â€Å"categorical imperative† held that: (1) people should act only according to maxims that they would be willing to see become universal norms (i. e. , the Golden Rule); and (2) people should never treat another human as a means to an end. † (Dave Mote; Karl Heil) â€Å"Kant’s theory implied the necessity of trust, adherence to rules, and keeping promises† (Dave Mote; Karl Heil). One of the major discussion points today in the news is Health Care Reform. The medical industry has had free reign for so long that an overhaul needs to be completed. Currently there are many points in the reform that are still not clear and causing confusion. Frustration will be caused between the individuals that will have to buy insurance, the companies that have to provide insurance and the insurance companies that have to provide pooling coverage. The policies may find be found to be difficult to uphold and people may feel that it may easier to take the penalty. According to Kant’s theory reform should be revamped again to that it will benefit all participants and not exclude any others. In my opinion Kant’s theory has contributed to companies instituting polices and procedures. These policies are developed so that staff members are not treated unfairly or discriminated against as well as employees working with guidelines to be successful. I also believe that when the company runs within ethical surroundings; management, mid and lower level employees; the company will be looked at as a place of distinction and most employees will behave and react in an ethical manner. References http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/encyclopedia/Bre-Cap/Business-Ethics. html. (Dave Mote; Karl Heil) http://www. thesunchronicle. com/articles/2010/10/11/columns/8075350. txt. (Anthony Tiatorio).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Greasy Lake essays

Greasy Lake essays Like the lake, the main characters are so adumbrated that you cannot see their true selves. In the story Greasy Lake, T.C. Boyle uses diction, imagery, details, language, and syntax to express the narrators facetious tone. The characters change their behaviors and appearances to convey a primal badness because they are embarrassed to be in the upper class. First of all, the higher level vocabulary the narrator uses for these kids is much higher than one would initially imagine. This expresses the diction applied in this piece of literature. Boyle uses words like decadence and susurrus to help describe the nature and setting of Greasy Lake. He mostly uses words that one would not usually use on a normal day-to-day basis; words like snuff, fetid, and feculent. This brilliant vocabulary clashes with the words and phrases the narrator uses to try to sound tough. For instance, pumping his girlfriend and my bowels turned to ice. He is very intellectual, but he doesnt want to admit it because hes trying so hard to be rebellious. Secondly, Boyle illustrates imagery in this selection. As I read through this passage, I noticed the narrator mention frogs on page 261 and twice on page 265. At the first glance, I ignored it until I eventually realized the frogs were used to represent the characters. The characters were being so vociferous and all of a sudden they fell silent and had no idea what to do next. The imagery also helps us to paint a picture of the setting and the scenery that is pounded in our heads using similes such as the air soft as a hand on your cheek and so stripped of vegetation it looked as if the air force had strafed it. Boyle makes it clear to us on the very first page that the waters are murky and not clear. This reference to the water is telling the read...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Assignments writing tips for students

Assignments writing tips for students Assignments writing tips Every student, studying at high school, college or university, is often assigned to write an academic paper. The assignment can mean writing an essay, a research paper, a term paper, a report, a review or any other kind of paper. Professors all over the world have a common opinion that it helps to evaluate both students writing skills and talent, their capacity to express thoughts in a clear form, build solid argumentation, and use the available information. For sure, writing different kinds of assignments is a skill that requires constant development. Therefore, most students want to improve their skills and make the writing process more efficient and less boring. In some cases, achieving this objective is quite demanding. One needs to develop certain techniques and to use different tools. Academic writing requires excellent grammar and spelling. If you have any problems with it, you can start a personal journal of your mistakes. It is very profitable to write down the rules you often forget about, and misspelled or misused words, etc. In addition, it would be wrong to avoid using online resources for improving English. The Internet is full of resources with great amount of helpful information on writing. You can learn numerous tips on avoiding common mistakes with the help of clear and understandable techniques, and then write the assignment given by your professor perfectly. Certainly, enrichment of your vocabulary is a very important part of writing skills. The more words you hold the better papers you can produce. The obvious advice for this would be reading various books and articles, but there are also some other interesting options you might want to explore. For example, Visuwords is a superb online dictionary where you can construct visual words associations and get an explanation of their meanings. This service is very profitable and helpful when you have to find proper terms and build complex sentences. Also, you can use Merriam-Webster Visual Dictionary if you have any doubts about using the right terms when writing assignments. Many students find it quite difficult to start writing and feel anxious looking at the blank page. If you find writing an outline for the homework assignment a real challenge, follow these easy tips. It does not matter, what kind of paper you are assigned to complete, taking some time to write down an outline for it will help you in gathering information and starting your work.You will get a better result if you ask someone to check your academic essay draft and help you rewrite it correctly. It is a better case than to receive a constructive feedback from your professor on the completed paper that cannot be revised. If someone proofreads your paper, you get an opportunity to work on it and improve it. You can ask the professor to set a deadline for completing the draft a few days before the final due date to assist you with correcting the mistakes in the school assignment. Alternatively, you may just ask him to check your draft and comment on it individually. One more essential advice for students, who want to succeed in writing assignment, is to write more frequently. Remember, the more you write the better. Every completed paper is a great opportunity to improve writing skills. Use your free time for creative writing and you will be impressed how much your skills have been polished. If you still have any difficulties with homework assignments, you may look through somes of customized essays and other academic papers at the websites of custom writing companies. Such examples may serve as benchmarks for your future assignments. Feel free to turn to the assignment writing service and ask for professional assistance from highly skilled writers.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Warehouse Management Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Warehouse Management Systems - Research Paper Example Warehouse management systems are believed to be highly developed operating processes and technology that have the capability to optimize all warehousing operations. Additionally, these warehousing operations vary in nature and normally starting with receipts from suppliers and ending with delivery to end-users, as well as consist of all information flows and inventory transactions occurring in the middle of these operations. However, it is believed that warehouse management systems have normally been linked with huge, more complicated supply chain and distribution processes. In this scenario, non-complex, small supply and distribution operations have traditionally not been considered as nominees to considerably make more efficient distribution processes and decrease expenditures. On the other hand, even the majority of smaller and midsized organizations have started considering the worth of warehouse management systems in the present atmosphere of closely linked and merged logistics, just-in-time deliverance, and e-business and e-commerce implementation. Historically, warehouse management systems could have been used to get the facility of simple storage place functionality. However, today’s warehouse management systems are so stylish, complex and data intensive that they have need of devoted and expert personnel to execute and manage them. In this scenario, some of the high-end systems can comprise routing and tracking technologies for instance voice recognition and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).

Friday, November 1, 2019

World Wide Flu Epidemic Kills 20 Millions. 1918 Essay

World Wide Flu Epidemic Kills 20 Millions. 1918 - Essay Example The fort was an outpost in Kansas where new soldiers were trained before being sent off to Europe for World War I. A company cook apparently came down with the symptoms of the flu which appeared similar to the symptoms of a bad cold. He was isolated immediately; however, within the next hour, several soldiers were also admitted to the infirmary for the same symptoms as the cook (Rosenberg, 2010). Despite their best attempts to contain the symptoms, the flu spread quickly to the Fort Riley population and after several weeks, about a thousand of them were infected by the flu; towards the end, 46 of them died (Rosenberg, 2010). Similar incidents were soon reported in different military camps in the US and this spread on board transport ships and inadvertently this disease reached Europe via infected soldiers. When the epidemic reached Spain, the Spanish government immediately made the epidemic public; and since most people first heard the attack from the Spanish broadcast, the flu was n amed the Spanish flu (Rosenberg, 2010). It later also infected Russia, India, China, and Africa; but by the end of 1918, the first wave of the disease gradually tapered out. The second wave of the flu was however more deadly. It struck three port cities all at the same time (Boston, US; Brest in France; and Freetown in Sierra Leone) (Rosenberg, 2010). Hospitals were overwhelmed by the second wave as the patient population overflowed and depleted their supplies. The flu had a major impact on victims as within a few hours, symptoms of extreme fatigue, fever, and headache, already started showing up (Rosenberg, 2010). Patients were also subjected to powerful bouts of coughing which most often tore their abdominal muscles. Blood was often seen from the mouths, nostrils, and from their ears. Other patients also vomited (Rosenberg, 2010). This disease sometimes killed patients within a matter of hours from the first symptom manifesting and others within a day or two of the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Work of Michel Foucault in Contemporary Criminology Research Paper

The Work of Michel Foucault in Contemporary Criminology - Research Paper Example The works of Michel Foucault, who is considered to be an influential thinker during the 20th century, have proved to be relevant in contemporary criminology. The field of criminology is based on two clear approaches. The first approach mainly focuses on what causes crimes, singles out criminogenic social conditions and examines criminals. The second approach, which is current, deals with analyzing forms of penalty and checking for any faults so as to observe the degree of state encroachment on personal rights and liberty. One of Foucault’s works, Discipline and Punish, which was a book he wrote in 1975, examines punishment in its social context. It changed the way people viewed the prison system. The book clearly reveals how he came about with his main theme of power and domination. In his book, he talks about how prisons came about and clearly reveals its history. He also points out the growing number of prisons despite the fact of them not being successful. The rise in the n umber of prisons and criminals in the US and Britain proves his point. The book reveals his thoughts on how elite people in the society have power and control over everyone. According to Foucault, prisons subjected people to live their lives according to the disciplines that were imposed by the government. He adds on that there have been no improvements in the society since Renaissance and that the only thing that has developed is the technology that has been employed to enslave the spirits of people in our societies.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Information System Essay Example for Free

Information System Essay The introduction of information system has heave effect on arising of ethical, social and political issues. These issues should be dealt with at individual, social and political levels. The computer professional and users have the responsibility of maintaining relationship with each other given that critical decision made poses significant consequences to the involved parties. Ethical issues are those principles of what is right and wrong that can be used by individuals acting morally as they make choices that guide their view towards new information technology. They have to behave ethically by not stealing, being honest, keeping promises and doing ones job right for computer users. Consequently, computer professionals are to follow good professional standards and practices, educate non computer professionals on how the systems affect people (Alter, 1999). They are also to ensure the latest knowledge and technology is attained through high level of professional competence. Thus the five ethical, social and political issues in information system that call for moral steps to be taken in making decisions are; The information rights and obligations Individuals and organizations should have rights and obligation on information so that they are able to protect their information in the system. The ethical issue here are on what condition should privacy be raided or what justifiable self-effacing inspection. Socially, people have to be ascertained privacy when using the information system. But will the expectation of the society be extended to criminal conspirators. Politically, are securities teams monitor or maintain individuals’ data from sites? Property rights and obligations There should be a way of protecting the traditional intellectual property rights in a digital society. This will facilitate tracing and accounting for information ownership by eliminating difficulties associated with property rights. In respect to social issues, the society should be in a position of sharing information so as to eliminate law breakers and politically, the government should protect investment of creators by setting new protection measures needed. Accountability and control The issue of who is to be held accountable or liable for the harm done to individuals or for the collective information and property rights. The ethical issue is on who is responsible morally for the consequences of the use of hardware or software. Socially, the issue brought out is on what the expectation of the society should be in allowing service provision from information system or can people be in a position of trusting the quality of the software, data (Gupta, 2000). In addition, the political issues of on what extent should the government intervene so that it may protect service providers and users. System quality The standards of data and quality of system should be defined that society should demand in order to protect individuals’ rights and the safety in the society. Ethically, the point at which services are to be released for consumption has to be defined. On social issues, whether people are to be convinced that the information systems are infallible and politically whether laws of accountability and responsibility should be set (Alter, 2006). The government has to step in and develop standards on the quality of data, software and hardware. Quality of life Certain values have to be preserved in an information and knowledge-based society against violation. The information should be in a position of supporting the cultural values and practices. Information system has led to reengineering of work, health risks like computer vision syndrome and radiation from display screens. In addition, it weakens traditional boundaries; it is vulnerable to system failures, slow responses to change due to efficient market place and problems associated with centralized policy decisions (Curtis Cobham, 2008). Even though information system poses several issues to business, it must be incorporated in business operations for it is vital in coordination and communication within the business. Additionally, the benefits of information system are much more than the few shortcomings it carries. 2. An information system refers to the combination of information technology and people’s activities while using the technology in order to support operations, management and ease decision making. In essence, it’s the interaction between people, processes, data and technology (Beynon-Davies, 2009). It helps in controlling the performance of business processes. An information system works in a way that human and machines perform tasks to produce products and services for customers. Information system is made up of several components of management, organization and technology. These are; the people, hardware, software, data, network resources, types of information products and the way the components perform i.e. input, processing, output and storage through controlled activities. People resources are made up of end users and information system specialists while hardware consists of machines and media. The soft ware resources comprises of programs and procedures in storage of information and processing while data consists of data and knowledge sources (Mader, 1979). Network resources are made up of communications media and network which facilitate technology in innovation and communication. 3. In an organization, information system is vital given that it helps in decision making by employees and managers. Additionally, it wires an organization strategy for competitive advantage through innovation using information system and facilitating business processes and operations. In a business, information system provides managers with important information about sales, inventories and all other vital data that will help in managing an organization (Edwards, 2001). It facilitates effective communication between the different levels of management through collection, processing, storing and dissemination of data in the organization. I believe that information system is very important in the organization for it enhances communication within the organization. By incorporating modern information technology in management of the business, managers will be able to come up with decision with much ease. Furthermore, it provides essential data for analysis of performance of various levels in the business thus enabling motivation, training, recruitment and promotion. Lastly, it provides data and analysis which are useful in making good decision of how, when and where to employ human resources in order to achieve the goal of the organization. 4. Â   I agree that there is a sustainable competitive advantage in business. Sustainable competitive advantage can only be attained through the use of information system where it facilitates innovation and decision making that will enable a business to remain competitive in the market (O’Brien, 2008). The organization will therefore make use of information technology to reengineer internal processes of the business thus cutting on cost and ensuring quality products making them to remain competitive in the market. In short, a sustainable competitive advantage is possible with implementation of effective information system with proper and focused management.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Early Learning: How Do Head Start Programs Contribute to Success Essay

The Head Start Program contributes to the successful learning of children in a major way. Head Start promotes healthy prenatal out comes, enhances the development of infants and toddlers, and promotes healthy family functioning. The children are giving a better chance to succeed in school and life. Therefore, the rate of human learning and development is in the early years. Head Start is a Federal funded, comprehensive child development program that has an overall goal to prepare children from low-income families for school (Administration for Children and Families). The Head Start Program is under the direction of local, non-profit organizations in almost every county in the world. The Head Start Program originally began in 1965, by President Lyndon London (Zigler). A report written by The United States Department of Health and Human Services states that the Head Start Program began in 1995 for children from birth to three years of age, and has expanded to serve approximately 800,000 children and their families in 664 communities across the United States. To prepare a child for ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Role Model

MY ROLE MODEL Almost everyone has a role model in their life. They could be a parent, a friend, a teacher, or a sports hero. They could be the D. A. R. E officer who works in your school. He could be someone you read about in a book. A role model is hard to define, because it can be different for everyone. Who your role model is depends as much on you as it does on the person you admire. Often, it is someone you would like to be like when you get older, or someone who does something you find hard to do. They might be somebody who performs outstanding volunteer work.They might be a community leader. They might be your mentor. Maybe they are generous and kind. Maybe they performed an extraordinary feat or accomplishment. They might be someone in your neighborhood, or someone in another country. Typically, a role model is brave, smart, strong, kind, thoughtful and fun. Not that every role model is perfect. Unless it is someone out of a storybook, role models are people who might be outs tanding in only one or two areas. Or maybe it is someone who is far less than perfect, but is working to improve himself or herself.I personally believe that a good role model should have certain qualities, and he should†¦ * Have a good personality * Be humble * Be respectable * Be ambitious When we had to choose a role model, one name appeared clearly in my head. I didn't see, and couldn't see, anyone else but Gandhi. Indeed, in my opinion, it's this man who gives meaning to the expression, â€Å"role model. † I don't think there's a more charismatic role model in history. Indeed, he accomplished such important and brave things that he must be one of the most well-known heroes in the world.Gandhi was born in India in 1869 during the period of colonies. He lived under the English occupation and, as a consequence, suffered from oppression and the authority of colonists. However, what disturbed him the most was the fact that his country, or rather his nation, couldn't make decisions by itself anymore and hope to evolve and grow. Gandhi, who was lucky to have been educated, was the first man in this painful period who dared to refuse the British authority using pacifist methods. Indeed, boycotts and other peaceful ways like hunger strikes enabled India to get its independence from the United Kingdom.As far as I am concerned, Gandhi is really an exemplary man. I feel that Gandhi was a positive role model in society because he enabled India to get its independence, but his influence didn't stop at this moment. his ideas of independence kept on living beyond the borders and reached all the other colonized countries. His influence was such that many nations took their independence just after India did. Thanks to him, all of those people were able to hope again and, in my opinion, it's one of the qualities that the definition of a role model requires.If we followed his example in life, we would stop killing each other and, instead, discuss and resolve prob lems together without useless violence. It may take a long time, but I think it's worth trying. All of this shows that Gandhi is actually someone who can be considered as a role model. He was both brave and intelligent. Indeed, not only was he courageous because he defied the authorities, but he was also talented because he didn't use physical strength to get what he wished. All in all, for my part, Gandhi must be considered as one of the most important personalities history has ever known. I think he deserves to have this status

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Media, Minorities, and Multiculturalism

The article Media, Minorities, and Multiculturalism attempts to explain how and why advances in media misrepresentation of minorities continues to be â€Å"couched in compromise†, and to distinguish between the concepts of media racism and racist media. This article also tries to draw attention to the complex factors involving media misrepresentation of minorities, and explores the developments in the creation of multicultural media by inclusion in mainstream media and institutional parallels that exist around alternative ethnic and aboriginal media.There are profound differences between racist media, and media racism. Racist media is media which openly discriminates against people of a certain race or ethnicity, thereby excluding them or denying them of certain privileges, while media racism is reflected in coverage that ignores minorities except in contexts of entertainment or crisis, and depicts minorities are problematic people, and also encoding words that constitute an e lite white discourse in perpetrating ideologies consistent with dominant sectors.The mediaThe mainstream media have been said to be particularly negligent in engaging with diversity in a constructive way, and failing to put the principles of inclusiveness into practice. Although the goal of the media might not necessarily be to diminish or demean minority men and women, the cumulative impact of miscasting has had the controlling effect of depicting minorities as remote or â€Å"removed† people.It has been noted that media that depend mostly on advertising for profit and revenue seem to be the least responsive in the area of change and improvement in minority misrepresentation, and news casting has remained a medium of the negative, even though there have been efforts to avert blatant racism. Men and women of the minority ethnicity are still constantly framed as troublesome people, whose demands and concerns are seen as unpatriotic, especially when they entail concessions or c osts.Over time, mainstream media has continued to misrepresent minority men and women at the news-casting level, advertising, TV programming and film making, even though there have been some changes and improvement in TV programming. For example, in countries like the United States and Canada, black and white viewers are having more and more favorite TV programs in common, which is probably because of the use of multi-ethnic casting in TV programs.Media miscasting tends to portray minorities as invisible, problematized, stereotyped, white washed and miniaturized people. Such an indictment is not entirely true presently, as there have been improvements in the quality of media and quantity of media minority representations.Also, advances in media representation of minorities are continuously â€Å"couched in compromise†, as systematic biases and institutional barriers still exist. In the developing world, media coverage of minorities is miscast because the media is preoccupied with style over substance and with adversity over cooperation. Developing world minorities are mostly ignored or made to seem irrelevant by racist mainstream media, and this has the effect of framing minority peoples as volatile and mindlessly violent, due to the absence of a balanced coverage.Ethnic and aboriginal mediaThere have been positive advances in ethnic and aboriginal media, due a popular and a booming ethnic market, which is reforming the ethnic media landscape. Ethnic media continues to flourish with as many as 50 radio stations airing non-English language and non-French language programs. Canada is a world leader in aboriginal media, and has many aboriginal radio and television networks, which the people look upon as an emancipatory tool for social, cultural and educational construction.Racist media in CanadaOn the basis that a racist media is one in which racism is institutionalized, it can be said that Canada does not have a racist media. Canada does have human rights laws, federal regulatory bodies, and also industry guidelines that are designed to reject deliberate racism. What Canada can be said to have instead, is media racism because the media is not deliberately racist in their coverage despite the racism existing in the mainstream media on personal and institutional levels.Discussion questionsIs racist media different from media racism?How can the concept of racist media be measured?What constitutes racist media?Does Canada have racist media?Reference listMedia in societyMedia, Minorities, and Multiculturalism

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Rose For Emily Essays (383 words) - To Kill A Mockingbird

A Rose For Emily Essays (383 words) - To Kill A Mockingbird A Rose For Emily Reading To Kill A Mockingbird and A Rose For Emily I noticed several differences and likenesses. I would like to convey my thoughts to you. Females in "A Rose For Emily" are depicted as reclusive, crazy, and nosy. Females in "To Kill A Mockingbird" are depicted as smart, outgoing, and full of pride. For example, Emily and Aunt Alexandra are both full of pride. Emily is so full of pride that when she finds out that Homer Barron is not going to marry her and that he is gay that she kills him. She lets the town think that they are married. When in fact she kills him. Emily is afraid of what the town will say about her. Aunt Alexandra is full of a different kind of pride. She is full of family pride. She always tell Jem and Scout about their family tree and history. She also cares about what the town says about them. Aunt Alexandra doesn't want the town to think badly about the Finch family. Emily is a sad figure. She doesn't let anybody befriend her. She barely even talks to her servant. Even when people come to talk to her she either meets them at the door to tell them to go away or she gets her servant to tell them to go away. She is also a recluse. She hardly if ever goes out. Her servant is occasionally seen at the market buying food, but other than that nobody ever goes out from the household. Calpurnia from "To Kill A Mockingbird" is also a sad figure. She has to compromise with the white society that discriminates against blacks. She has to compromise with Aunt Alexandra. She has to do what Aunt Alexandra says even though she does not agree with her. Calpurnia is though, admirable because she has made the best of her opportunities. She is like a member of the Finch family. She has been with them since Mrs. Finch died. In conclusion, Emily has not done the best with her opportunities. She has given up on the world and so she withdrew into her own little world. Emilyis a sad and lonely lady and will die sad and alone. She could have so much more if she only tries, though.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Expository Essay on A Farewell to Arms Essays - Free Essays

Expository Essay on A Farewell to Arms Essays - Free Essays Expository Essay on A Farewell to Arms subject = Modern American Lit title = Expository Essay on A Farewell to Arms In Ernest Hemmingway's A Farewell to Arms, the protagonist, Frederic Henry is both dysfunctional and tragic. Throughout the story Henry lives up to this description of shear tragedy and dysfunction. The main elements that aid in making him both tragic and dysfunctional are: the fact that the love he and Catherine shared at the end of the book was doomed, this love was only "role-playing" to him at first, and he went AWOL on the Italian army. The first detail that contributes to making Henry a dysfunctional character is that he uses role-playing as a way of escaping the realization of the human mortality which is unveiled by the war. This role-playing begins on Henry and Catherine's third encounter. After this meeting the two become increasingly comfortable with their roles. It is as if their whole relationship is a "game". Neither one of them mistakes role-playing for a truly intimate relationship, but both recognize that it can be a useful device for satisfying certain emotional needs. This role-playing is a very dysfunctional characteristic of Frederic Henry. The second point that makes Henry a dysfunctional character is that he deserted the Italian army. Not only was this illegal but it could have cost him his life. Henry, although an American, had made a commitment to the Italian army, to protect and serve Italy. This characteristic alone is enough to make one dysfunctional, as it does to Henry. In addition to being a dysfunctional character, Henry is also a tragic character. The love that Henry gains for Catherine is pure tragedy. Although the relationship that Frederic and Catherine had started out to be only role-playing it turned into something much more, it became true love. This love was more than could be explained in words. Their love during an ugly war was not to be recreated or modeled even as much as through a baby conceived by their love. The baby could not be born alive because their love was beautiful yet doomed so that nothing could come out of it. "In a world where the abstracts of glory, honor, and sacrifice meant little to Frederic, his physical association with Catherine was the only thing he had and it was taken away from him long before she died."1 In conclusion, these three main items aid in making Henry a dysfunctional and tragic character. Henry had fled his duty as a soldier, giving up on the country he had confided in. Henry was engaged in a relationship which started as a mere game, grew into love and ultimately ended in the tragic death of his precious wife and child. Frederic Henry is a tragic and dysfunctional character in a tragic and dysfunctional story.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Horned Gopher (Ceratogaulus) - Facts and Figures

Horned Gopher (Ceratogaulus) - Facts and Figures Name: Horned Gopher; also known as Ceratogaulus (Greek for horned marten); pronounced seh-RAT-oh-GALL-us Habitat: Woodlands of North America Historical Epoch: Late Miocene (10-5 million years ago) Size and Weight: About one foot long and a few pounds Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Large head with small, beady eyes; paired horns on snout About the Horned Gopher (Ceratogaulus) One of the most improbable megafauna mammals of Miocene North America, the Horned Gopher (genus name Ceratogaulus) certainly lived up to its name: this foot-long, otherwise inoffensive gopher-like creature sported a pair of sharp horns on its snout, the only rodent ever known to have evolved such an elaborate head display. To judge by its small eyes and mole-like, long-clawed front hands, Ceratogaulus evaded the predators of its North American habitat and avoided the noonday heat by burrowing into the grounda trait shared by the prehistoric armadillo Peltephilus, the only other known horned, burrowing mammal in the fossil record. (The Horned Gopher also bears an uncanny resemblance to the mythical Jackalope, which, however, seems to have been made up out of whole cloth sometime in the 1930s.) The big question, of course, is: why did the Horned Gopher evolve horns? An amazing amount of paperwork has been expended on this mystery, the most likely answer coming to us via the process of elimination. Since both male and female Horned Gophers possessed horns of roughly the same size, these horns clearly couldnt have been a sexually selected characteristicthat is, males didnt impress females during mating season with their long hornsand the structures were oriented in such a way that they would have been of practically no use in digging. The only logical conclusion is that these horns were intended to intimidate predators; a hungry Amphicyon, for instance, might have thought twice about lunching on the bite-sized Ceratogaulus (and getting a mouthful of painful horn in the process) if a more easily swallowed creature happened to be cowering nearby.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Melchert, and Hum's Theories Essay - 1

Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Melchert, and Hum's Theories - Essay Example When we speak that there is particularly good in existence, for example, then â€Å"good† can be referred to as proper universal form (Melchert, 28). However, Aristotle challenged Plato’s argument that the nature of universals is instantiated.   He argued that all universals are attached to existing things. Aristotle believed that the nature of universal can be predicted. This is because universal only exist its relation must have occurred, is occurring or must occur in the future. Hence if a universal cannot be predicted to an object that occurred in a certain period, it cannot exist. He also maintained universal location exist within each thing on which it existed. So, according to him, the form of an orange exists within each orange, rather in the world of oranges (Melchert, 35).Teleology is a philosophical explanation that explains the fact that the final causes do exist in nature. This theory put across the assumption that human action and is existing factors in the nature of the environment (Melchert, 123).   Generally, this theory explains the purpose, end, aim, and goal of the existence of something. Aristotle explained this theory by arguing that without artificial interference, action will happen as stipulated by the natural forces affecting it. An example put across by Aristotle states that a seedling reaches to a level of the adult plant as its final cause.While explaining his metaphysics, Aristotle always argued that the final cause of an action or an object is already stipulated by nature and no force can change this outcome. Through teleology, his argument on final causes was further explained. Additionally, Aristotle has argued against many philosophers claims that all things revolve around the necessity. By this statement, Aristotle believed that the philosophers were against the purpose, end, aim and goal policy of teleology (Melchert, 112).